Genero SAML fglprofile

Genero SAML Single sign-on (SSO) implementation uses its own fglprofile file.

The file is located in $FGLDIR/web_utilities/services/saml/res/fglprofile.

This file can be modified to define the following features:
  • ODI database driver definition.
  • HTTP and HTTPS proxy configuration. This is needed only when the ImportFGL tool is used.
When to modify this file:
  • If you want a database engine other than SQLite.
  • If your GAS/JGAS installation requires proxy configuration to connect to a SAML provider.
Table 1. SAML-related configuration entries
Entry Description
proxy.http.location Location of the HTTP proxy defined as host:port or ip:port. If the port is omitted, the port 80 is used.
proxy.https.location Location of the HTTPS proxy defined as host:port or ip:port. If the port is omitted, the port 443 is used
dbi.database.saml.source Defines the data source. The default database is the SQLite "saml.db"

Defines the database driver. The default is the SQLite driver "dbmsqt"