Updating Genero Studio and its documentation

Genero Studio software and documentation can be updated via the internet.

Genero Studio needs permission to provide software update notifications. Complete the Software Update dialog to activate notifications. This dialog first appears as part of the installation of Genero Studio. When activated, you receive a notice when a software or documentation update is available. If you do not active software update notifications during the installation, you can always active at a later time.

Update notices are sent weekly. To check for updates between notices, you can use the Help > Check for Updates menu option. If any updates are available, the proper dialog displays.

Software updates

If updates are available, you are notified and redirected to the Four Js web site. The update is not automatic, you need to download the update from the Web site and manage the installation yourself.

Documentation updates

If you have notification activated and a documentation update is available:

A dialog displays asking if you want to download the documentation update. Answer Yes and the documentation bundle is downloaded. A message is written to the Output view telling you that the download finished, and a second dialog displays.

The second dialog asks you whether you want to install the update you have downloaded. Answer Yes to install the updated documentation. This overwrites the previous documentation with the new documentation.


From the documentation launched from Genero Studio (either by clicking the Help icon or by pressing the F1 key), select Help > About Genero Studio Help to see the version and build number of the current documentation set.

The Software Update notification dialog

When you first start Genero Studio after installation, the Software Update notification dialog displays. This dialog allows you to activate your update notifications.

To activate the update notifications:
  1. Check the box signifying that you agree to the terms and wish to activate software updates.
  2. Enter the email address you use to log into the Four Js web portal.
  3. Click OK.

Check your update status

To see whether updates are activated, select Tools > Preferences (or, if you are on a Mac, Genero Studio > Preferences). A message under the Software Update section tells you if updates are activated, and the name of the associated account.

Activate updates

Select Help > Check for Updates. Complete the Software Update dialog

De-activate updates

Select Tools > Preferences (or, if you are on a Mac, Genero Studio > Preferences) to access the Preferences dialog.

On the General page, under the Software Update section, click Reset.