Implement a form

Implementing a form entity on the BA diagram creates the file used to generate the form code.

  1. From the BA diagram, select a form entity.
  2. Right-click and select an option to implement the form.
    Option Description
    Implement CRUD Form Creates a new blank managed form definition file (4fdm) to design from scratch.
    Implement CRUD Form from Database Provides a wizard to create a managed form definition file (4fdm), allowing you to pick the columns and general display of your form. See Data Control wizard.
    Implement Zoom Form Creates a new blank zoom form definition file (4fdz) to design from scratch.
    Implement Zoom Form from Database Provides a wizard to create a zoom form definition file (4fdz), allowing you to pick the columns and general display of your form. See Data Control wizard.
    Implement Custom Form Creates a new blank Custom Form definition file (4fdc) to design from scratch.
    Implement Custom Form from Database Provides a wizard to create a Custom Form definition file (4fdc), allowing you to pick the columns and general display of your form.

    In general, it is recommended to use the "from Database" option. The form can be modified after it is created.

  3. Save the form to your project.
    Placeholder 4gl and xml files are created in the Intermediate Files virtual folder in the project. When the form or project is compiled, these files are populated with the logic for your form.