Add a new file type definition to settings.agconf

Modify the settings.agconf file to include a new file type based on the 4dbx database schema file type.

Before you begin: Ensure you have made a copy of the template set.

  1. Open the settings.agconf file in your template directory.
  2. In the Code Structure, find the Database section. Notice that there is a File element defining the 4dbx file type.
    <File extension="4dbx" isManaged="true" >
  3. Copy and paste this File element so that you have an additional File element in your Database element.
  4. Modify the extension attribute to use your own database extension, for example 4dbz;
    <File extension="4dbz" >
  5. Save your files.
    The code should look similar to the structure below:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <AGSettings version="5">
      <Form> </Form>
      <BusinessRecord> </BusinessRecord>
      <BusinessApplication> </BusinessApplication>
        <File extension="4dbx">
            <DynamicProperty name="widget" type="ENUM" label="Widget" 
               initialValue="Edit" description="Associated widget" 
            <DynamicProperty name="label" type="TEXT" label="Label"  initialValue="" 
               description="Associated label when generating form"/>
            <Item nodeName="column" dynamicProperties="widget;label"/>
        <File extension="4dbz">
            <DynamicProperty name="widget" type="ENUM" label="Widget" 
               initialValue="Edit" description="Associated widget" 
            <DynamicProperty name="label" type="TEXT" label="Label"  
               initialValue="" description="Associated label when generating form"/>
            <Item nodeName="column" dynamicProperties="widget;label"/>