Relation dialog functions

The BAM generates functions for working with business relation dialog code events.

Table 1. Relation dialog events
Function Name Description
PUBLIC FUNCTION dlgEvent_action_BeforeOpeningTheForm( 
   uiMode SMALLINT )
Function called by relation event before opening the form.
PUBLIC FUNCTION dlgEvent_action_AfterClosingTheForm( 
   uiMode SMALLINT )
Function called by relation event after closing the form.
PUBLIC FUNCTION dlgEvent_Relation_BeforeRunningReport(
reportAction SMALLINT,
printSettings PrintSettings_Type)
Function called to configure the report.
PUBLIC FUNCTION dlgEvent_relationName_AfterRunningReport(
Function called to perform post operations after the report is run.
PUBLIC FUNCTION dlgEvent__action_action_AfterPhoto( 
   dlg ui.DIALOG, errNo INTEGER, errMsg STRING, photoPath STRING )
Function called by relation event after taking a photo.
PUBLIC FUNCTION dlgEvent__action_action_AfterGallery( 
   dlg ui.DIALOG, errNo INTEGER, errMsg STRING, photoPath STRING )
Function called by relation event after selecting the gallery.
PUBLIC FUNCTION dlgEvent__action_action_AfterPhone( 
   dlg ui.DIALOG, errNo INTEGER, errMsg STRING, phoneNumber STRING )
Function called by relation event after calling the phone.
PUBLIC FUNCTION dlgEvent__action_action_AfterMail( 
   dlg ui.DIALOG, errNo INTEGER, errMsg STRING, mail MailSettings_Type)
Function called by relation event after sending an email.
PUBLIC FUNCTION dlgEvent__action_action_AfterSMS( 
   dlg ui.DIALOG, errNo INTEGER, errMsg STRING, sms SmsSettings_Type)
Function called by relation event after sending a text message.
PUBLIC FUNCTION dlgEvent__action_action_AfterVCard( 
   dlg ui.DIALOG, errNo INTEGER, errMsg STRING, vcard STRING, person VCPerson, 
   vcAddress VCAddress_Type, phone VCPhone_Type, email VCEmail_Type)
Function called by relation event after selecting a virtual contact card.
PUBLIC FUNCTION dlgEvent__action_action_AfterMapQuery( 
   dlg ui.DIALOG, errNo INTEGER, errMsg STRING, mapQuery STRING)
Function called by relation event after querying a map.