Fields dialog functions

The BAM generates functions for working with dialog code events at the field level.

Table 1. Fields dialog events
Function Name Description
PUBLIC FUNCTION dlgEvent_record_BeforeField_fieldName( 
   dlg ui.DIALOG, 
   uiMode SMALLINT,
   dlgCtrlInstruction libdbappEvents.DlgCtrlInstruction_Type)
  RETURNS (libdbappEvents.DlgCtrlInstruction_Type)
Function called before user enters a record field.
PUBLIC FUNCTION dlgEvent_record_AfterField_fieldName( 
   dlg ui.DIALOG, 
   uiMode SMALLINT,
   dlgCtrlInstruction libdbappEvents.DlgCtrlInstruction_Type)
  RETURNS (libdbappEvents.DlgCtrlInstruction_Type)
Function called after the user leaves a record field.
PUBLIC FUNCTION dlgEvent_record_OnChange_fieldName( 
   dlg ui.DIALOG, 
   uiMode SMALLINT,
   dlgCtrlInstruction libdbappEvents.DlgCtrlInstruction_Type)
  RETURNS (libdbappEvents.DlgCtrlInstruction_Type)
Function called after user input has changed a value in a record field.