Fields dialog events

Reference topic for the fields dialog code events set.

Table 1. Record field dialog events
Event Use when ... Function
Before Field

Use this event to set action states, initialize field values, or display messages to the user before entering a field for input or query in an INPUT, INPUT ARRAY, or CONSTRUCT dialog.

This event is triggered before the end user moves to the new field.

After Field

Use this event to implement field validation rules in an INPUT, INPUT ARRAY, or CONSTRUCT dialog. You can code to verify that a required field was not left blank, and to keep the focus on the same field so the user may enter a value.

This event is triggered after the end user moves to a new field.

On Change

Use this event to detect when a field has been changed by user input.

For example, you can verify that the field was not left blank. If so, display a message to the user.

This event is triggered after the end user moves to a new field.
