
Configure RTF output for Microsoft™.


   fromPage INTEGER,
   toPage INTEGER,
   imagesResolution INTEGER,
   imagesFormat STRING ) 
  1. fromPage - Selects the lower bound of the range of pages to include in the RTF document. The default value is 1.
  2. toPage - Selects the upper bound of the range of pages to include in the RTF document. Per default all pages are included.
  3. imagesResolution - Specifies the resolution of embedded images. In addition to Image Boxes, content from Bar Code Boxes, business charts and HTML Boxes are embedded as images.
  4. imagesFormat - One of :"png", "jpg". Controls the format of images embedded in the RTF document. Select jpg for compactness, png for lossless compression.


Function to configure RTF output.

This function is applicable when RTF output has been selected by a call to the function fgl_report_selectDevice. All arguments to this function are optional; pass a value of NULL if you don't want to set a value.

If the RTF document should be written to a file, the general functions fgl_report_setOutputFileName and fgl_report_selectPreview are available for this purpose.

For an example of Genero code using a reporting function, see Using report output functions. This example may not use the specific function discussed in this topic, however it provides details on where you would place this (and other) report output functions.