Install Genero Studio

These topics relate to the installation of the Genero Studio.

The installation and licensing of Genero products requires you to read and accept the End User License Agreement, which can be found on the Four Js website at

Installation can vary depending on the host operating system. Ensure you follow the installation instructions for your host operating system.

The Genero Studio software package includes Genero Studio, Genero Business Development Language, Genero Application Server, Genero Desktop Client, Genero Web Client, Genero Web Services, Genero Mobile and Genero Report Writer. During the installation process, you can select which components to include or exclude. By default, the wizard installs all components.

Genero Studio can be used as a standalone application, or in a client/server mode. The packages for Windows® and GNU/Linux® install client and server programs.

Use a standalone scheme when you want to use local Genero and Genero Desktop Client installations and compile files locally.

If the Genero installation and your project files are on another machine, install Genero Studio on this machine and run the server program only. You will have to declare the Genero Studio Server in your local Genero Studio (client) configuration in order to use it.


See the Genero Business Development Language User Guide for details on configuring Genero Mobile for Android™ and iOS. Those configuration topics contain additional system requirements for each mobile platform.

If you do not have a valid maintenance key for Genero, you must license the Genero Report Engine (GRE). See the Install and License your Genero Products for further details.

System requirements

For details about system requirements, refer to the Supported platforms and databases document (available on the Download page of the Four Js Web site) or contact your support center.

Genero compatibility for Genero Studio

Determine the compatibility of different versions of the Genero product family and Genero Studio.

GST 4.01 and Genero compatibility

When using Genero Studio (GST) 4.01, ensure the other Genero components are based on compatible versions.

Genero Studio 4.01 is compatible with:

  • FGLGWS 3.10 and above
  • GDC 3.10 and above

    GST may work with older versions of FGLGWS and GDC.

  • GAS 3.10 and above
  • GRE 4.01
  • GGC 2.00 (included with FGLGWS 3.21) and above
  • GMI 4.01
  • GMA 4.01

Genero Studio 3.21 and Genero compatibility

When using Genero Studio (GST) 3.21, ensure the other Genero components are based on compatible versions.

Genero Studio 3.21 is compatible with:

  • FGLGWS 3.10 and above
  • GDC 3.10 and above

    GST may work with older versions of FGLGWS and GDC.

  • GAS 3.10 and above
  • GRE 3.21
  • GGC 2.00

Install Genero Studio on UNIX platforms

Follow these steps to install Genero Studio on GNU/Linux and UNIX™.

The installation and licensing of Genero products requires you to read and accept the End User License Agreement, which can be found on the Four Js website at

On UNIX platforms, your system must use UTF-8 for encoding since the system resources accessed by Genero Studio must use UTF-8 encoding. These system resources include:
  • File paths and names
  • Parameters passed to applications.
  • The name and content of environment variables.
  • Name of logged user, network resources, and so on.

File content does not need to be encoded in UTF-8, as this is managed internally by Genero Studio.

If you include the GRE as part of your GST installation, you must have Java installed. You will be asked to provide the Java directory as part of the installation. For details about supported Java versions, refer to the Supported platforms and databases document on the Download page of the Four Js Web site.

JGAS and GMA also require Java. If you plan on using JGAS and GMA, it is recommended to have Java installed before you install Genero Studio.


Genero Studio requires specific libraries to be installed on Linux systems. The list of libraries will depend on your OS and Genero Studio version. If the libraries are not present, the installation can fail or -- after installation -- Genero Studio can fail to start. If you encounter these issues, contact your local support for a list of what libraries are required.

  1. Type the following command to start the installation:

    $ sh


    $ sh

  2. Follow the instructions provided on the screen.

When the installation is complete, see Configuring Genero Studio. Ensure you have the required version of Java installed and that the Java settings are configured correctly. In your Java SDK environment set, ensure the JAVA_HOME environment variable specifies the location of the Java directory.

Install Genero Studio on UNIX platforms in silent mode

Install Genero Studio silently on GNU/Linux and UNIX platforms.

Before you begin: Ensure that your PATH environment variable contains the full path to the java binary that you want to use with Genero Studio tools.

To start the installation, type the following:

./ -a -q --no-desktop -t install_dir

For example:

./ -a -q --no-desktop -t $PWD/fjs-gst-4.00


Table 1 shows the options relating to installation.

Table 1. UNIX install options
Install option Description
-a or --accept Bypass the display and the prompt for acceptance of the license agreement. Using the -a option indicates that you have read and accepted the End User License Agreement, located on the Four Js website at
-c or --check Check integrity of the archive and of bzip2/tar binaries embedded in this program.

-f backup|overwrite|remove or

--force backup|overwrite|remove

Specify what happens if the installation directory already exists:
  • backup: Back up the installation directory.
  • overwrite: Overwrite installation file.
  • remove: Delete installation directory before installing.
-k or --keep Do not delete working directory when done.
-l or --list Print the list of files in the archive.
-h or --help Display help about all possible options.
-i or --install Install the product.

This option is not recommended. It is included only for backward compatibility.

-s license or

--show license

Display the license of the product.
-n or --nocheck Escape the checksum test on the archive included in the installer.
-q or --quiet Silent mode with no UI. If -q is not specified, the interactive installer is used.
-r or --root Allow the 'root' user to install the package.

Installing as root is not recommended. It is recommended that you install while logged in as a non-root user.

-V or --version Show the version number.

-t install_dir or

--target install_dir

Install the product in the specified target directory. If this option is not specified, the default installation is used.

-w working_dir or

--work working_dir

Specify the working directory. By default, a temporary directory is created in $TMPDIR or /tmp.
-x or --extract Extract the contents of this program, but do not run fglgws-installer. This option implies --keep.
--no-desktop Desktop bindings are not installed, which means:
  • Desktop and system menu icons are not created.
  • File types are not automatically associated with the product.

Install Genero Studio on Windows

Procedure to install Genero Studio on Windows.

The installation and licensing of Genero products requires you to read and accept the End User License Agreement, which can be found on the Four Js website at

If you include the GRE as part of your GST installation, you must have Java installed. You will be asked to provide the Java directory as part of the installation. For details about supported Java versions, refer to the Supported platforms and databases document on the Download page of the Four Js Web site.

JGAS and GMA also require Java. If you plan on using JGAS and GMA, it is recommended to have Java installed before you install Genero Studio.

  1. Execute the package name to start the Setup Wizard.




  2. When the Welcome page displays, click Next.
  3. End-User License Agreement - Read and accept the license agreement and click Next.
  4. Third-Party License Agreement - Read and accept the terms of the license agreement and click Next.
  5. Setup Type - Select your machine type and components:
    • Workstation or Server - Full installs the entire product suite.
    • Workstation - Minimal installs the workstation for development using a Studio Server only.
    • Server - Minimal installs the server tools only.
    Click Next.
  6. Destination Folder - Specify the destination folder for your Genero installation (or use the default) and click Next.
  7. Start Menu Folder - Select the folder and click Next.
  8. Licensing - If you want to license the product directly after it is installed, select the appropriate check boxes:
    • License Genero Business Language - Select if you want to install the BDL. This is the default.
    • License Genero Report Engine - Select only if you have a specific GRE license.

    For further information about licensing types, see How Genero Licensing Works.

    If you deselect all check boxes, you need to license the product at a later time. See the Install and License your Genero Products for further details.

    Click Next to continue.

  9. Java™ Virtual Machine - Select an installed JVM version and click Next.

    The binary format of GST must match the binary format of the JVM. For example, a 64-bit GST requires a 64-bit JVM.

  10. Ready to install - Click Install to begin the installation.
  11. If you chose to license Studio during the installation, the License Information appears as well as the maintenance key (if available). Click Install. Alternatively, select the check box to use the Four Js Activation Server.
    1. Enter the license number and the license key, and click Install.
    2. Enter the maintenance key and click Update Key.
    3. Click Quit to leave the License Information dialog.
  12. Click Finish.

    The installation completes and the install wizard closes.

When the installation is complete, see Configuring Genero Studio. Ensure you have the required version of Java installed and that the Java settings are configured correctly. In your Java SDK environment set, ensure the JAVA_HOME environment variable specifies the location of the Java directory.

Install Genero Studio on Windows in silent mode

Install Genero Studio on Windows platforms using the MSI installer.

The installation and licensing of Genero products requires you to read and accept the End User License Agreement, which can be found on the Four Js website at

The msiexec utility provides the means to install, modify, and perform operations on Windows Installer from the command line. The /qn option allows you to install in silent mode. The msiexec utility expects an msi file. To be compliant with Microsoft® User Access Control (UAC) requirements, the msi file is embedded inside an exe file. To extract the msi file from the exe file, use the /x option:

fjs-gst-version-build-osident.exe /x

For example:

fjs-gst-4.00-build123456-w64v120.exe /x

A msi file is created in the same directory and with the same name as the exe file.


Table 2 shows the most common options for msiexec relating to installation and un-installation.

Table 2. msiexec install and uninstall options
msiexec option Description
/qn Silent mode with no UI. If /qn is not specified, the graphical installer is used.
/i package-name.msi Install the specified msi package.
/x package-name.msi Uninstall the specified msi package.
/log logfile Write processing info to the specified log file.
/l*vx logfile Provide verbose (detailed) logs in the specified log file.

Enter msiexec from the command prompt to view the complete list of available options.


You can pass arguments to the msiexec installer on the command line.

Table 3. Arguments for the msiexec installer
Argument Description
PRODUCTDIR=your_gstdir_path Path where GST will be installed. It is an alias of GSTDIR.
GENEROSTUDIODIR=your_gstdir_path Path where GST will be installed. It is an alias of GSTDIR.
STARTMENUFOLDER=your_startmenufolder_path Customize the location for the shortcuts in the startmenu. For example: "fjs\gst"
ADDLOCAL=option Use option to set the features to install.
Option Description
ALL Install Genero Studio (GSTIDE), all Genero Studio file associations (GSTFILEASSOC), Genero Studio to the context menu (GSTIDECONTEXTMENU), Genero Desktop Client and its file associations (GDC + GDCFILEASSOCGDC), Genero Business Development Language (FGL), Genero Report Engine (GRE), and the Genero Application Server (GAS)
GSTIDE Install Genero Studio (mandatory).
GSTFILEASSOC Install all Genero Studio file associations.
GSTFILEASSOCSOURCEFILES Install all Genero Studio source file associations.
GSTFILEASSOCBINARYFILES Install all Genero Studio binary file associations.
GSTFILEASSOCWEBXMLFILES Install all Genero Studio WebXML file associations.
GSTIDECONTEXTMENU Install Genero Studio to the context menu.
GDC Install the Genero Desktop Client (GDC).
GDCFILEASSOCGDC Install the GDC file associations.
FGL Install the FGLGWS package, which includes Genero Business Development Language (BDL), Genero Application Server for Java (JGAS), Genero Browser Client (GBC), and Genero Ghost Client (GGC).
GRE Install the Genero Report Engine (GRE).
GAS Install the Genero Application Server (GAS).
JAVADIR=your_jvm_path Location of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). This option is required for the Genero Report Engine (GRE).
FORCEREMOVEPRODUCTDIR=YES On uninstall, force the removal of the PRODUCTDIR directory, even if it is not empty. For any value other than YES, keep the files in the PRODUCTDIR location. Default value: "".

Quotes are only required around the argument value when a space character is in the value string.


To determine the required arguments for the silent installation, run the installer graphically and generate a log file that records your choices. The log file will contain the argument values for your command line script. This is particularly useful for the ADDLOCAL argument, which can be complex.

  1. Install the product using the graphical installer (without /qn) and specify a log file, for example:
    msiexec /i fjs-gst-4.00.02-build167272-w64v141.msi /l gst_install.log
  2. Open the log file.
  3. Search the log file for the arguments you need, for example ADDLOCAL and PRODUCTDIR. Copy the values.
  4. Install the product again (you may need to uninstall first), this time using silent mode (with /qn) and specifying the copied arguments. For example:
    msiexec /qn /i fjs-gst-4.00.02-build167272-w64v141.msi PRODUCTDIR="C:\Program Files\FourJs\Genero Studio\4.00.02\" ADDLOCAL="GENEROSTUDIO,GSTIDE,GDC,FGL,GRE,
  5. Save the installation instructions to a script, so it can be reused and distributed.

Silent install example

This command installs GST 3.20.03 with all products, and sets the location of the Java Virtual Machine (JRE):

msiexec /qn /i fjs-gst-3.20.03-build155239-alpha-w64v120.msi /log gst.log PRODUCTDIR="c:\fjs\gst32003\" ADDLOCAL=ALL JAVADIR="C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_80\bin"

Silent uninstall example

This command removes GST 3.10.05 and removes the product directory:

msiexec /qn /x fjs-gst-3.10.05-build155239-alpha-w64v120.msi /log gst_remove.log FORCEREMOVEPRODUCTDIR=YES

Install Genero Studio on macOS (GUI installer)

Procedure to install Genero Studio on macOS™.

Before you begin

The installation and licensing of Genero products requires you to read and accept the End User License Agreement, which can be found on the Four Js website at

You need a macOS and an user account which has administrator access level.

You need the GST .dmg package.


For example:


A Java installation is required. You will need to install Java separately, either before or after the Genero installation. For details about Java version requirements, refer to the Supported platforms and databases document (available on the Download page of the Four Js Web site) or contact your support center.

Genero packages for Apple® Mac® and the macOS operating system are provided as x86 packages, which are designed to run on Intel® processors. Rosetta enables a Mac with Apple silicon to use apps built for a Mac with an Intel processor. If you are using such a machine, you will be asked to install Rosetta the first time you install or open your Genero app. Rosetta works automatically in the background whenever you use an app that was built only for Mac computers with an Intel processor. It translates the app for use with Apple silicon. If Rosetta is already installed, you are not asked to install it again.

About this task

Follow these instructions to install Genero Studio.

  1. Doubleclick on the dmg package in the finder.
    The dmg mounts. You have a new icon on your desktop with the same name as the installation file; for example, fjs-gst-4.01.01-build202211071225-m64x1014.
  2. Doubleclick on the new icon.
    It will display a new window containing the name of the package; for example, fjs-gst-4.01.01-build202211071225-m64x1014.pkg.
  3. Doubleclick on the pkg package name to launch the installation process.
    The GUI installer can be installed GST in /Applications or $HOME/Applications. You can have several GST installed in the same time.
  4. Follow the installation instructions presented by the wizard.

If the installation fails, see the Troubleshooting Genero Studio Installation Issues on macOS (GUI installer) page.

When the installation is complete, see Configuring Genero Studio. Ensure you have the required version of Java installed and that the Java settings are configured correctly. In your Java SDK environment set, ensure the JAVA_HOME environment variable specifies the location of the Java directory.

Troubleshooting Genero Studio Installation Issues on macOS (GUI installer)

Here are troubleshooting tips for issues you may encounter when installing Genero Studio on macOS in GUI mode.

Review the installation logs

Review the installer logs to identify a failed installation error. Determine if it is an issue that you can resolve or one that needs the assistance of your local Four Js support center:
  1. When the installation process begins, you will have a "Window" menu. Go to the Window menu and choose the Installer Log item. It launches a window where the installation logs are displayed.
  2. To the left of the new window, you can choose Show all logs from a combobox.
  3. When the installation process ends (with or without error), you can use the save button to create a file containing all log messages.

Installation download is blocked

If you see a warning dialog during installation similar to the following, check your system's security settings.
"fjs-gst-version-build-m64x1014.pkg" can't be opened
because Apple cannot check it for malicious software.

This software needs to be updated.
Contact the developer for more information.
This warning is a security mechanism to protect your computer from malware:
  • Go to:
    • System Preferences > Security & Privacy page (macOS Ventura)
    • System Preferences > Security & Privacy > General page (macOS Monterey).

    The page lists the blocked file.

  • Select the option that allows you to install the application.

I am being asked to install Rosetta

Genero packages for Apple Mac and the macOS operating system are provided as x86 packages, which are designed to run on Intel processors. Rosetta enables a Mac with Apple silicon to use apps built for a Mac with an Intel processor. If you are using such a machine, you will be asked to install Rosetta the first time you install or open your Genero app. Rosetta works automatically in the background whenever you use an app that was built only for Mac computers with an Intel processor. It translates the app for use with Apple silicon. If Rosetta is already installed, you are not asked to install it again.

Install Genero Studio on macOS (command line)

Procedure to install Genero Studio on macOS.

Before you begin

The installation and licensing of Genero products requires you to read and accept the End User License Agreement, which can be found on the Four Js website at

You need a macOS and an user account which has administrator access level.

You need the GST .dmg package.


For example:


A Java installation is required. You will need to install Java separately, either before or after the Genero installation. For details about Java version requirements, refer to the Supported platforms and databases document (available on the Download page of the Four Js Web site) or contact your support center.

  1. Open a terminal.
  2. Mount the dmg file using the hdiutil tool:
    hdiutil mount fjs-gst-version-buildYYYYMMDDhhmm-osident.dmg
    hdiutil mount fjs-gst-fjs-gst-4.01.01-build202211071225-l64xl217.dmg
  3. Launch the install process:
    sudo installer -pkg /Volumes/fjs-gst-version-buildYYYYMMDDhhmm-osident/fjs-gst-version-buildYYYYMMDDhhmm-osident.pkg/ -target "/Volumes/Macintosh HD"
    sudo installer -pkg /Volumes/fjs-gst-4.01.01-build202211071225-m64x1014/fjs-gst-4.01.01-build202211071225-m64x1014.pkg/ -target "/Volumes/Macintosh HD"
  4. Change the owner of $HOME/.Fourjs:
    sudo chown -R [My Account]:staff $HOME/.Fourjs
  5. Umount the dmg:
    hdiutil unmount /Volumes/fjs-gst-version-buildYYYYMMDDhhmm-osident
    hdiutil unmount /Volumes/fjs-gst-4.01.01-build202211071225-m64x1014

When the installation is complete, see Configuring Genero Studio. Ensure you have the required version of Java installed and that the Java settings are configured correctly. In your Java SDK environment set, ensure the JAVA_HOME environment variable specifies the location of the Java directory.

Debug the Genero Studio Install on macOS (command line)

Procedure to debug the install Genero Studio on macOS.

To debug a failed installation, use the following command line:

sudo installer -pkg /Volumes/fjs-gst-2.50.00-buildxxxxxx-m64x106/fjs-gst-2.50.00-buildxxxxxx-m64x106.pkg/ -target "/Volumes/Macintosh HD" -dumplog -verbose 2>&1 | tee fjs-gst-2.50.00-buildxxxxxx-m64x106.log