Implement reports

The report record contains the data definition, structure, and table relationships required to generate a rdd (Report Data definition file). The rdd file is used in conjunction with a Genero report definition (4rp) file to automatically generate the reports.

  1. Right-click on the Report Data entity and select Implement Report Data from Database. Select the desired tables and columns.
  2. Select the business record to display its properties. Make sure that the active property is checked and that the masterTable property contains the database table name.

    Figure: Populated Record

    This figure is a screenshot of a populated record.
  3. If more than one table was added to the record, select the Query property and specify the joins between the tables in the Query Editor.
  4. Confirm that the unique key property is set on the field in the record that represents the primary (unique) key in the database table.
  5. Save the Report Data file (4rd) to your project.
  6. Build the application. The needed data definition file (rdd) is generated for you.
  7. Run the application. Notice that additional actions have been added to the Toolbar and Topmenu for reports.
  8. Select Preview from the Toolbar to view the report. The report will run using the default layout. You can add a Report Design Document (4rp) to customize the look and feel of the report.