
Describes the current state of the program.


i[nfo ] { breakpoints |sources | program | stack | files |  
           line (linespec | module:line  | function } }
  1. breakpoints lists the breakpoints that you have set.
  2. sources prints the names of all the source files in your program.
  3. program displays the status of your program.
  4. stack summarizes how your program got where it is.
  5. files lists the names of the executable file and core dump files currently in use, and the files from which symbols were loaded.
  6. line linespec maps the specified source code line to program addresses.
  7. line module:line maps the specified source code line to program addresses.
  8. line function prints the program addresses for the first line of the function named function.


The info command describes the state of your program.

The command info line linespec prints the starting and ending addresses of the compiled code for the source line specified. See the list command for all the ways that you can specify the source code line.


(fgldb) info sources
Source files for which symbols have been read in:
mymodule.4gl, fglwinexec.4gl, fglutil.4gl, fgldialog.4gl, fgldummy4js.4gl