Project Manager context menu

Select a node in the project and right-click to display a menu of context relevant actions. Select multiple nodes using Ctrl-click.

Table 1. Project Manager Context Menu
Menu Option Usage
New Group Create a new node in the project .
Import Project Import one or more existing files to project . See Import existing files as a new project
Compute Dependencies Remove and recompute all the dependencies between all applications and libraries.
Build Build default application. Compile and link files in the default application.
Rebuild Rebuild selected or default application.
Clean Clean all of selected. Erase all output files defined in the Build and Link rules.
Open Dependency Diagram Opens Dependency Diagram
Cut/Copy/Paste Cut, copy, or paste from clipboard.
Rename Rename node.
Delete Delete selected item.
Delete from Disk Delete file from disk.
SCM If a file is under Version Control, additional options from the context menu are available to commit, update and revert. See Source Code Management - SVN.
New Group/Application/Library/Virtual Folder/File Create a new node in the project .
Add External Project Add a library from a different project to the current project. See Using external libraries.
Edit Build Rules See What are build rules
Display Environment Displays the values of system environment and current Genero Studio configuration environment variables and of the local node variables used by Project Manager.
Advanced Properties Set dependencies between applications and libraries, pre/post-link commands and environment variables. See Advanced Properties dialog. The Dependency property always must be set if the project consists of both application and library nodes.
Set as Default Application Set the selected application as the default. Only one application can be the default at one time. By default, the first application created is the default application. The default application node is boldfaced in the project tree. The options on the Build menu execute for the default application.
New File Create a new file to add to an Application or Library node. See File >> New
Add Files Locate in file system and add existing files to an application or library node. This adds a link to the given file in the project ; it does not physically move the files. All the files must be located on the same drive.
Open Dependency Diagram See Dependency Diagrams
Add Web Service See Add Web Service
Execute Execute selected application. If multiple applications are selected, they will be run sequentially.
Execute with Profiler Execute selected application with Profiler. See Profiler
Debug Launch the Debugger for selected application. Multiple selections can not be debugged.
Open Open the selected file in Code Editor or Form Designer, depending on the file type.
Locate in File Browser Locate file in File Browser.
Compile File Compile the selected file.