Advanced Properties dialog

The Advanced Properties dialog provides access to setting Dependencies, Pre/Post link commands, and Environment variables for Group, Library, Application, or File nodes in the project.

To access the Advanced Properties dialog right-click on a selected Group, Library, Application, or File node and select Advanced Properties.

This figure is a screenshot of the Advanced Properties dialog.

Figure 1. Advanced Properties dialog

Table 1. Advanced Properties Pages
Page Usage
Dependencies (for Application, Library nodes) A list of the available libraries from the current Project is displayed. Any library that must be included in the build of the node should be checked.
Pre/Post link command (for Application, Library nodes) Shell scripts or other programs to be executed before/after linking. Enter the command in the appropriate text box. Enter the complete path of the script or program, if necessary. For example, if the script myscript is in /home/user/scripts, and this directory is included in the PATH environment variable of the system, enter myscript. Otherwise, enter /home/user/scripts/myscript.
Pre/post compile command (for File nodes) Shell scripts or other programs to be executed before/after compiling. Enter the command in the appropriate text box, providing the complete path to the script or program if the path is not part of the PATH environment variable of the system.
Environment variables (for Group, Application, Library nodes) Existing variables can be defined or redefined. The Genero Variables list displays a list of environment variable settings that are automatically computed by Genero Studio, and cannot be altered, although they can be redefined in Project variables. For example, if there are several applications that use different FGLPROFILE files, set a specific FGLPROFILE environment variable for each one. Predefined node variables can be used in the value. The User Variables list are variables defined by the user. Use the integrated Toolbar to add, edit, or delete a variable.