Zoom form entity

A Zoom Form generates a form used to select a value from a list and return the value to the program. It is generally related to a CRUD form field to assist the user with completing the form data entry.

A Zoom form entity is represented as a 4fdz file which can be opened and edited in Form Designer.

When a Zoom form entity is implemented from the diagram, the 4fdz file is created as well as 4gl source files that contain the logic to allow a user to pick a value from a list that is displayed in a form in a popup window.

Any changes to the Zoom form entity properties in the BA diagram or in the 4fdz file are included in the subsequent re-generating of the program code.

The generated code can be customized.

Properties can be set specify how the form should behave during the various states (DISPLAY, SEARCH).

Right-click the Zoom Form entity in the diagram to display a context menu of options.

Table 1. Context Menu Options
Menu Option Description
Open Form Opens form in Form Designer.
Implement Zoom Creates a new blank zoom form definition file (4fdz) to design from scratch.
Implement Zoom from Database Provides a wizard to create a zoom form definition file (4fdz), allowing you to pick the columns and general display of your form. This option is generally preferred. The form can be modified after it is created.
Convert to Converts entity from one type to another.
Locate in Project Locates and highlights the selected item in the project.
Filter Items... The Filter View dialog allows you to hide and show items on a diagram.