Genero Archive (GAR) packaging

A Genero Archive (GAR) packages your application for deployment to the Genero Application Server.

To create a packaging node for your Genero Archive:
  1. Add a package.
  2. For the Platform property, select "Genero Application Server".
Note: The application configuration file (.xcf) should be included in the package. See Create a custom configuration for Web applications.
A default manifest is generated for the package. If you want to create a custom manifest, see the Genero Application Server User Guide; the menu option File >> New, Web / AS, Genero Archive MANIFEST creates this template:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<MANIFEST xmlns:xsi=""
  <DESCRIPTION>manifest description</DESCRIPTION>
  <TRIGGERS component="component_name">
  <APPLICATION xcf="application.xcf" />
  <SERVICE xcf="service.xcf" />