Welcome to Genero Enterprise |
Genero Enterprise provides an integrated development environment that you can use for the creation of applications to deploy to desktop, web, cloud, and mobile clients.
Genero BDL is a simple, easy-to-learn programming language for data-intensive business applications. Use Genero BDL to build an interactive database application, a program that handles the interaction between a user and a database.
SQL statements to communicate with database servers are a part of BDL. Dynamic SQL management allows you to execute any SQL statement that is valid for your database version, in addition to those included as part of the BDL.
Built-in classes and predefined functions support BDL features and enhance rapid application development. Using the Genero classes and functions, you can manipulate your application's user interface at runtime and perform other common application tasks.
Data types supported by the language include user types, which you can be defined as synonyms of existing data types, or as shortcuts for records and array structures.
A Genero application presents its user interface as windows and forms. Interactive elements on the forms (such as buttons, toolbars, and menus) allow the user to trigger actions within the application.
Forms can be designed using the graphical Genero Studio Form Designer, directly in text files, or built dynamically by the application.
The XML-based Abstract Presentation Layer allows a single Genero source code stream to support different user interfaces. Genero client software, such as the Genero Desktop Client or the Genero Web Client, display an application's interface on the client machines.
Figure 1. How the AUI tree functions
The DVM's n-tier architecture enables the distribution of applications and databases through firewalls and across distributed networks.
Figure 2. Dynamic Virtual Machine executes p-code
Using the Genero Open Database Interface architecture a Genero application can connect to database servers from different database vendors, including Oracle™, IBM™ DB2™, PostgreSQL™, SQL Server™, MySQL™, IBM Informix™, SQLite™, and Sybase™.
Compatibility guides for writing portable SQL are provided in the Genero Business Development Language User Guide.
A Genero application can connect to different database servers simultaneously by issuing simple CONNECT TO and SET CONNECT instructions.
Genero support for Web Services is built in to Genero BDL.
Genero developers do not need to learn intricate programming to use Web Services; they can use simple embedded commands in BDL to create and use Web services.
Web Services work by answering requests for information and returning data in structured XML documents. As XML is simple text and Web Services can be invoked via the hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP), it does not matter what platform runs the Web Service.
Typically, web services use the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) or Representational State Transfer (REST) protocols to define the communication and structure of messages.
The Genero Desktop Client is a front end client that displays application screens natively on your Windows, Linux, or MAC OS. The GDC also allows you to run your application through the GAS, yet deliver it locally using the GDC. Shortcuts can store the information necessary to start an application.
Figure 3. Genero Desktop Client
The Genero Application Server (GAS) is an engine that allows you to develop Genero applications for delivery to Genero front-end clients for both the desktop and the web. No changes to your Genero application source code and form program files are required; the same Genero application can be displayed in a browser or as a desktop application.
The GAS is embedded with a Web Server; it includes dispatcher and proxy processes to enable the GAS to be interfaced with a Web Server to handle requests from the Internet. For development cycle you can install the GAS locally and use the GAS's Standalone HTTP capabilities to serve the web page. But a Web server (e.g. Apache™ httpd, lighttpd, nginx, or Microsoft™ ISAPI) must be included for deployment.
The Genero Web Client component of the GAS supports development of both highly scalable database-oriented web applications, and enterprise applications that provide web and desktop interfaces to their functionality. You can customize and control how the Web Client renders the application to provide a more web-like interface when the application is displayed in a browser. This is done by the front end client software rendering the Genero applications for display in standard HTML browsers.
The GAS establishes and manages the communication between Genero front end client software (GDC or GWC) and the DVM. Communication between the front-end client and the GAS is handled by the Genero dispatcher, which routes requests from the Web Server to the correct GAS daemon. Several GAS daemons can be configured to load balance the requests.
The GAS also manages a pool of DVMs for Web Services applications.