Controls the collation of multiple copies on the printer.
sheetCollate STRING)
- sheetCollate - Can be either
Specifies whether or not the pages of the document are to be in sequence, when multiple copies of
the document are specified by the fgl_report_setPrinterCopies
function. When
sheetCollate is "collated
", each copy of the document is printed
with the pages in sequence. When sheetCollate is "uncollated
each page is printed a number of times equal to the value of the
attribute in succession.
For example, suppose a document produces two pages as output,
is 6, and sheetCollate is
"; in this case six copies of the first page are printed, followed by
six copies of the second page.
It is not recommended to set
sheetCollate to
", because it requires
caching the entire document and this is undesirable
for large documents. If necessary, produce the
document the required number of times.
Setting this option reduces the set of usable printers to those who are able to perform the collation as requested.
The function fails if the argument is not one of the specified values.
For an example of Genero code using a reporting function, see Using report output functions. This example may not use the specific function discussed in this topic, however it provides details on where you would place this (and other) report output functions.