Four Js Genero Report Writer
FourJs.Report.Runtime.Printer Class Reference

A javax.print.attribute.HashPrintRequestAttributeSet for selecting and configuring a Printer as output device. /summary> More...

Inheritance diagram for FourJs.Report.Runtime.Printer:

Static Public Attributes

static String legalCopyright = Version.CLASS_COPYRIGHT


string printerFidelity [get, set]
string printerName [get]
Dictionary< string, string > pjlVariables [get, set]
string printerChromaticity [get]
string printerMediaSizeName [get]
string printerMediaTray [get]
string printerMediaName [get, set]
string printerJobSheets [get, set]
string printerOrientationRequested [get]
string printerPrintQuality [get, set]
string printerSheetCollate [get, set]
string printerCopies [get]
string printerSides [get]
string printerJobMediaSheets [get, set]
string printerJobImpressions [get, set]
string printerJobName [get, set]
string printerJobPriority [get, set]
string printerNumberUp [get, set]
string printerPageRanges [get]
string printerResolution [get]
string printerRequestingUserName [get, set]
string printerDestination [get, set]
string printerWriteToFile [get]

Detailed Description

A javax.print.attribute.HashPrintRequestAttributeSet for selecting and configuring a Printer as output device. /summary>

Processing large documents

For documents not containing "Page N of M" paginations the delay between input and output is one page and memory consumption is nearly constant. For documents containing "Page N of M" paginations the latency is M pages and the memory consumption is linear within a pagination block and hence can exhaust heap space if individual blocks are very large.