Four Js Genero Report Writer
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 CAbstractStreamingClientClass for configuring output to the streaming client.
 CBrowserViewerClass for configuring output for viewing in a browser.
 CDataConsumerInterface for processors located at the head of the processing pipe.
 CExcelRendererClass for configuring Excel (XLS/XLSX) output.
 CFileViewerClass for configuring desktop file viewing. The document is copied to the client and opened their with the default application associated with the file suffix. This feature requires a DVM installation to run the utility application "gviewdoc.42x" and the desktop client GDC.
 CFormatProducerSuperclass for processors producing viewable content.
 CFormatWriterClass for writing documents to files.
 CFourRpLayouterClass for conversion of a XML data stream to a layouted PXML document via a ".4rp" template. This class exists for convenience and is a composition of the classes FourRpProcessor and PXMLLayouter containing the methods of both classes. For details refer to the respective documentation.
 CFourRpProcessorClass for conversion of a XML data stream to a PXML document via a ".4rp" template. The template is expected to match the XML data stream. To ensure that, the template is edited against the XML schema (".xsd") of the data stream using the report designer. The schema of the data stream can be conveniently created by the JAXB schema generator schemagen (see Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB)) The data stream can be conveniently created using the JAXB marshaller (see javax.xml.bind.JAXB).
 CHTMLRendererClass for configuring HTML output.
 CImageRendererClass for configuring image (bitmap) output.
 CLabelMapperClass for configuring label output.
 CLayoutedPagesProducerSuperclass for processors producing layouted (paged) content.
 CMultiPageMapperClass for rendering several pages of a report on a single physical page.
 CPageMapperAbstract superclass for classes performing logical to physical page mapping.
 CPDFRendererClass for configuring PDF output.
 CPostscriptRendererClass for selecting Postscript output.
 CPrinterA javax.print.attribute.HashPrintRequestAttributeSet for selecting and configuring a Printer as output device. /summary>
 CPXMLConsumerTag interface for processors accepting PXML input.
 CPXMLLayouterClass for conversion of a PXML data stream to a layouted PXML document. The processor transforms the page markup stream into individual pages each containing only object for which position and size are known in absolute coordinates.
 CPXMLProducerSuperclass for classes that produce PXML streams.
 CRemoteConnectionClass for configuring a connection to a remote GRE server.
 CResUtility class for retrieving localized strings
 CRTFRendererClass for configuring RTF output.
 CStreamingClientDefaultPrinterClass for configuring output to the streaming client to print to the default printer.
 CStreamingClientNamedPrinterClass for configuring output to the streaming client selecting a specific printer by name and configuring it.
 CStreamingClientPrinterDialogClass for configuring output to the streaming client to show the local print dialog and print on confirmation.
 CStreamingClientViewerClass for configuring output to the streaming viewer.
 CSVGRendererClass for configuring SVG output.