Class Invoice

  • public class Invoice
    extends Object

    Cross Industry Invoice


    • Constructor Detail

      • Invoice

        public Invoice​(Identifier invoiceNumber,
                       Codes.InvoiceTypeCode invoiceTypeCode,
                       LocalDate invoiceIssueDate,
                       String sellerName,
                       String buyerName,
                       Codes.Currency invoiceCurrencyCode,
                       Amount invoiceTotalAmountWithoutVAT,
                       Amount invoiceTotalAmountWithVAT,
                       Amount amountDueForPayment)
        Creates an Invoice object
        invoiceNumber - BT-1:Invoice number

        A unique identification of the Invoice.

        The sequential number required in Article 226(2) of the directive 2006/112/EC [2], to uniquely identify the Invoice within the business context, time-frame, operating systems and records of the Seller. It may be based on one or more series of numbers, which may include alphanumeric characters. No identification scheme is to be used.

        CHORUSPRO: the invoice number is limited to 20 characters

        BR-2: An Invoice shall have an Invoice number (BT-1).

        invoiceTypeCode - BT-3:Invoice type code

        A code specifying the functional type of the Invoice.

        Commercial invoices and credit notes are defined according the entries in UNTDID 1001 [6].Other entries of UNTDID 1001 [6] with specific invoices or credit notes may be used if applicable.

        The types of documents used are:380: Commercial Invoice381: Credit note384: Corrected invoice389: Self-billied invoice (created by the buyer on behalf of the supplier)261: Self billed credit note (not accepted by CHORUSPRO)386: Prepayment invoice751: Invoice information for accounting purposes (not accepted by CHORUSPRO)

        BR-4: An Invoice shall have an Invoice type code (BT-3).

        invoiceIssueDate - BT-2:Invoice issue date

        The date when the Invoice was issued.

        CHORUSPRO: the issue date must be before or equal to the deposit date.

        BR-3: An Invoice shall have an Invoice issue date (BT-2).

        sellerName - BT-27:Seller name

        The full formal name by which the Seller is registered in the national registry of legal entities or as a Taxable person or otherwise trades as a person or persons.

        BR-6: An Invoice shall contain the Seller name (BT-27).

        buyerName - BT-44:Buyer name

        The full name of the Buyer.

        CHORUS PRO: this field is limied to 99 characters.

        BR-7: An Invoice shall contain the Buyer name (BT-44).

        invoiceCurrencyCode - BT-5:Invoice currency code

        The currency in which all Invoice amounts are given, except for the Total VAT amount in accounting currency.

        Only one currency shall be used in the Invoice, except for the Invoice total VAT amount in accounting currency (BT-111) in accordance with article 230 of Directive 2006/112/EC on VAT [2].The lists of valid currencies are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency “Codes for the representation of currencies and funds”.

        CHORUS PRO: Invoices and credit notes or Chorus Pro are mono-currencies only.

        BR-5: An Invoice shall have an Invoice currency code (BT-5).

        invoiceTotalAmountWithoutVAT - BT-109:Invoice total amount without VAT

        The total amount of the Invoice without VAT.

        The Invoice total amount without VAT is the Sum of Invoice line net amount minus Sum of allowances on document level plus Sum of charges on document level.

        BR-13: An Invoice shall have the Invoice total amount without VAT (BT-109).BR-CO-13: Invoice total amount without VAT (BT-109) = ? Invoice line net amount (BT-131) - Sum of allowances on document level (BT-107) + Sum of charges on document level (BT-108).

        invoiceTotalAmountWithVAT - BT-112:Invoice total amount with VAT

        The total amount of the Invoice with VAT.

        The Invoice total amount with VAT is the Invoice total amount without VAT plus the Invoice total VAT amount.

        BR-14: An Invoice shall have the Invoice total amount with VAT (BT-112).BR-CO-15: Invoice total amount with VAT (BT-112) = Invoice total amount without VAT (BT-109) + Invoice total VAT amount (BT-110).

        amountDueForPayment - BT-115:Amount due for payment

        The outstanding amount that is requested to be paid.

        This amount is the Invoice total amount with VAT minus the paid amount that has been paid in advance. The amount is zero in case of a fully paid Invoice. The amount may be negative; in that case the Seller owes the amount to the Buyer.

        BR-15: An Invoice shall have the Amount due for payment (BT- 115).BR-CO-16: Amount due for payment (BT-115) = Invoice total amount with VAT (BT-112) -Paid amount (BT-113) + Rounding amount (BT-114).

    • Method Detail

      • setRecompute

        public void setRecompute​(boolean value)
        Controls the computation of computed fields like getInvoiceTotalAmountWithoutVAT() By default the values are always computed but in the case that the values were explicitly set (e.g. after creating and instance via fromXML(String,boolean)), it might be desirable to obtain the explicitly set values instead.
        value - whether or not to ignore explicitly set values of computed fields and work with computed values instead
      • initForUnitTest

        public void initForUnitTest()
        Initializes in a way so that lists that have mandatory entries like VATBreakdowns are empty and need to be explicitly filled.
      • appendNewSellerVATIdentifier

        public SellerVATIdentifier appendNewSellerVATIdentifier()
        Creates a SellerVATIdentifier object and appends it to the list obtainable by a call to get getSellerVATIdentifiers()
      • appendNewPurchaseOrderReference

        public PurchaseOrderReference appendNewPurchaseOrderReference()
        Creates a PurchaseOrderReference object and appends it to the list obtainable by a call to get getPurchaseOrderReferences()
      • setBusinessProcessType

        public Invoice setBusinessProcessType​(String value)
        value - BT-23:Business process type

        Identifies the business process context in which the transaction appears, to enable the Buyer to process the Invoice in an appropriate way.

        To be specified by the Buyer.

        CHORUSPRO: this data makes it possible to inform the "cadre de facturation" (billing framework, which could be invoice from agent, co-contractor, subcontractor, invoicing part of a public works contract, etc.). The codes to be used are defined in the CHORUSPRO specifications: A1 (invoice deposit), A2 (prepaid invoice deposit), ... By default (in the absence of this field), the case A1 is applied.


      • setInvoiceNumber

        public Invoice setInvoiceNumber​(Identifier value)
        value - BT-1:Invoice number

        A unique identification of the Invoice.

        The sequential number required in Article 226(2) of the directive 2006/112/EC [2], to uniquely identify the Invoice within the business context, time-frame, operating systems and records of the Seller. It may be based on one or more series of numbers, which may include alphanumeric characters. No identification scheme is to be used.

        CHORUSPRO: the invoice number is limited to 20 characters

        BR-2: An Invoice shall have an Invoice number (BT-1).


      • setInvoiceTypeCode

        public Invoice setInvoiceTypeCode​(Codes.InvoiceTypeCode value)
        value - BT-3:Invoice type code

        A code specifying the functional type of the Invoice.

        Commercial invoices and credit notes are defined according the entries in UNTDID 1001 [6].Other entries of UNTDID 1001 [6] with specific invoices or credit notes may be used if applicable.

        The types of documents used are:380: Commercial Invoice381: Credit note384: Corrected invoice389: Self-billied invoice (created by the buyer on behalf of the supplier)261: Self billed credit note (not accepted by CHORUSPRO)386: Prepayment invoice751: Invoice information for accounting purposes (not accepted by CHORUSPRO)

        BR-4: An Invoice shall have an Invoice type code (BT-3).


      • setInvoiceIssueDate

        public Invoice setInvoiceIssueDate​(LocalDate value)
        value - BT-2:Invoice issue date

        The date when the Invoice was issued.

        CHORUSPRO: the issue date must be before or equal to the deposit date.

        BR-3: An Invoice shall have an Invoice issue date (BT-2).


      • setBuyerReference

        public Invoice setBuyerReference​(String value)
        value - BT-10:Buyer reference

        An identifier assigned by the Buyer used for internal routing purposes.

        The identifier is defined by the Buyer (e.g. contact ID, department, office id, project code), but provided by the Seller in the Invoice.

        CHORUS PRO: for the public sector, it is the "Service Exécutant". It is mandatory for some buyers. It must belong to the Chorus Pro repository. It is limited to 100 characters.


      • setSellerName

        public Invoice setSellerName​(String value)
        value - BT-27:Seller name

        The full formal name by which the Seller is registered in the national registry of legal entities or as a Taxable person or otherwise trades as a person or persons.

        BR-6: An Invoice shall contain the Seller name (BT-27).


      • setSellerLegalOrganizationSchemeIdentiferAttribute

        public Invoice setSellerLegalOrganizationSchemeIdentiferAttribute​(Codes.SchemeIdentifier value)
        value - BT-30-1:Seller legal registration identifier identification scheme identifier

        The identification scheme identifier of the Seller legal registration identifier.

        If used, the identification scheme identifier shall be chosen from the entries of the list published by the ISO/IEC 6523 maintenance agency.

        For a SIREN or a SIRET, the value of this field is "0002"


      • setSellerLegalOrganizationIdentifer

        public Invoice setSellerLegalOrganizationIdentifer​(Identifier value)
        value - BT-30:Seller legal registration identifier

        An identifier issued by an official registrar that identifies the Seller as a legal entity or person.

        If no identification scheme is specified, it should be known by Buyer and Seller.

        BR-CO-26: In order for the buyer to automatically identify a supplier, the Seller identifier (BT-29), the Seller legal registration identifier (BT-30) and/or the Seller VAT identifier (BT-31) shall be present.


      • setSellerCountryCode

        public Invoice setSellerCountryCode​(Codes.CountryCodeList value)
        value - BT-40:Seller country code

        A code that identifies the country.

        If no tax representative is specified, this is the country where VAT is liable. The lists of valid countries are registered with the EN ISO 3166-1 Maintenance agency, “Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions”.

        BR-9: The Seller postal address (BG-5) shall contain a Seller country code (BT-40).


      • setBuyerName

        public Invoice setBuyerName​(String value)
        value - BT-44:Buyer name

        The full name of the Buyer.

        CHORUS PRO: this field is limied to 99 characters.

        BR-7: An Invoice shall contain the Buyer name (BT-44).


      • setBuyerLegalOrganizationSchemeIdentiferAttribute

        public Invoice setBuyerLegalOrganizationSchemeIdentiferAttribute​(Codes.SchemeIdentifier value)
        value - BT-47-1:scheme identifier attribute

        Scheme identifier for Buyer legal identifier

        If used, the identification scheme identifier shall be chosen from the entries of the list published by the ISO/IEC 6523 maintenance agency.

        For a SIREN or a SIRET, the value of this field is "0002"


      • setBuyerLegalOrganizationIdentifer

        public Invoice setBuyerLegalOrganizationIdentifer​(Identifier value)
        value - BT-47:Buyer legal registration identifier

        An identifier issued by an official registrar that identifies the Buyer as a legal entity or person.The identification scheme identifier of the Buyer legal registration identifier.

        If no identification scheme is specified, it should be known by Buyer and Seller, e.g. the identifier that is exclusively used in the applicable legal environment.If used, the identification scheme shall be chosen from the entries of the list published by the ISO/IEC 6523 maintenance agency.

        CHORUSPRO: the identifier of the buyer (public entity) is mandatory and is always a SIRET number


      • setInvoiceCurrencyCode

        public Invoice setInvoiceCurrencyCode​(Codes.Currency value)
        value - BT-5:Invoice currency code

        The currency in which all Invoice amounts are given, except for the Total VAT amount in accounting currency.

        Only one currency shall be used in the Invoice, except for the Invoice total VAT amount in accounting currency (BT-111) in accordance with article 230 of Directive 2006/112/EC on VAT [2].The lists of valid currencies are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency “Codes for the representation of currencies and funds”.

        CHORUS PRO: Invoices and credit notes or Chorus Pro are mono-currencies only.

        BR-5: An Invoice shall have an Invoice currency code (BT-5).


      • setInvoiceTotalAmountWithoutVAT

        public Invoice setInvoiceTotalAmountWithoutVAT​(Amount value)
        value - BT-109:Invoice total amount without VAT

        The total amount of the Invoice without VAT.

        The Invoice total amount without VAT is the Sum of Invoice line net amount minus Sum of allowances on document level plus Sum of charges on document level.

        BR-13: An Invoice shall have the Invoice total amount without VAT (BT-109).BR-CO-13: Invoice total amount without VAT (BT-109) = ? Invoice line net amount (BT-131) - Sum of allowances on document level (BT-107) + Sum of charges on document level (BT-108).


      • setVATCurrency

        public Invoice setVATCurrency​(Codes.Currency value)
        value - BT-110-0:VAT currency

        @currencyID is mandatory to differentiate between VAT amount and VAT amount in accounting currency.


      • setInvoiceTotalVATAmount

        public Invoice setInvoiceTotalVATAmount​(Amount value)
        value - BT-110:Invoice total VAT amount

        The total VAT amount for the Invoice.

        The Invoice total VAT amount is the sum of all VAT category tax amounts.

        BR-CO-14: Invoice total VAT amount (BT-110) = ? VAT category tax amount (BT-117).


      • setInvoiceTotalAmountWithVAT

        public Invoice setInvoiceTotalAmountWithVAT​(Amount value)
        value - BT-112:Invoice total amount with VAT

        The total amount of the Invoice with VAT.

        The Invoice total amount with VAT is the Invoice total amount without VAT plus the Invoice total VAT amount.

        BR-14: An Invoice shall have the Invoice total amount with VAT (BT-112).BR-CO-15: Invoice total amount with VAT (BT-112) = Invoice total amount without VAT (BT-109) + Invoice total VAT amount (BT-110).


      • setAmountDueForPayment

        public Invoice setAmountDueForPayment​(Amount value)
        value - BT-115:Amount due for payment

        The outstanding amount that is requested to be paid.

        This amount is the Invoice total amount with VAT minus the paid amount that has been paid in advance. The amount is zero in case of a fully paid Invoice. The amount may be negative; in that case the Seller owes the amount to the Buyer.

        BR-15: An Invoice shall have the Amount due for payment (BT- 115).BR-CO-16: Amount due for payment (BT-115) = Invoice total amount with VAT (BT-112) -Paid amount (BT-113) + Rounding amount (BT-114).


      • getBusinessProcessType

        public String getBusinessProcessType()
        BT-23:Business process type

        Identifies the business process context in which the transaction appears, to enable the Buyer to process the Invoice in an appropriate way.

        To be specified by the Buyer.

        CHORUSPRO: this data makes it possible to inform the "cadre de facturation" (billing framework, which could be invoice from agent, co-contractor, subcontractor, invoicing part of a public works contract, etc.). The codes to be used are defined in the CHORUSPRO specifications: A1 (invoice deposit), A2 (prepaid invoice deposit), ... By default (in the absence of this field), the case A1 is applied.

        the value /rsm:CrossIndustryInvoice/rsm:ExchangedDocumentContext/ram:BusinessProcessSpecifiedDocumentContextParameter/ram:ID
      • getSpecificationIdentifier

        public Identifier getSpecificationIdentifier()
                                              throws ComputationException
        BT-24:Specification identifier

        An identification of the specification containing the total set of rules regarding semantic content, cardinalities and business rules to which the data contained in the instance document conforms.

        This identifies compliance or conformance to this document. Compliant invoices specify: Invoices, compliant to a user specification may identify that user specification here.No identification scheme is to be used.

        For profile Minimum : profile BASIC WL : profile BASIC : Profile EN 16931 (Comfort) : Profile EXTENDED :

        BR-1: An Invoice shall have a Specification identifier (BT-24).

        a computed value unless an explicit value has been set and setRecompute(boolean) has been called with a value of false in which case the value /rsm:CrossIndustryInvoice/rsm:ExchangedDocumentContext/ram:GuidelineSpecifiedDocumentContextParameter/ram:ID is returned
      • getInvoiceNumber

        public Identifier getInvoiceNumber()
        BT-1:Invoice number

        A unique identification of the Invoice.

        The sequential number required in Article 226(2) of the directive 2006/112/EC [2], to uniquely identify the Invoice within the business context, time-frame, operating systems and records of the Seller. It may be based on one or more series of numbers, which may include alphanumeric characters. No identification scheme is to be used.

        CHORUSPRO: the invoice number is limited to 20 characters

        BR-2: An Invoice shall have an Invoice number (BT-1).

        the value /rsm:CrossIndustryInvoice/rsm:ExchangedDocument/ram:ID
      • getInvoiceTypeCode

        public Codes.InvoiceTypeCode getInvoiceTypeCode()
        BT-3:Invoice type code

        A code specifying the functional type of the Invoice.

        Commercial invoices and credit notes are defined according the entries in UNTDID 1001 [6].Other entries of UNTDID 1001 [6] with specific invoices or credit notes may be used if applicable.

        The types of documents used are:380: Commercial Invoice381: Credit note384: Corrected invoice389: Self-billied invoice (created by the buyer on behalf of the supplier)261: Self billed credit note (not accepted by CHORUSPRO)386: Prepayment invoice751: Invoice information for accounting purposes (not accepted by CHORUSPRO)

        BR-4: An Invoice shall have an Invoice type code (BT-3).

        the value /rsm:CrossIndustryInvoice/rsm:ExchangedDocument/ram:TypeCode
      • getDateFormat

        public Codes.DateFormat getDateFormat()
                                       throws ComputationException
        BT-2-0:date format

        Value= 102

        Only value "102"

        a computed value unless an explicit value has been set and setRecompute(boolean) has been called with a value of false in which case the value /rsm:CrossIndustryInvoice/rsm:ExchangedDocument/ram:IssueDateTime/udt:DateTimeString/@format is returned
      • getInvoiceIssueDate

        public LocalDate getInvoiceIssueDate()
        BT-2:Invoice issue date

        The date when the Invoice was issued.

        CHORUSPRO: the issue date must be before or equal to the deposit date.

        BR-3: An Invoice shall have an Invoice issue date (BT-2).

        the value /rsm:CrossIndustryInvoice/rsm:ExchangedDocument/ram:IssueDateTime/udt:DateTimeString
      • getBuyerReference

        public String getBuyerReference()
        BT-10:Buyer reference

        An identifier assigned by the Buyer used for internal routing purposes.

        The identifier is defined by the Buyer (e.g. contact ID, department, office id, project code), but provided by the Seller in the Invoice.

        CHORUS PRO: for the public sector, it is the "Service Exécutant". It is mandatory for some buyers. It must belong to the Chorus Pro repository. It is limited to 100 characters.

        the value /rsm:CrossIndustryInvoice/rsm:SupplyChainTradeTransaction/ram:ApplicableHeaderTradeAgreement/ram:BuyerReference
      • getSellerName

        public String getSellerName()
        BT-27:Seller name

        The full formal name by which the Seller is registered in the national registry of legal entities or as a Taxable person or otherwise trades as a person or persons.

        BR-6: An Invoice shall contain the Seller name (BT-27).

        the value /rsm:CrossIndustryInvoice/rsm:SupplyChainTradeTransaction/ram:ApplicableHeaderTradeAgreement/ram:SellerTradeParty/ram:Name
      • getSellerLegalOrganizationSchemeIdentiferAttribute

        public Codes.SchemeIdentifier getSellerLegalOrganizationSchemeIdentiferAttribute()
        BT-30-1:Seller legal registration identifier identification scheme identifier

        The identification scheme identifier of the Seller legal registration identifier.

        If used, the identification scheme identifier shall be chosen from the entries of the list published by the ISO/IEC 6523 maintenance agency.

        For a SIREN or a SIRET, the value of this field is "0002"

        the value /rsm:CrossIndustryInvoice/rsm:SupplyChainTradeTransaction/ram:ApplicableHeaderTradeAgreement/ram:SellerTradeParty/ram:SpecifiedLegalOrganization/ram:ID/@schemeID
      • getSellerLegalOrganizationIdentifer

        public Identifier getSellerLegalOrganizationIdentifer()
        BT-30:Seller legal registration identifier

        An identifier issued by an official registrar that identifies the Seller as a legal entity or person.

        If no identification scheme is specified, it should be known by Buyer and Seller.

        BR-CO-26: In order for the buyer to automatically identify a supplier, the Seller identifier (BT-29), the Seller legal registration identifier (BT-30) and/or the Seller VAT identifier (BT-31) shall be present.

        the value /rsm:CrossIndustryInvoice/rsm:SupplyChainTradeTransaction/ram:ApplicableHeaderTradeAgreement/ram:SellerTradeParty/ram:SpecifiedLegalOrganization/ram:ID
      • getSellerCountryCode

        public Codes.CountryCodeList getSellerCountryCode()
        BT-40:Seller country code

        A code that identifies the country.

        If no tax representative is specified, this is the country where VAT is liable. The lists of valid countries are registered with the EN ISO 3166-1 Maintenance agency, “Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions”.

        BR-9: The Seller postal address (BG-5) shall contain a Seller country code (BT-40).

        the value /rsm:CrossIndustryInvoice/rsm:SupplyChainTradeTransaction/ram:ApplicableHeaderTradeAgreement/ram:SellerTradeParty/ram:PostalTradeAddress/ram:CountryID
      • getBuyerName

        public String getBuyerName()
        BT-44:Buyer name

        The full name of the Buyer.

        CHORUS PRO: this field is limied to 99 characters.

        BR-7: An Invoice shall contain the Buyer name (BT-44).

        the value /rsm:CrossIndustryInvoice/rsm:SupplyChainTradeTransaction/ram:ApplicableHeaderTradeAgreement/ram:BuyerTradeParty/ram:Name
      • getBuyerLegalOrganizationSchemeIdentiferAttribute

        public Codes.SchemeIdentifier getBuyerLegalOrganizationSchemeIdentiferAttribute()
        BT-47-1:scheme identifier attribute

        Scheme identifier for Buyer legal identifier

        If used, the identification scheme identifier shall be chosen from the entries of the list published by the ISO/IEC 6523 maintenance agency.

        For a SIREN or a SIRET, the value of this field is "0002"

        the value /rsm:CrossIndustryInvoice/rsm:SupplyChainTradeTransaction/ram:ApplicableHeaderTradeAgreement/ram:BuyerTradeParty/ram:SpecifiedLegalOrganization/ram:ID/@schemeID
      • getBuyerLegalOrganizationIdentifer

        public Identifier getBuyerLegalOrganizationIdentifer()
        BT-47:Buyer legal registration identifier

        An identifier issued by an official registrar that identifies the Buyer as a legal entity or person.The identification scheme identifier of the Buyer legal registration identifier.

        If no identification scheme is specified, it should be known by Buyer and Seller, e.g. the identifier that is exclusively used in the applicable legal environment.If used, the identification scheme shall be chosen from the entries of the list published by the ISO/IEC 6523 maintenance agency.

        CHORUSPRO: the identifier of the buyer (public entity) is mandatory and is always a SIRET number

        the value /rsm:CrossIndustryInvoice/rsm:SupplyChainTradeTransaction/ram:ApplicableHeaderTradeAgreement/ram:BuyerTradeParty/ram:SpecifiedLegalOrganization/ram:ID
      • getInvoiceCurrencyCode

        public Codes.Currency getInvoiceCurrencyCode()
        BT-5:Invoice currency code

        The currency in which all Invoice amounts are given, except for the Total VAT amount in accounting currency.

        Only one currency shall be used in the Invoice, except for the Invoice total VAT amount in accounting currency (BT-111) in accordance with article 230 of Directive 2006/112/EC on VAT [2].The lists of valid currencies are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency “Codes for the representation of currencies and funds”.

        CHORUS PRO: Invoices and credit notes or Chorus Pro are mono-currencies only.

        BR-5: An Invoice shall have an Invoice currency code (BT-5).

        the value /rsm:CrossIndustryInvoice/rsm:SupplyChainTradeTransaction/ram:ApplicableHeaderTradeSettlement/ram:InvoiceCurrencyCode
      • getInvoiceTotalAmountWithoutVAT

        public Amount getInvoiceTotalAmountWithoutVAT()
        BT-109:Invoice total amount without VAT

        The total amount of the Invoice without VAT.

        The Invoice total amount without VAT is the Sum of Invoice line net amount minus Sum of allowances on document level plus Sum of charges on document level.

        BR-13: An Invoice shall have the Invoice total amount without VAT (BT-109).BR-CO-13: Invoice total amount without VAT (BT-109) = ? Invoice line net amount (BT-131) - Sum of allowances on document level (BT-107) + Sum of charges on document level (BT-108).

        the value /rsm:CrossIndustryInvoice/rsm:SupplyChainTradeTransaction/ram:ApplicableHeaderTradeSettlement/ram:SpecifiedTradeSettlementHeaderMonetarySummation/ram:TaxBasisTotalAmount
      • getVATCurrency

        public Codes.Currency getVATCurrency()
        BT-110-0:VAT currency

        @currencyID is mandatory to differentiate between VAT amount and VAT amount in accounting currency.

        the value /rsm:CrossIndustryInvoice/rsm:SupplyChainTradeTransaction/ram:ApplicableHeaderTradeSettlement/ram:SpecifiedTradeSettlementHeaderMonetarySummation/ram:TaxTotalAmount/@currencyID
      • getInvoiceTotalVATAmount

        public Amount getInvoiceTotalVATAmount()
        BT-110:Invoice total VAT amount

        The total VAT amount for the Invoice.

        The Invoice total VAT amount is the sum of all VAT category tax amounts.

        BR-CO-14: Invoice total VAT amount (BT-110) = ? VAT category tax amount (BT-117).

        the value /rsm:CrossIndustryInvoice/rsm:SupplyChainTradeTransaction/ram:ApplicableHeaderTradeSettlement/ram:SpecifiedTradeSettlementHeaderMonetarySummation/ram:TaxTotalAmount
      • getInvoiceTotalAmountWithVAT

        public Amount getInvoiceTotalAmountWithVAT()
        BT-112:Invoice total amount with VAT

        The total amount of the Invoice with VAT.

        The Invoice total amount with VAT is the Invoice total amount without VAT plus the Invoice total VAT amount.

        BR-14: An Invoice shall have the Invoice total amount with VAT (BT-112).BR-CO-15: Invoice total amount with VAT (BT-112) = Invoice total amount without VAT (BT-109) + Invoice total VAT amount (BT-110).

        the value /rsm:CrossIndustryInvoice/rsm:SupplyChainTradeTransaction/ram:ApplicableHeaderTradeSettlement/ram:SpecifiedTradeSettlementHeaderMonetarySummation/ram:GrandTotalAmount
      • getAmountDueForPayment

        public Amount getAmountDueForPayment()
        BT-115:Amount due for payment

        The outstanding amount that is requested to be paid.

        This amount is the Invoice total amount with VAT minus the paid amount that has been paid in advance. The amount is zero in case of a fully paid Invoice. The amount may be negative; in that case the Seller owes the amount to the Buyer.

        BR-15: An Invoice shall have the Amount due for payment (BT- 115).BR-CO-16: Amount due for payment (BT-115) = Invoice total amount with VAT (BT-112) -Paid amount (BT-113) + Rounding amount (BT-114).

        the value /rsm:CrossIndustryInvoice/rsm:SupplyChainTradeTransaction/ram:ApplicableHeaderTradeSettlement/ram:SpecifiedTradeSettlementHeaderMonetarySummation/ram:DuePayableAmount
      • toXML

        public void toXML​(PrintStream out)
                   throws IOException,
        Serializes to a Factur-X XML document that matches the profile specific XML Schema from the specification (in this version the file _Factur-X 1.0.06 2022 03 01 - FINAL EN/4. FACTUR-X_1.0.06_XSD_SCHEMATRON - 2022 03 01/0. Factur-X_1.0.06_MINIMUM_XSD/FACTUR-X_MINIMUM.xsd)
        out - the print stream to write to
      • toXML

        public void toXML​(PrintWriter out)
                   throws IOException,
        Serializes to a Factur-X XML document that matches the profile specific XML Schema from the specification (in this version the file _Factur-X 1.0.06 2022 03 01 - FINAL EN/4. FACTUR-X_1.0.06_XSD_SCHEMATRON - 2022 03 01/0. Factur-X_1.0.06_MINIMUM_XSD/FACTUR-X_MINIMUM.xsd)
        out - the print stream to write to
      • toJUnitJavaSourceCode

        public void toJUnitJavaSourceCode​(PrintStream out,
                                          String packageName,
                                          String className,
                                          String referenceFilesDirectory)
                                   throws FacturXException
        Creates JUnit Java source code that will construct an Invoice instance identical with this Invoice from API calls and compare the produced XML against a reference file.
        out - the print stream to write to
        packageName - the package name to use in the package declaration
        className - the name to use as class name for the test class
        referenceFilesDirectory - the directory in which the test expects the reference output xml file that is named className+".xml"
      • joinVeryLongString

        public static String joinVeryLongString​(String[] chunks)
        to be used for strings exceeding the compiler limit of 2^16 bytes for a string constant
      • fromXML

        public static Invoice fromXML​(String fileName,
                                      boolean recompute)
                               throws IOException
        Creates and Invoice instance from a Factur-X XML document.
        fileName - the Factur-X XML file to read from
        recompute - specifies whether or not computed fields are computed or the values from the file are used instead