Class PayeeIdentifier

  • public class PayeeIdentifier
    extends Object
    BT-60:Payee identifierScheme identifier

    An identifier for the Payee.The identification scheme identifier of the Payee identifier.

    If no scheme is specified, it should be known by Buyer and Seller, e.g. a previously exchanged Buyer or Seller assigned identifier.If used, the identification scheme shall be chosen from the entries of the list published by the ISO/IEC 6523 maintenance agency.

    GloablID, if global identifier exists and can be stated in @schemeID, ID else


    • Method Detail

      • setPayeeIdentifier

        public PayeeIdentifier setPayeeIdentifier​(Identifier value)
        value - BT-60:Payee identifierScheme identifier

        An identifier for the Payee.The identification scheme identifier of the Payee identifier.

        If no scheme is specified, it should be known by Buyer and Seller, e.g. a previously exchanged Buyer or Seller assigned identifier.If used, the identification scheme shall be chosen from the entries of the list published by the ISO/IEC 6523 maintenance agency.

        GloablID, if global identifier exists and can be stated in @schemeID, ID else


      • getPayeeIdentifier

        public Identifier getPayeeIdentifier()
        BT-60:Payee identifierScheme identifier

        An identifier for the Payee.The identification scheme identifier of the Payee identifier.

        If no scheme is specified, it should be known by Buyer and Seller, e.g. a previously exchanged Buyer or Seller assigned identifier.If used, the identification scheme shall be chosen from the entries of the list published by the ISO/IEC 6523 maintenance agency.

        GloablID, if global identifier exists and can be stated in @schemeID, ID else

        the value /rsm:CrossIndustryInvoice/rsm:SupplyChainTradeTransaction/ram:ApplicableHeaderTradeSettlement/ram:PayeeTradeParty/ram:ID