Enum Codes.VATExemptionReasonCode

    • Enum Constant Summary

      Enum Constants 
      Enum Constant Description
      Custom entry whose member "code" gets updated to "value" on calls to fromString(String value)
      Custom entry whose member "code" gets updated to "value" on calls to fromString(String value)
      Custom entry whose member "code" gets updated to "value" on calls to fromString(String value)
      Custom entry whose member "code" gets updated to "value" on calls to fromString(String value)
      Custom entry whose member "code" gets updated to "value" on calls to fromString(String value)
      Custom entry whose member "code" gets updated to "value" on calls to fromString(String value)
      Custom entry whose member "code" gets updated to "value" on calls to fromString(String value)
      Custom entry whose member "code" gets updated to "value" on calls to fromString(String value)
      Custom entry whose member "code" gets updated to "value" on calls to fromString(String value)
      Custom entry whose member "code" gets updated to "value" on calls to fromString(String value)
      Exempt based on article 132 of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
      The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-132" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 132 of Council Directive 2006/112/EC" for this value
      The function getContextOfExemption() returns "Exemptions for certain activities in public interest." for this value
      The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (a) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
      The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-132-1A" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (a) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC" for this value
      The function getContextOfExemption() returns "The supply by the public postal services of services other than passenger transport and telecommunications services, and the supply of goods incidental thereto." for this value
      The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (b) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
      The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-132-1B" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (b) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC" for this value
      The function getContextOfExemption() returns "Hospital and medical care and closely related activities undertaken by bodies governed by public law or, under social conditions comparable with those applicable to bodies governed by public law, by hospitals, centres for medical treatment or diagnosis and other duly recognised establishments of a similar nature" for this value
      The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (c) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
      The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-132-1C" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (c) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC" for this value
      The function getContextOfExemption() returns "The provision of medical care in the exercise of the medical and paramedical professions as defined by the Member State concerned." for this value
      The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (d) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
      The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-132-1D" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (d) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC" for this value
      The function getContextOfExemption() returns "The supply of human organs, blood and milk." for this value
      The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (e) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
      The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-132-1E" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (e) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC" for this value
      The function getContextOfExemption() returns "The supply of services by dental technicians in their professional capacity and the supply of dental prostheses by dentists and dental technicians." for this value
      The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (f) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
      The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-132-1F" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (f) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC" for this value
      The function getContextOfExemption() returns "The supply of services by independent groups of persons, who are carrying on an activity which is exempt from VAT or in relation to which they are not taxable persons, for the purpose of rendering their members the services directly necessary for the exercise of that activity, where those groups merely claim from their members exact reimbursement of their share of the joint expenses, provided that such exemption is not likely to cause distortion of competition." for this value
      The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (g) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
      The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-132-1G" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (g) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC" for this value
      The function getContextOfExemption() returns "The supply of services and of goods closely linked to welfare and social security work, including those supplied by old people's homes, by bodies governed by public law or by other bodies recognised by the Member State concerned as being devoted to social wellbeing." for this value
      The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (h) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
      The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-132-1H" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (h) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC" for this value
      The function getContextOfExemption() returns "The supply of services and of goods closely linked to the protection of children and young persons by bodies governed by public law or by other organisations recognised by the Member State concerned as being devoted to social wellbeing;" for this value
      The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (i) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
      The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-132-1I" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (i) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC" for this value
      The function getContextOfExemption() returns " The provision of children's or young people's education, school or university education, vocational training or retraining, including the supply of services and of goods closely related thereto, by bodies governed by public law having such as their aim or by other organisations recognised by the Member State concerned as having similar objects." for this value
      The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (j) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
      The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-132-1J" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (j) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC" for this value
      The function getContextOfExemption() returns "Tuition given privately by teachers and covering school or university education." for this value
      The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (k) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
      The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-132-1K" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (k) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC" for this value
      The function getContextOfExemption() returns "The supply of staff by religious or philosophical institutions for the purpose of the activities referred to in points (b), (g), (h) and (i) and with a view to spiritual welfare." for this value
      The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (l) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
      The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-132-1L" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (l) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC" for this value
      The function getContextOfExemption() returns "The supply of services, and the supply of goods closely linked thereto, to their members in their common interest in return for a subscription fixed in accordance with their rules by non-profitmaking organisations with aims of a political, trade-union, religious, patriotic, philosophical, philanthropic or civic nature, provided that this exemption is not likely to cause distortion of competition." for this value
      The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (m) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
      The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-132-1M" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (m) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC" for this value
      The function getContextOfExemption() returns "The supply of certain services closely linked to sport or physical education by non-profit-making organisations to persons taking part in sport or physical education." for this value
      The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (n) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
      The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-132-1N" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (n) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC" for this value
      The function getContextOfExemption() returns "The supply of certain cultural services, and the supply of goods closely linked thereto, by bodies governed by public law or by other cultural bodies recognised by the Member State concerned." for this value
      The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (o) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
      The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-132-1O" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (o) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC" for this value
      The function getContextOfExemption() returns "The supply of services and goods, by organisations whose activities are exempt pursuant to points (b), (g), (h), (i), (l), (m) and (n), in connection with fund-raising events organised exclusively for their own benefit, provided that exemption is not likely to cause distortion of competition." for this value
      The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (p) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
      The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-132-1P" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (p) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC" for this value
      The function getContextOfExemption() returns "The supply of transport services for sick or injured persons in vehicles specially designed for the purpose, by duly authorised bodies." for this value
      The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (q) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
      The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-132-1Q" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (q) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC" for this value
      The function getContextOfExemption() returns "The activities, other than those of a commercial nature, carried out by public radio and television bodies." for this value
      The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      Exempt based on article 143 of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
      The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-143" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 143 of Council Directive 2006/112/EC" for this value
      The function getContextOfExemption() returns "Exemptions on importation." for this value
      The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      Exempt based on article 143, section 1 (a) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
      The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-143-1A" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 143, section 1 (a) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC" for this value
      The function getContextOfExemption() returns "The final importation of goods of which the supply by a taxable person would in all circumstances be exempt within their respective territory." for this value
      The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      Exempt based on article 143, section 1 (b) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
      The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-143-1B" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 143, section 1 (b) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC" for this value
      The function getContextOfExemption() returns "The final importation of goods governed by Council Directives 69/169/EEC (1), 83/181/EEC (2) and 2006/79/EC (3)." for this value
      The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      Exempt based on article 143, section 1 (c) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
      The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-143-1C" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 143, section 1 (c) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC" for this value
      The function getContextOfExemption() returns "The final importation of goods, in free circulation from a third territory forming part of the Community customs territory, which would be entitled to exemption under point (b) if they had been imported within the meaning of the first paragraph of Article 30" for this value
      The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      Exempt based on article 143, section 1 (d) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
      The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-143-1D" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 143, section 1 (d) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC" for this value
      The function getContextOfExemption() returns "The importation of goods dispatched or transported from a third territory or a third country into a Member State other than that in which the dispatch or transport of the goods ends, where the supply of such goods by the importer designated or recognised under Article 201 as liable for payment of VAT is exempt under Article 138." for this value
      The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      Exempt based on article 143, section 1 (e) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
      The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-143-1E" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 143, section 1 (e) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC" for this value
      The function getContextOfExemption() returns "The reimportation, by the person who exported them, of goods in the state in which they were exported, where those goods are exempt from customs duties." for this value
      The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      Exempt based on article 143, section 1 (f) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
      The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-143-1F" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 143, section 1 (f) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC" for this value
      The function getContextOfExemption() returns "The importation, under diplomatic and consular arrangements, of goods which are exempt from customs duties." for this value
      The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      Exempt based on article 143, section 1 (fa) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
      The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-143-1FA" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 143, section 1 (fa) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC" for this value
      The function getContextOfExemption() returns "The importation of goods by the European Community, the European Atomic Energy Community, the European Central Bank or the European Investment Bank, or by the bodies set up by the Communities to which the Protocol of 8 April 1965 on the privileges and immunities of the European Communities applies, within the limits and under the conditions of that Protocol and the agreements for its implementation or the headquarters agreements, in so far as it does not lead to distortion of competition;" for this value
      The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      Exempt based on article 143, section 1 (g) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
      The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-143-1G" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 143, section 1 (g) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC" for this value
      The function getContextOfExemption() returns " The importation of goods by international bodies, other than those referred to in point (fa), recognised as such by the public authorities of the host Member State, or by members of such bodies, within the limits and under the conditions laid down by the international conventions establishing the bodies or by headquarters agreements;" for this value
      The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      Exempt based on article 143, section 1 (h) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
      The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-143-1H" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 143, section 1 (h) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC" for this value
      The function getContextOfExemption() returns "The importation of goods, into Member States party to the North Atlantic Treaty, by the armed forces of other States party to that Treaty for the use of those forces or the civilian staff accompanying them or for supplying their messes or canteens where such forces take part in the common defence effort." for this value
      The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      Exempt based on article 143, section 1 (i) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
      The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-143-1I" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 143, section 1 (i) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC" for this value
      The function getContextOfExemption() returns "The importation of goods by the armed forces of the United Kingdom stationed in the island of Cyprus pursuant to the Treaty of Establishment concerning the Republic of Cyprus, dated 16 August 1960, which are for the use of those forces or the civilian staff accompanying them or for supplying their messes or canteens." for this value
      The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      Exempt based on article 143, section 1 (j) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
      The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-143-1J" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 143, section 1 (j) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC" for this value
      The function getContextOfExemption() returns "The importation into ports, by sea fishing undertakings, of their catches, unprocessed or after undergoing preservation for marketing but before being supplied." for this value
      The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      Exempt based on article 143, section 1 (k) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
      The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-143-1K" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 143, section 1 (k) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC" for this value
      The function getContextOfExemption() returns "The importation of gold by central banks." for this value
      The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      Exempt based on article 143, section 1 (l) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
      The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-143-1L" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 143, section 1 (l) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC" for this value
      The function getContextOfExemption() returns "The importation of gas through a natural gas system or any network connected to such a system or fed in from a vessel transporting gas into a natural gas system or any upstream pipeline network, of electricity or of heat or cooling energy through heating or cooling networks." for this value
      The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      Exempt based on article 148 of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
      The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-148" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 148 of Council Directive 2006/112/EC" for this value
      The function getContextOfExemption() returns "Exemptions related to international transport." for this value
      The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      Exempt based on article 148, section (a) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
      The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-148-A" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 148, section (a) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC" for this value
      The function getContextOfExemption() returns "Fuel supplies for commercial international transport vessels" for this value
      The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      Exempt based on article 148, section (b) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
      The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-148-B" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 148, section (b) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC" for this value
      The function getContextOfExemption() returns "Fuel supplies for fighting ships in international transport." for this value
      The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      Exempt based on article 148, section (c) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
      The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-148-C" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 148, section (c) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC" for this value
      The function getContextOfExemption() returns "Maintenance, modification, chartering and hiring of international transport vessels." for this value
      The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      Exempt based on article 148, section (d) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
      The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-148-D" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 148, section (d) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC" for this value
      The function getContextOfExemption() returns "Supply to of other services to commercial international transport vessels." for this value
      The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      Exempt based on article 148, section (e) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
      The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-148-E" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 148, section (e) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC" for this value
      The function getContextOfExemption() returns "Fuel supplies for aircraft on international routes." for this value
      The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      Exempt based on article 148, section (f) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
      The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-148-F" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 148, section (f) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC" for this value
      The function getContextOfExemption() returns "Maintenance, modification, chartering and hiring of aircraft on international routes." for this value
      The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      Exempt based on article 148, section (g) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
      The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-148-G" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 148, section (g) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC" for this value
      The function getContextOfExemption() returns "Supply to of other services to aircraft on international routes." for this value
      The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      Exempt based on article 151 of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
      The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-151" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 151 of Council Directive 2006/112/EC" for this value
      The function getContextOfExemption() returns "Exemptions relating to certain Transactions treated as exports." for this value
      The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      Exempt based on article 151, section 1 (a) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
      The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-151-1A" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 151, section 1 (a) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC " for this value
      The function getContextOfExemption() returns "The supply of goods or services under diplomatic and consular arrangements." for this value
      The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      Exempt based on article 151, section 1 (aa) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
      The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-151-1AA" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 151, section 1 (aa) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC " for this value
      The function getContextOfExemption() returns "The supply of goods or services to the European Community, the European Atomic Energy Community, the European Central Bank or the European Investment Bank, or to the bodies set up by the Communities to which the Protocol of 8 April 1965 on the privileges and immunities of the European Communities applies, within the limits and under the conditions of that Protocol and the agreements for its implementation or the headquarters agreements, in so far as it does not lead to distortion of competition." for this value
      The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      Exempt based on article 151, section 1 (b) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
      The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-151-1B" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 151, section 1 (b) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC " for this value
      The function getContextOfExemption() returns "The supply of goods or services to international bodies, other than those referred to in point (aa), recognised as such by the public authorities of the host Member States, and to members of such bodies, within the limits and under the conditions laid down by the international conventions establishing the bodies or by headquarters agreements." for this value
      The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      Exempt based on article 151, section 1 (c) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
      The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-151-1C" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 151, section 1 (c) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC " for this value
      The function getContextOfExemption() returns "The supply of goods or services within a Member State which is a party to the North Atlantic Treaty, intended either for the armed forces of other States party to that Treaty for the use of those forces, or of the civilian staff accompanying them, or for supplying their messes or canteens when such forces take part in the common defence effort." for this value
      The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      Exempt based on article 151, section 1 (d) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
      The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-151-1D" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 151, section 1 (d) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC " for this value
      The function getContextOfExemption() returns "The supply of goods or services to another Member State, intended for the armed forces of any State which is a party to the North Atlantic Treaty, other than the Member State of destination itself, for the use of those forces, or of the civilian staff accompanying them, or for supplying their messes or canteens when such forces take part in the common defence effort." for this value
      The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      Exempt based on article 151, section 1 (e) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
      The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-151-1E" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 151, section 1 (e) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC " for this value
      The function getContextOfExemption() returns "The supply of goods or services to the armed forces of the United Kingdom stationed in the island of Cyprus pursuant to the Treaty of Establishment concerning the Republic of Cyprus, dated 16 August 1960, which are for the use of those forces, or of the civilian staff accompanying them, or for supplying their messes or canteens." for this value
      The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      Exempt based on article 309 of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
      The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-309" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 309 of Council Directive 2006/112/EC " for this value
      The function getContextOfExemption() returns "Travel agents performed outside of EU." for this value
      The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      Exempt based on article 79, point c of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
      The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-79-C" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 79, point c of Council Directive 2006/112/EC" for this value
      The function getContextOfExemption() returns "Exemptions relating to repayment of expenditures." for this value
      The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      Reverse charge
      The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-AE" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Reverse charge" for this value
      The function getContextOfExemption() returns "Supports EN 16931-1 rule BR-AE-10" for this value
      The function getRemark() returns "Only use with VAT category code AE" for this value
      Intra-Community acquisition from second hand means of transport
      The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-D" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Intra-Community acquisition from second hand means of transport" for this value
      The function getContextOfExemption() returns "Second-hand means of transport - Indication that VAT has been paid according to the relevant transitional arrangements" for this value
      The function getRemark() returns "Only use with VAT category code E" for this value
      Intra-Community acquisition of second hand goods
      The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-F" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Intra-Community acquisition of second hand goods" for this value
      The function getContextOfExemption() returns "Second-hand goods - Indication that the VAT margin scheme for second-hand goods has been applied." for this value
      The function getRemark() returns "Only use with VAT category code E" for this value
      Export outside the EU
      The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-G" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Export outside the EU" for this value
      The function getContextOfExemption() returns "Supports EN 16931-1 rule BR-G-10" for this value
      The function getRemark() returns "Only use with VAT category code G" for this value
      Intra-Community acquisition of works of art
      The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-I" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Intra-Community acquisition of works of art" for this value
      The function getContextOfExemption() returns "Works of art - Indication that the VAT margin scheme for works of art has been applied." for this value
      The function getRemark() returns "Only use with VAT category code E" for this value
      Intra-Community supply
      The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-IC" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Intra-Community supply" for this value
      The function getContextOfExemption() returns "Supports EN 16931-1 rule BR-IC-10" for this value
      The function getRemark() returns "Only use with VAT category code K" for this value
      Intra-Community acquisition of collectors items and antiques
      The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-J" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Intra-Community acquisition of collectors items and antiques" for this value
      The function getContextOfExemption() returns "Collectors' items and antiques - Indication that the VAT margin scheme for collector’s items and antiques has been applied." for this value
      The function getRemark() returns "Only use with VAT category code E" for this value
      Not subject to VAT
      The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-O" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Not subject to VAT" for this value
      The function getContextOfExemption() returns "Supports EN 16931-1 rule BR-O-10" for this value
      The function getRemark() returns "Only use with VAT category code O" for this value
    • Enum Constant Detail

      • VATEX_EU_79_C

        public static final Codes.VATExemptionReasonCode VATEX_EU_79_C
        Exempt based on article 79, point c of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
        The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-79-C" for this value
        The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 79, point c of Council Directive 2006/112/EC" for this value
        The function getContextOfExemption() returns "Exemptions relating to repayment of expenditures." for this value
        The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      • VATEX_EU_132

        public static final Codes.VATExemptionReasonCode VATEX_EU_132
        Exempt based on article 132 of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
        The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-132" for this value
        The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 132 of Council Directive 2006/112/EC" for this value
        The function getContextOfExemption() returns "Exemptions for certain activities in public interest." for this value
        The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      • VATEX_EU_132_1A

        public static final Codes.VATExemptionReasonCode VATEX_EU_132_1A
        Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (a) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
        The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-132-1A" for this value
        The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (a) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC" for this value
        The function getContextOfExemption() returns "The supply by the public postal services of services other than passenger transport and telecommunications services, and the supply of goods incidental thereto." for this value
        The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      • VATEX_EU_132_1B

        public static final Codes.VATExemptionReasonCode VATEX_EU_132_1B
        Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (b) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
        The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-132-1B" for this value
        The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (b) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC" for this value
        The function getContextOfExemption() returns "Hospital and medical care and closely related activities undertaken by bodies governed by public law or, under social conditions comparable with those applicable to bodies governed by public law, by hospitals, centres for medical treatment or diagnosis and other duly recognised establishments of a similar nature" for this value
        The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      • VATEX_EU_132_1C

        public static final Codes.VATExemptionReasonCode VATEX_EU_132_1C
        Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (c) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
        The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-132-1C" for this value
        The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (c) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC" for this value
        The function getContextOfExemption() returns "The provision of medical care in the exercise of the medical and paramedical professions as defined by the Member State concerned." for this value
        The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      • VATEX_EU_132_1D

        public static final Codes.VATExemptionReasonCode VATEX_EU_132_1D
        Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (d) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
        The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-132-1D" for this value
        The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (d) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC" for this value
        The function getContextOfExemption() returns "The supply of human organs, blood and milk." for this value
        The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      • VATEX_EU_132_1E

        public static final Codes.VATExemptionReasonCode VATEX_EU_132_1E
        Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (e) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
        The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-132-1E" for this value
        The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (e) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC" for this value
        The function getContextOfExemption() returns "The supply of services by dental technicians in their professional capacity and the supply of dental prostheses by dentists and dental technicians." for this value
        The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      • VATEX_EU_132_1F

        public static final Codes.VATExemptionReasonCode VATEX_EU_132_1F
        Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (f) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
        The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-132-1F" for this value
        The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (f) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC" for this value
        The function getContextOfExemption() returns "The supply of services by independent groups of persons, who are carrying on an activity which is exempt from VAT or in relation to which they are not taxable persons, for the purpose of rendering their members the services directly necessary for the exercise of that activity, where those groups merely claim from their members exact reimbursement of their share of the joint expenses, provided that such exemption is not likely to cause distortion of competition." for this value
        The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      • VATEX_EU_132_1G

        public static final Codes.VATExemptionReasonCode VATEX_EU_132_1G
        Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (g) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
        The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-132-1G" for this value
        The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (g) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC" for this value
        The function getContextOfExemption() returns "The supply of services and of goods closely linked to welfare and social security work, including those supplied by old people's homes, by bodies governed by public law or by other bodies recognised by the Member State concerned as being devoted to social wellbeing." for this value
        The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      • VATEX_EU_132_1H

        public static final Codes.VATExemptionReasonCode VATEX_EU_132_1H
        Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (h) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
        The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-132-1H" for this value
        The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (h) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC" for this value
        The function getContextOfExemption() returns "The supply of services and of goods closely linked to the protection of children and young persons by bodies governed by public law or by other organisations recognised by the Member State concerned as being devoted to social wellbeing;" for this value
        The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      • VATEX_EU_132_1I

        public static final Codes.VATExemptionReasonCode VATEX_EU_132_1I
        Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (i) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
        The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-132-1I" for this value
        The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (i) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC" for this value
        The function getContextOfExemption() returns " The provision of children's or young people's education, school or university education, vocational training or retraining, including the supply of services and of goods closely related thereto, by bodies governed by public law having such as their aim or by other organisations recognised by the Member State concerned as having similar objects." for this value
        The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      • VATEX_EU_132_1J

        public static final Codes.VATExemptionReasonCode VATEX_EU_132_1J
        Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (j) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
        The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-132-1J" for this value
        The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (j) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC" for this value
        The function getContextOfExemption() returns "Tuition given privately by teachers and covering school or university education." for this value
        The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      • VATEX_EU_132_1K

        public static final Codes.VATExemptionReasonCode VATEX_EU_132_1K
        Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (k) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
        The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-132-1K" for this value
        The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (k) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC" for this value
        The function getContextOfExemption() returns "The supply of staff by religious or philosophical institutions for the purpose of the activities referred to in points (b), (g), (h) and (i) and with a view to spiritual welfare." for this value
        The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      • VATEX_EU_132_1L

        public static final Codes.VATExemptionReasonCode VATEX_EU_132_1L
        Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (l) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
        The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-132-1L" for this value
        The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (l) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC" for this value
        The function getContextOfExemption() returns "The supply of services, and the supply of goods closely linked thereto, to their members in their common interest in return for a subscription fixed in accordance with their rules by non-profitmaking organisations with aims of a political, trade-union, religious, patriotic, philosophical, philanthropic or civic nature, provided that this exemption is not likely to cause distortion of competition." for this value
        The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      • VATEX_EU_132_1M

        public static final Codes.VATExemptionReasonCode VATEX_EU_132_1M
        Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (m) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
        The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-132-1M" for this value
        The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (m) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC" for this value
        The function getContextOfExemption() returns "The supply of certain services closely linked to sport or physical education by non-profit-making organisations to persons taking part in sport or physical education." for this value
        The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      • VATEX_EU_132_1N

        public static final Codes.VATExemptionReasonCode VATEX_EU_132_1N
        Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (n) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
        The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-132-1N" for this value
        The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (n) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC" for this value
        The function getContextOfExemption() returns "The supply of certain cultural services, and the supply of goods closely linked thereto, by bodies governed by public law or by other cultural bodies recognised by the Member State concerned." for this value
        The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      • VATEX_EU_132_1O

        public static final Codes.VATExemptionReasonCode VATEX_EU_132_1O
        Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (o) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
        The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-132-1O" for this value
        The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (o) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC" for this value
        The function getContextOfExemption() returns "The supply of services and goods, by organisations whose activities are exempt pursuant to points (b), (g), (h), (i), (l), (m) and (n), in connection with fund-raising events organised exclusively for their own benefit, provided that exemption is not likely to cause distortion of competition." for this value
        The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      • VATEX_EU_132_1P

        public static final Codes.VATExemptionReasonCode VATEX_EU_132_1P
        Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (p) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
        The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-132-1P" for this value
        The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (p) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC" for this value
        The function getContextOfExemption() returns "The supply of transport services for sick or injured persons in vehicles specially designed for the purpose, by duly authorised bodies." for this value
        The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      • VATEX_EU_132_1Q

        public static final Codes.VATExemptionReasonCode VATEX_EU_132_1Q
        Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (q) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
        The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-132-1Q" for this value
        The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 132, section 1 (q) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC" for this value
        The function getContextOfExemption() returns "The activities, other than those of a commercial nature, carried out by public radio and television bodies." for this value
        The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      • VATEX_EU_143

        public static final Codes.VATExemptionReasonCode VATEX_EU_143
        Exempt based on article 143 of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
        The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-143" for this value
        The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 143 of Council Directive 2006/112/EC" for this value
        The function getContextOfExemption() returns "Exemptions on importation." for this value
        The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      • VATEX_EU_143_1A

        public static final Codes.VATExemptionReasonCode VATEX_EU_143_1A
        Exempt based on article 143, section 1 (a) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
        The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-143-1A" for this value
        The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 143, section 1 (a) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC" for this value
        The function getContextOfExemption() returns "The final importation of goods of which the supply by a taxable person would in all circumstances be exempt within their respective territory." for this value
        The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      • VATEX_EU_143_1B

        public static final Codes.VATExemptionReasonCode VATEX_EU_143_1B
        Exempt based on article 143, section 1 (b) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
        The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-143-1B" for this value
        The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 143, section 1 (b) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC" for this value
        The function getContextOfExemption() returns "The final importation of goods governed by Council Directives 69/169/EEC (1), 83/181/EEC (2) and 2006/79/EC (3)." for this value
        The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      • VATEX_EU_143_1C

        public static final Codes.VATExemptionReasonCode VATEX_EU_143_1C
        Exempt based on article 143, section 1 (c) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
        The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-143-1C" for this value
        The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 143, section 1 (c) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC" for this value
        The function getContextOfExemption() returns "The final importation of goods, in free circulation from a third territory forming part of the Community customs territory, which would be entitled to exemption under point (b) if they had been imported within the meaning of the first paragraph of Article 30" for this value
        The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      • VATEX_EU_143_1D

        public static final Codes.VATExemptionReasonCode VATEX_EU_143_1D
        Exempt based on article 143, section 1 (d) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
        The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-143-1D" for this value
        The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 143, section 1 (d) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC" for this value
        The function getContextOfExemption() returns "The importation of goods dispatched or transported from a third territory or a third country into a Member State other than that in which the dispatch or transport of the goods ends, where the supply of such goods by the importer designated or recognised under Article 201 as liable for payment of VAT is exempt under Article 138." for this value
        The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      • VATEX_EU_143_1E

        public static final Codes.VATExemptionReasonCode VATEX_EU_143_1E
        Exempt based on article 143, section 1 (e) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
        The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-143-1E" for this value
        The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 143, section 1 (e) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC" for this value
        The function getContextOfExemption() returns "The reimportation, by the person who exported them, of goods in the state in which they were exported, where those goods are exempt from customs duties." for this value
        The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      • VATEX_EU_143_1F

        public static final Codes.VATExemptionReasonCode VATEX_EU_143_1F
        Exempt based on article 143, section 1 (f) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
        The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-143-1F" for this value
        The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 143, section 1 (f) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC" for this value
        The function getContextOfExemption() returns "The importation, under diplomatic and consular arrangements, of goods which are exempt from customs duties." for this value
        The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      • VATEX_EU_143_1FA

        public static final Codes.VATExemptionReasonCode VATEX_EU_143_1FA
        Exempt based on article 143, section 1 (fa) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
        The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-143-1FA" for this value
        The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 143, section 1 (fa) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC" for this value
        The function getContextOfExemption() returns "The importation of goods by the European Community, the European Atomic Energy Community, the European Central Bank or the European Investment Bank, or by the bodies set up by the Communities to which the Protocol of 8 April 1965 on the privileges and immunities of the European Communities applies, within the limits and under the conditions of that Protocol and the agreements for its implementation or the headquarters agreements, in so far as it does not lead to distortion of competition;" for this value
        The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      • VATEX_EU_143_1G

        public static final Codes.VATExemptionReasonCode VATEX_EU_143_1G
        Exempt based on article 143, section 1 (g) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
        The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-143-1G" for this value
        The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 143, section 1 (g) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC" for this value
        The function getContextOfExemption() returns " The importation of goods by international bodies, other than those referred to in point (fa), recognised as such by the public authorities of the host Member State, or by members of such bodies, within the limits and under the conditions laid down by the international conventions establishing the bodies or by headquarters agreements;" for this value
        The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      • VATEX_EU_143_1H

        public static final Codes.VATExemptionReasonCode VATEX_EU_143_1H
        Exempt based on article 143, section 1 (h) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
        The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-143-1H" for this value
        The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 143, section 1 (h) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC" for this value
        The function getContextOfExemption() returns "The importation of goods, into Member States party to the North Atlantic Treaty, by the armed forces of other States party to that Treaty for the use of those forces or the civilian staff accompanying them or for supplying their messes or canteens where such forces take part in the common defence effort." for this value
        The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      • VATEX_EU_143_1I

        public static final Codes.VATExemptionReasonCode VATEX_EU_143_1I
        Exempt based on article 143, section 1 (i) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
        The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-143-1I" for this value
        The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 143, section 1 (i) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC" for this value
        The function getContextOfExemption() returns "The importation of goods by the armed forces of the United Kingdom stationed in the island of Cyprus pursuant to the Treaty of Establishment concerning the Republic of Cyprus, dated 16 August 1960, which are for the use of those forces or the civilian staff accompanying them or for supplying their messes or canteens." for this value
        The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      • VATEX_EU_143_1J

        public static final Codes.VATExemptionReasonCode VATEX_EU_143_1J
        Exempt based on article 143, section 1 (j) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
        The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-143-1J" for this value
        The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 143, section 1 (j) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC" for this value
        The function getContextOfExemption() returns "The importation into ports, by sea fishing undertakings, of their catches, unprocessed or after undergoing preservation for marketing but before being supplied." for this value
        The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      • VATEX_EU_143_1K

        public static final Codes.VATExemptionReasonCode VATEX_EU_143_1K
        Exempt based on article 143, section 1 (k) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
        The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-143-1K" for this value
        The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 143, section 1 (k) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC" for this value
        The function getContextOfExemption() returns "The importation of gold by central banks." for this value
        The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      • VATEX_EU_143_1L

        public static final Codes.VATExemptionReasonCode VATEX_EU_143_1L
        Exempt based on article 143, section 1 (l) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
        The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-143-1L" for this value
        The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 143, section 1 (l) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC" for this value
        The function getContextOfExemption() returns "The importation of gas through a natural gas system or any network connected to such a system or fed in from a vessel transporting gas into a natural gas system or any upstream pipeline network, of electricity or of heat or cooling energy through heating or cooling networks." for this value
        The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      • VATEX_EU_148

        public static final Codes.VATExemptionReasonCode VATEX_EU_148
        Exempt based on article 148 of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
        The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-148" for this value
        The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 148 of Council Directive 2006/112/EC" for this value
        The function getContextOfExemption() returns "Exemptions related to international transport." for this value
        The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      • VATEX_EU_148_A

        public static final Codes.VATExemptionReasonCode VATEX_EU_148_A
        Exempt based on article 148, section (a) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
        The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-148-A" for this value
        The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 148, section (a) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC" for this value
        The function getContextOfExemption() returns "Fuel supplies for commercial international transport vessels" for this value
        The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      • VATEX_EU_148_B

        public static final Codes.VATExemptionReasonCode VATEX_EU_148_B
        Exempt based on article 148, section (b) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
        The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-148-B" for this value
        The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 148, section (b) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC" for this value
        The function getContextOfExemption() returns "Fuel supplies for fighting ships in international transport." for this value
        The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      • VATEX_EU_148_C

        public static final Codes.VATExemptionReasonCode VATEX_EU_148_C
        Exempt based on article 148, section (c) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
        The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-148-C" for this value
        The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 148, section (c) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC" for this value
        The function getContextOfExemption() returns "Maintenance, modification, chartering and hiring of international transport vessels." for this value
        The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      • VATEX_EU_148_D

        public static final Codes.VATExemptionReasonCode VATEX_EU_148_D
        Exempt based on article 148, section (d) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
        The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-148-D" for this value
        The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 148, section (d) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC" for this value
        The function getContextOfExemption() returns "Supply to of other services to commercial international transport vessels." for this value
        The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      • VATEX_EU_148_E

        public static final Codes.VATExemptionReasonCode VATEX_EU_148_E
        Exempt based on article 148, section (e) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
        The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-148-E" for this value
        The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 148, section (e) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC" for this value
        The function getContextOfExemption() returns "Fuel supplies for aircraft on international routes." for this value
        The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      • VATEX_EU_148_F

        public static final Codes.VATExemptionReasonCode VATEX_EU_148_F
        Exempt based on article 148, section (f) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
        The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-148-F" for this value
        The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 148, section (f) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC" for this value
        The function getContextOfExemption() returns "Maintenance, modification, chartering and hiring of aircraft on international routes." for this value
        The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      • VATEX_EU_148_G

        public static final Codes.VATExemptionReasonCode VATEX_EU_148_G
        Exempt based on article 148, section (g) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
        The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-148-G" for this value
        The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 148, section (g) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC" for this value
        The function getContextOfExemption() returns "Supply to of other services to aircraft on international routes." for this value
        The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      • VATEX_EU_151

        public static final Codes.VATExemptionReasonCode VATEX_EU_151
        Exempt based on article 151 of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
        The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-151" for this value
        The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 151 of Council Directive 2006/112/EC" for this value
        The function getContextOfExemption() returns "Exemptions relating to certain Transactions treated as exports." for this value
        The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      • VATEX_EU_151_1A

        public static final Codes.VATExemptionReasonCode VATEX_EU_151_1A
        Exempt based on article 151, section 1 (a) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
        The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-151-1A" for this value
        The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 151, section 1 (a) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC " for this value
        The function getContextOfExemption() returns "The supply of goods or services under diplomatic and consular arrangements." for this value
        The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      • VATEX_EU_151_1AA

        public static final Codes.VATExemptionReasonCode VATEX_EU_151_1AA
        Exempt based on article 151, section 1 (aa) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
        The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-151-1AA" for this value
        The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 151, section 1 (aa) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC " for this value
        The function getContextOfExemption() returns "The supply of goods or services to the European Community, the European Atomic Energy Community, the European Central Bank or the European Investment Bank, or to the bodies set up by the Communities to which the Protocol of 8 April 1965 on the privileges and immunities of the European Communities applies, within the limits and under the conditions of that Protocol and the agreements for its implementation or the headquarters agreements, in so far as it does not lead to distortion of competition." for this value
        The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      • VATEX_EU_151_1B

        public static final Codes.VATExemptionReasonCode VATEX_EU_151_1B
        Exempt based on article 151, section 1 (b) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
        The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-151-1B" for this value
        The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 151, section 1 (b) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC " for this value
        The function getContextOfExemption() returns "The supply of goods or services to international bodies, other than those referred to in point (aa), recognised as such by the public authorities of the host Member States, and to members of such bodies, within the limits and under the conditions laid down by the international conventions establishing the bodies or by headquarters agreements." for this value
        The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      • VATEX_EU_151_1C

        public static final Codes.VATExemptionReasonCode VATEX_EU_151_1C
        Exempt based on article 151, section 1 (c) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
        The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-151-1C" for this value
        The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 151, section 1 (c) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC " for this value
        The function getContextOfExemption() returns "The supply of goods or services within a Member State which is a party to the North Atlantic Treaty, intended either for the armed forces of other States party to that Treaty for the use of those forces, or of the civilian staff accompanying them, or for supplying their messes or canteens when such forces take part in the common defence effort." for this value
        The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      • VATEX_EU_151_1D

        public static final Codes.VATExemptionReasonCode VATEX_EU_151_1D
        Exempt based on article 151, section 1 (d) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
        The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-151-1D" for this value
        The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 151, section 1 (d) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC " for this value
        The function getContextOfExemption() returns "The supply of goods or services to another Member State, intended for the armed forces of any State which is a party to the North Atlantic Treaty, other than the Member State of destination itself, for the use of those forces, or of the civilian staff accompanying them, or for supplying their messes or canteens when such forces take part in the common defence effort." for this value
        The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      • VATEX_EU_151_1E

        public static final Codes.VATExemptionReasonCode VATEX_EU_151_1E
        Exempt based on article 151, section 1 (e) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
        The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-151-1E" for this value
        The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 151, section 1 (e) of Council Directive 2006/112/EC " for this value
        The function getContextOfExemption() returns "The supply of goods or services to the armed forces of the United Kingdom stationed in the island of Cyprus pursuant to the Treaty of Establishment concerning the Republic of Cyprus, dated 16 August 1960, which are for the use of those forces, or of the civilian staff accompanying them, or for supplying their messes or canteens." for this value
        The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      • VATEX_EU_309

        public static final Codes.VATExemptionReasonCode VATEX_EU_309
        Exempt based on article 309 of Council Directive 2006/112/EC
        The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-309" for this value
        The function getName() returns "Exempt based on article 309 of Council Directive 2006/112/EC " for this value
        The function getContextOfExemption() returns "Travel agents performed outside of EU." for this value
        The function getRemark() returns "" for this value
      • VATEX_EU_D

        public static final Codes.VATExemptionReasonCode VATEX_EU_D
        Intra-Community acquisition from second hand means of transport
        The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-D" for this value
        The function getName() returns "Intra-Community acquisition from second hand means of transport" for this value
        The function getContextOfExemption() returns "Second-hand means of transport - Indication that VAT has been paid according to the relevant transitional arrangements" for this value
        The function getRemark() returns "Only use with VAT category code E" for this value
      • VATEX_EU_F

        public static final Codes.VATExemptionReasonCode VATEX_EU_F
        Intra-Community acquisition of second hand goods
        The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-F" for this value
        The function getName() returns "Intra-Community acquisition of second hand goods" for this value
        The function getContextOfExemption() returns "Second-hand goods - Indication that the VAT margin scheme for second-hand goods has been applied." for this value
        The function getRemark() returns "Only use with VAT category code E" for this value
      • VATEX_EU_G

        public static final Codes.VATExemptionReasonCode VATEX_EU_G
        Export outside the EU
        The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-G" for this value
        The function getName() returns "Export outside the EU" for this value
        The function getContextOfExemption() returns "Supports EN 16931-1 rule BR-G-10" for this value
        The function getRemark() returns "Only use with VAT category code G" for this value
      • VATEX_EU_I

        public static final Codes.VATExemptionReasonCode VATEX_EU_I
        Intra-Community acquisition of works of art
        The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-I" for this value
        The function getName() returns "Intra-Community acquisition of works of art" for this value
        The function getContextOfExemption() returns "Works of art - Indication that the VAT margin scheme for works of art has been applied." for this value
        The function getRemark() returns "Only use with VAT category code E" for this value
      • VATEX_EU_IC

        public static final Codes.VATExemptionReasonCode VATEX_EU_IC
        Intra-Community supply
        The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-IC" for this value
        The function getName() returns "Intra-Community supply" for this value
        The function getContextOfExemption() returns "Supports EN 16931-1 rule BR-IC-10" for this value
        The function getRemark() returns "Only use with VAT category code K" for this value
      • VATEX_EU_J

        public static final Codes.VATExemptionReasonCode VATEX_EU_J
        Intra-Community acquisition of collectors items and antiques
        The function getCode() returns "VATEX-EU-J" for this value
        The function getName() returns "Intra-Community acquisition of collectors items and antiques" for this value
        The function getContextOfExemption() returns "Collectors' items and antiques - Indication that the VAT margin scheme for collector’s items and antiques has been applied." for this value
        The function getRemark() returns "Only use with VAT category code E" for this value
    • Method Detail

      • values

        public static Codes.VATExemptionReasonCode[] values()
        Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared. This method may be used to iterate over the constants as follows:
        for (Codes.VATExemptionReasonCode c : Codes.VATExemptionReasonCode.values())
        an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared
      • valueOf

        public static Codes.VATExemptionReasonCode valueOf​(String name)
        Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
        name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
        the enum constant with the specified name
        IllegalArgumentException - if this enum type has no constant with the specified name
        NullPointerException - if the argument is null
      • getCode

        public String getCode()
        Get the "Code" property value
      • getName

        public String getName()
        Get the "Name" property value
      • getContextOfExemption

        public String getContextOfExemption()
        Get the "Context of exemption" property value
      • getRemark

        public String getRemark()
        Get the "Remark" property value
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Returns a string representation of the VATExemptionReasonCode.
        toString in class Enum<Codes.VATExemptionReasonCode>
        a string representation of the VATExemptionReasonCode.
      • fromString

        public static Codes.VATExemptionReasonCode fromString​(String value)
        Convert a String to a VATExemptionReasonCode.
        Throws a IllegalArgumentException if the value doesn't exist unless the system property "facturx.laxenums" is set to true. In the latter case, a custom value is returned if available.
        a VATExemptionReasonCode that represents the String.
      • isNativeValue

        public static boolean isNativeValue​(String value)
        Tests if valueOf(value) would return a non custom enum value
        true if if valueOf(value) would return a non custom enum value