Enum Codes.UnitOfMeasure

    • Enum Constant Summary

      Enum Constants 
      Enum Constant Description
      ampere square metre per joule second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "A10" for this value
      The function getName() returns "ampere square metre per joule second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "A11" for this value
      The function getName() returns "angstrom" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "A13" for this value
      The function getName() returns "attojoule" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "A14" for this value
      The function getName() returns "barn" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      becquerel per kilogram
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "A18" for this value
      The function getName() returns "becquerel per kilogram" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      becquerel per cubic metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "A19" for this value
      The function getName() returns "becquerel per cubic metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      ampere per centimetre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "A2" for this value
      The function getName() returns "ampere per centimetre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      candela per square metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "A24" for this value
      The function getName() returns "candela per square metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      cubic centimetre per mole
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "A36" for this value
      The function getName() returns "cubic centimetre per mole" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      cubic decimetre per mole
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "A37" for this value
      The function getName() returns "cubic decimetre per mole" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      cubic metre per coulomb
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "A38" for this value
      The function getName() returns "cubic metre per coulomb" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      cubic metre per kilogram
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "A39" for this value
      The function getName() returns "cubic metre per kilogram" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      ampere per square centimetre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "A4" for this value
      The function getName() returns "ampere per square centimetre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      cubic metre per mole
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "A40" for this value
      The function getName() returns "cubic metre per mole" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      ampere per square metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "A41" for this value
      The function getName() returns "ampere per square metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      curie per kilogram
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "A42" for this value
      The function getName() returns "curie per kilogram" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      deadweight tonnage
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "A43" for this value
      The function getName() returns "deadweight tonnage" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "A44" for this value
      The function getName() returns "decalitre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "A45" for this value
      The function getName() returns "decametre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "A47" for this value
      The function getName() returns "decitex" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      degree Rankine
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "A48" for this value
      The function getName() returns "degree Rankine" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "A49" for this value
      The function getName() returns "denier" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      ampere square metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "A5" for this value
      The function getName() returns "ampere square metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "A53" for this value
      The function getName() returns "electronvolt" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      electronvolt per metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "A54" for this value
      The function getName() returns "electronvolt per metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      electronvolt square metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "A55" for this value
      The function getName() returns "electronvolt square metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      electronvolt square metre per kilogram
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "A56" for this value
      The function getName() returns "electronvolt square metre per kilogram" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      8-part cloud cover
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "A59" for this value
      The function getName() returns "8-part cloud cover" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "A68" for this value
      The function getName() returns "exajoule" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      farad per metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "A69" for this value
      The function getName() returns "farad per metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      ampere per square millimetre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "A7" for this value
      The function getName() returns "ampere per square millimetre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "A70" for this value
      The function getName() returns "femtojoule" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "A71" for this value
      The function getName() returns "femtometre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      freight ton
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "A75" for this value
      The function getName() returns "freight ton" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "A76" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gal" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      ampere second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "A8" for this value
      The function getName() returns "ampere second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      gigacoulomb per cubic metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "A84" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gigacoulomb per cubic metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "A85" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gigaelectronvolt" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "A86" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gigahertz" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "A87" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gigaohm" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      gigaohm metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "A88" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gigaohm metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "A89" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gigapascal" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "A9" for this value
      The function getName() returns "rate" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "A90" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gigawatt" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "A91" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gon" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      gram per cubic metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "A93" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gram per cubic metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      gram per mole
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "A94" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gram per mole" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "A95" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gray" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      gray per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "A96" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gray per second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "A97" for this value
      The function getName() returns "hectopascal" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      henry per metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "A98" for this value
      The function getName() returns "henry per metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "A99" for this value
      The function getName() returns "bit" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "AA" for this value
      The function getName() returns "ball" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      bulk pack
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "AB" for this value
      The function getName() returns "bulk pack" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "ACR" for this value
      The function getName() returns "acre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "ACT" for this value
      The function getName() returns "activity" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "AD" for this value
      The function getName() returns "byte" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      ampere per metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "AE" for this value
      The function getName() returns "ampere per metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      additional minute
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "AH" for this value
      The function getName() returns "additional minute" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      average minute per call
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "AI" for this value
      The function getName() returns "average minute per call" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "AK" for this value
      The function getName() returns "fathom" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      access line
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "AL" for this value
      The function getName() returns "access line" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      ampere hour
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "AMH" for this value
      The function getName() returns "ampere hour" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "AMP" for this value
      The function getName() returns "ampere" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "ANN" for this value
      The function getName() returns "year" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      troy ounce or apothecary ounce
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "APZ" for this value
      The function getName() returns "troy ounce or apothecary ounce" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      anti-hemophilic factor (AHF) unit
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "AQ" for this value
      The function getName() returns "anti-hemophilic factor (AHF) unit" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "AS" for this value
      The function getName() returns "assortment" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      alcoholic strength by mass
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "ASM" for this value
      The function getName() returns "alcoholic strength by mass" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      alcoholic strength by volume
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "ASU" for this value
      The function getName() returns "alcoholic strength by volume" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      standard atmosphere
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "ATM" for this value
      The function getName() returns "standard atmosphere" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      american wire gauge
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "AWG" for this value
      The function getName() returns "american wire gauge" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "AY" for this value
      The function getName() returns "assembly" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      British thermal unit (international table) per pound
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "AZ" for this value
      The function getName() returns "British thermal unit (international table) per pound" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      barrel (US) per day
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "B1" for this value
      The function getName() returns "barrel (US) per day" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      bit per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "B10" for this value
      The function getName() returns "bit per second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      joule per kilogram kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "B11" for this value
      The function getName() returns "joule per kilogram kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      joule per metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "B12" for this value
      The function getName() returns "joule per metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      joule per square metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "B13" for this value
      The function getName() returns "joule per square metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      joule per metre to the fourth power
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "B14" for this value
      The function getName() returns "joule per metre to the fourth power" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      joule per mole
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "B15" for this value
      The function getName() returns "joule per mole" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      joule per mole kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "B16" for this value
      The function getName() returns "joule per mole kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "B17" for this value
      The function getName() returns "credit" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      joule second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "B18" for this value
      The function getName() returns "joule second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "B19" for this value
      The function getName() returns "digit" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      joule square metre per kilogram
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "B20" for this value
      The function getName() returns "joule square metre per kilogram" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kelvin per watt
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "B21" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kelvin per watt" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "B22" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kiloampere" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kiloampere per square metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "B23" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kiloampere per square metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kiloampere per metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "B24" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kiloampere per metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilobecquerel per kilogram
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "B25" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilobecquerel per kilogram" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "B26" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilocoulomb" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilocoulomb per cubic metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "B27" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilocoulomb per cubic metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilocoulomb per square metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "B28" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilocoulomb per square metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "B29" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kiloelectronvolt" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      batting pound
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "B3" for this value
      The function getName() returns "batting pound" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "B30" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gibibit" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilogram metre per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "B31" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilogram metre per second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilogram metre squared
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "B32" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilogram metre squared" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilogram metre squared per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "B33" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilogram metre squared per second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilogram per cubic decimetre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "B34" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilogram per cubic decimetre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilogram per litre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "B35" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilogram per litre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      barrel, imperial
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "B4" for this value
      The function getName() returns "barrel, imperial" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilojoule per kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "B41" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilojoule per kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilojoule per kilogram
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "B42" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilojoule per kilogram" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilojoule per kilogram kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "B43" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilojoule per kilogram kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilojoule per mole
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "B44" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilojoule per mole" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "B45" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilomole" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilomole per cubic metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "B46" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilomole per cubic metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "B47" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilonewton" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilonewton metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "B48" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilonewton metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "B49" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kiloohm" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kiloohm metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "B50" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kiloohm metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "B52" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilosecond" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "B53" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilosiemens" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilosiemens per metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "B54" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilosiemens per metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilovolt per metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "B55" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilovolt per metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kiloweber per metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "B56" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kiloweber per metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      light year
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "B57" for this value
      The function getName() returns "light year" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      litre per mole
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "B58" for this value
      The function getName() returns "litre per mole" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      lumen hour
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "B59" for this value
      The function getName() returns "lumen hour" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      lumen per square metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "B60" for this value
      The function getName() returns "lumen per square metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      lumen per watt
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "B61" for this value
      The function getName() returns "lumen per watt" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      lumen second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "B62" for this value
      The function getName() returns "lumen second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      lux hour
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "B63" for this value
      The function getName() returns "lux hour" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      lux second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "B64" for this value
      The function getName() returns "lux second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      megaampere per square metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "B66" for this value
      The function getName() returns "megaampere per square metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      megabecquerel per kilogram
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "B67" for this value
      The function getName() returns "megabecquerel per kilogram" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "B68" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gigabit" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      megacoulomb per cubic metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "B69" for this value
      The function getName() returns "megacoulomb per cubic metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "B7" for this value
      The function getName() returns "cycle" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      megacoulomb per square metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "B70" for this value
      The function getName() returns "megacoulomb per square metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "B71" for this value
      The function getName() returns "megaelectronvolt" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      megagram per cubic metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "B72" for this value
      The function getName() returns "megagram per cubic metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "B73" for this value
      The function getName() returns "meganewton" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      meganewton metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "B74" for this value
      The function getName() returns "meganewton metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "B75" for this value
      The function getName() returns "megaohm" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      megaohm metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "B76" for this value
      The function getName() returns "megaohm metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      megasiemens per metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "B77" for this value
      The function getName() returns "megasiemens per metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "B78" for this value
      The function getName() returns "megavolt" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      megavolt per metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "B79" for this value
      The function getName() returns "megavolt per metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      joule per cubic metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "B8" for this value
      The function getName() returns "joule per cubic metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      gigabit per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "B80" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gigabit per second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      metre to the fourth power
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "B83" for this value
      The function getName() returns "metre to the fourth power" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "B84" for this value
      The function getName() returns "microampere" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "B85" for this value
      The function getName() returns "microbar" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "B86" for this value
      The function getName() returns "microcoulomb" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      microcoulomb per cubic metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "B87" for this value
      The function getName() returns "microcoulomb per cubic metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      microcoulomb per square metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "B88" for this value
      The function getName() returns "microcoulomb per square metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      microfarad per metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "B89" for this value
      The function getName() returns "microfarad per metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "B90" for this value
      The function getName() returns "microhenry" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      microhenry per metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "B91" for this value
      The function getName() returns "microhenry per metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "B92" for this value
      The function getName() returns "micronewton" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      micronewton metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "B93" for this value
      The function getName() returns "micronewton metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "B94" for this value
      The function getName() returns "microohm" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      microohm metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "B95" for this value
      The function getName() returns "microohm metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "B96" for this value
      The function getName() returns "micropascal" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "B97" for this value
      The function getName() returns "microradian" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "B98" for this value
      The function getName() returns "microsecond" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "B99" for this value
      The function getName() returns "microsiemens" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      bar [unit of pressure]
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "BAR" for this value
      The function getName() returns "bar [unit of pressure]" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      base box
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "BB" for this value
      The function getName() returns "base box" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      brake horse power
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "BHP" for this value
      The function getName() returns "brake horse power" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      billion (EUR)
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "BIL" for this value
      The function getName() returns "billion (EUR)" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      dry barrel (US)
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "BLD" for this value
      The function getName() returns "dry barrel (US)" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      barrel (US)
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "BLL" for this value
      The function getName() returns "barrel (US)" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      beats per minute
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "BPM" for this value
      The function getName() returns "beats per minute" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "BQL" for this value
      The function getName() returns "becquerel" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      British thermal unit (international table)
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "BTU" for this value
      The function getName() returns "British thermal unit (international table)" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      bushel (US)
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "BUA" for this value
      The function getName() returns "bushel (US)" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      bushel (UK)
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "BUI" for this value
      The function getName() returns "bushel (UK)" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "C0" for this value
      The function getName() returns "call" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "C10" for this value
      The function getName() returns "millifarad" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "C11" for this value
      The function getName() returns "milligal" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      milligram per metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "C12" for this value
      The function getName() returns "milligram per metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "C13" for this value
      The function getName() returns "milligray" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "C14" for this value
      The function getName() returns "millihenry" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "C15" for this value
      The function getName() returns "millijoule" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      millimetre per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "C16" for this value
      The function getName() returns "millimetre per second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      millimetre squared per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "C17" for this value
      The function getName() returns "millimetre squared per second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "C18" for this value
      The function getName() returns "millimole" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      mole per kilogram
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "C19" for this value
      The function getName() returns "mole per kilogram" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      fixed rate
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "1I" for this value
      The function getName() returns "fixed rate" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "C20" for this value
      The function getName() returns "millinewton" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "C21" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kibibit" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      millinewton per metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "C22" for this value
      The function getName() returns "millinewton per metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      milliohm metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "C23" for this value
      The function getName() returns "milliohm metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      millipascal second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "C24" for this value
      The function getName() returns "millipascal second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "C25" for this value
      The function getName() returns "milliradian" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "C26" for this value
      The function getName() returns "millisecond" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "C27" for this value
      The function getName() returns "millisiemens" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "C28" for this value
      The function getName() returns "millisievert" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "C29" for this value
      The function getName() returns "millitesla" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      radian per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "2A" for this value
      The function getName() returns "radian per second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      radian per second squared
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "2B" for this value
      The function getName() returns "radian per second squared" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "2C" for this value
      The function getName() returns "roentgen" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      volt AC
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "2G" for this value
      The function getName() returns "volt AC" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      volt DC
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "2H" for this value
      The function getName() returns "volt DC" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      British thermal unit (international table) per hour
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "2I" for this value
      The function getName() returns "British thermal unit (international table) per hour" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      cubic centimetre per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "2J" for this value
      The function getName() returns "cubic centimetre per second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      centimetre per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "2M" for this value
      The function getName() returns "centimetre per second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "2N" for this value
      The function getName() returns "decibel" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "2P" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilobyte" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "2Q" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilobecquerel" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "2R" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilocurie" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "2U" for this value
      The function getName() returns "megagram" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      metre per minute
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "2X" for this value
      The function getName() returns "metre per minute" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "2Y" for this value
      The function getName() returns "milliroentgen" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "2Z" for this value
      The function getName() returns "millivolt" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      microvolt per metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "C3" for this value
      The function getName() returns "microvolt per metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      millivolt per metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "C30" for this value
      The function getName() returns "millivolt per metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "C31" for this value
      The function getName() returns "milliwatt" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      milliwatt per square metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "C32" for this value
      The function getName() returns "milliwatt per square metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "C33" for this value
      The function getName() returns "milliweber" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "C34" for this value
      The function getName() returns "mole" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      mole per cubic decimetre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "C35" for this value
      The function getName() returns "mole per cubic decimetre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      mole per cubic metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "C36" for this value
      The function getName() returns "mole per cubic metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "C37" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilobit" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      mole per litre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "C38" for this value
      The function getName() returns "mole per litre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "C39" for this value
      The function getName() returns "nanoampere" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "3B" for this value
      The function getName() returns "megajoule" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "3C" for this value
      The function getName() returns "manmonth" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "C40" for this value
      The function getName() returns "nanocoulomb" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "C41" for this value
      The function getName() returns "nanofarad" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      nanofarad per metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "C42" for this value
      The function getName() returns "nanofarad per metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "C43" for this value
      The function getName() returns "nanohenry" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      nanohenry per metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "C44" for this value
      The function getName() returns "nanohenry per metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "C45" for this value
      The function getName() returns "nanometre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      nanoohm metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "C46" for this value
      The function getName() returns "nanoohm metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "C47" for this value
      The function getName() returns "nanosecond" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "C48" for this value
      The function getName() returns "nanotesla" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "C49" for this value
      The function getName() returns "nanowatt" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "4C" for this value
      The function getName() returns "centistokes" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "4G" for this value
      The function getName() returns "microlitre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      micrometre (micron)
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "4H" for this value
      The function getName() returns "micrometre (micron)" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "4K" for this value
      The function getName() returns "milliampere" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "4L" for this value
      The function getName() returns "megabyte" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      milligram per hour
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "4M" for this value
      The function getName() returns "milligram per hour" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "4N" for this value
      The function getName() returns "megabecquerel" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "4O" for this value
      The function getName() returns "microfarad" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      newton per metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "4P" for this value
      The function getName() returns "newton per metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "4T" for this value
      The function getName() returns "picofarad" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      pound per hour
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "4U" for this value
      The function getName() returns "pound per hour" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      ton (US) per hour
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "4W" for this value
      The function getName() returns "ton (US) per hour" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilolitre per hour
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "4X" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilolitre per hour" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "C50" for this value
      The function getName() returns "neper" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      neper per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "C51" for this value
      The function getName() returns "neper per second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "C52" for this value
      The function getName() returns "picometre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      newton metre second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "C53" for this value
      The function getName() returns "newton metre second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      newton metre squared per kilogram squared
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "C54" for this value
      The function getName() returns "newton metre squared per kilogram squared" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      newton per square metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "C55" for this value
      The function getName() returns "newton per square metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      newton per square millimetre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "C56" for this value
      The function getName() returns "newton per square millimetre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      newton second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "C57" for this value
      The function getName() returns "newton second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      newton second per metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "C58" for this value
      The function getName() returns "newton second per metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "C59" for this value
      The function getName() returns "octave" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      barrel (US) per minute
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "5A" for this value
      The function getName() returns "barrel (US) per minute" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "5B" for this value
      The function getName() returns "batch" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "5E" for this value
      The function getName() returns "MMSCF/day" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      hydraulic horse power
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "5J" for this value
      The function getName() returns "hydraulic horse power" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      ohm centimetre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "C60" for this value
      The function getName() returns "ohm centimetre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      ohm metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "C61" for this value
      The function getName() returns "ohm metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "C62" for this value
      The function getName() returns "one" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns true for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "C63" for this value
      The function getName() returns "parsec" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      pascal per kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "C64" for this value
      The function getName() returns "pascal per kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      pascal second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "C65" for this value
      The function getName() returns "pascal second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      pascal second per cubic metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "C66" for this value
      The function getName() returns "pascal second per cubic metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      pascal second per metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "C67" for this value
      The function getName() returns "pascal second per metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "C68" for this value
      The function getName() returns "petajoule" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "C69" for this value
      The function getName() returns "phon" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "C7" for this value
      The function getName() returns "centipoise" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "C70" for this value
      The function getName() returns "picoampere" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "C71" for this value
      The function getName() returns "picocoulomb" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      picofarad per metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "C72" for this value
      The function getName() returns "picofarad per metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "C73" for this value
      The function getName() returns "picohenry" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilobit per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "C74" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilobit per second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "C75" for this value
      The function getName() returns "picowatt" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      picowatt per square metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "C76" for this value
      The function getName() returns "picowatt per square metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "C78" for this value
      The function getName() returns "pound-force" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilovolt ampere hour
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "C79" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilovolt ampere hour" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      millicoulomb per kilogram
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "C8" for this value
      The function getName() returns "millicoulomb per kilogram" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "C80" for this value
      The function getName() returns "rad" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "C81" for this value
      The function getName() returns "radian" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      radian square metre per mole
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "C82" for this value
      The function getName() returns "radian square metre per mole" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      radian square metre per kilogram
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "C83" for this value
      The function getName() returns "radian square metre per kilogram" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      radian per metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "C84" for this value
      The function getName() returns "radian per metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      carrying capacity in metric ton
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "CCT" for this value
      The function getName() returns "carrying capacity in metric ton" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "CDL" for this value
      The function getName() returns "candela" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      degree Celsius
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "CEL" for this value
      The function getName() returns "degree Celsius" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "CEN" for this value
      The function getName() returns "hundred" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "CG" for this value
      The function getName() returns "card" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "CGM" for this value
      The function getName() returns "centigram" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      coulomb per kilogram
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "CKG" for this value
      The function getName() returns "coulomb per kilogram" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      hundred leave
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "CLF" for this value
      The function getName() returns "hundred leave" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "CLT" for this value
      The function getName() returns "centilitre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      square centimetre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "CMK" for this value
      The function getName() returns "square centimetre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      cubic centimetre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "CMQ" for this value
      The function getName() returns "cubic centimetre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "CMT" for this value
      The function getName() returns "centimetre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      hundred pack
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "CNP" for this value
      The function getName() returns "hundred pack" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      cental (UK)
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "CNT" for this value
      The function getName() returns "cental (UK)" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "COU" for this value
      The function getName() returns "coulomb" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      content gram
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "CTG" for this value
      The function getName() returns "content gram" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      metric carat
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "CTM" for this value
      The function getName() returns "metric carat" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      content ton (metric)
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "CTN" for this value
      The function getName() returns "content ton (metric)" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "CUR" for this value
      The function getName() returns "curie" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Custom entry whose member "code" gets updated to "value" on calls to fromString(String value)
      Custom entry whose member "code" gets updated to "value" on calls to fromString(String value)
      Custom entry whose member "code" gets updated to "value" on calls to fromString(String value)
      Custom entry whose member "code" gets updated to "value" on calls to fromString(String value)
      Custom entry whose member "code" gets updated to "value" on calls to fromString(String value)
      Custom entry whose member "code" gets updated to "value" on calls to fromString(String value)
      Custom entry whose member "code" gets updated to "value" on calls to fromString(String value)
      Custom entry whose member "code" gets updated to "value" on calls to fromString(String value)
      Custom entry whose member "code" gets updated to "value" on calls to fromString(String value)
      Custom entry whose member "code" gets updated to "value" on calls to fromString(String value)
      hundred pound (cwt) / hundred weight (US)
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "CWA" for this value
      The function getName() returns "hundred pound (cwt) / hundred weight (US)" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      hundred weight (UK)
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "CWI" for this value
      The function getName() returns "hundred weight (UK)" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilowatt hour per hour
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "D03" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilowatt hour per hour" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      lot [unit of weight]
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "D04" for this value
      The function getName() returns "lot [unit of weight]" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      siemens per metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "D10" for this value
      The function getName() returns "siemens per metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "D11" for this value
      The function getName() returns "mebibit" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      siemens square metre per mole
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "D12" for this value
      The function getName() returns "siemens square metre per mole" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "D13" for this value
      The function getName() returns "sievert" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "D15" for this value
      The function getName() returns "sone" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      square centimetre per erg
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "D16" for this value
      The function getName() returns "square centimetre per erg" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      square centimetre per steradian erg
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "D17" for this value
      The function getName() returns "square centimetre per steradian erg" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      metre kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "D18" for this value
      The function getName() returns "metre kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      square metre kelvin per watt
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "D19" for this value
      The function getName() returns "square metre kelvin per watt" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      square metre per joule
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "D20" for this value
      The function getName() returns "square metre per joule" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      square metre per kilogram
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "D21" for this value
      The function getName() returns "square metre per kilogram" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      square metre per mole
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "D22" for this value
      The function getName() returns "square metre per mole" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      pen gram (protein)
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "D23" for this value
      The function getName() returns "pen gram (protein)" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      square metre per steradian
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "D24" for this value
      The function getName() returns "square metre per steradian" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      square metre per steradian joule
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "D25" for this value
      The function getName() returns "square metre per steradian joule" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      square metre per volt second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "D26" for this value
      The function getName() returns "square metre per volt second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "D27" for this value
      The function getName() returns "steradian" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "D29" for this value
      The function getName() returns "terahertz" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "D30" for this value
      The function getName() returns "terajoule" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "D31" for this value
      The function getName() returns "terawatt" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      terawatt hour
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "D32" for this value
      The function getName() returns "terawatt hour" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "D33" for this value
      The function getName() returns "tesla" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "D34" for this value
      The function getName() returns "tex" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "D36" for this value
      The function getName() returns "megabit" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      tonne per cubic metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "D41" for this value
      The function getName() returns "tonne per cubic metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      tropical year
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "D42" for this value
      The function getName() returns "tropical year" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      unified atomic mass unit
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "D43" for this value
      The function getName() returns "unified atomic mass unit" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "D44" for this value
      The function getName() returns "var" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      volt squared per kelvin squared
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "D45" for this value
      The function getName() returns "volt squared per kelvin squared" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      volt - ampere
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "D46" for this value
      The function getName() returns "volt - ampere" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      volt per centimetre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "D47" for this value
      The function getName() returns "volt per centimetre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      volt per kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "D48" for this value
      The function getName() returns "volt per kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      millivolt per kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "D49" for this value
      The function getName() returns "millivolt per kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilogram per square centimetre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "D5" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilogram per square centimetre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      volt per metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "D50" for this value
      The function getName() returns "volt per metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      volt per millimetre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "D51" for this value
      The function getName() returns "volt per millimetre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      watt per kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "D52" for this value
      The function getName() returns "watt per kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      watt per metre kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "D53" for this value
      The function getName() returns "watt per metre kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      watt per square metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "D54" for this value
      The function getName() returns "watt per square metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      watt per square metre kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "D55" for this value
      The function getName() returns "watt per square metre kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      watt per square metre kelvin to the fourth power
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "D56" for this value
      The function getName() returns "watt per square metre kelvin to the fourth power" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      watt per steradian
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "D57" for this value
      The function getName() returns "watt per steradian" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      watt per steradian square metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "D58" for this value
      The function getName() returns "watt per steradian square metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      weber per metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "D59" for this value
      The function getName() returns "weber per metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      roentgen per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "D6" for this value
      The function getName() returns "roentgen per second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      weber per millimetre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "D60" for this value
      The function getName() returns "weber per millimetre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      minute [unit of angle]
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "D61" for this value
      The function getName() returns "minute [unit of angle]" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      second [unit of angle]
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "D62" for this value
      The function getName() returns "second [unit of angle]" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "D63" for this value
      The function getName() returns "book" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "D65" for this value
      The function getName() returns "round" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      number of words
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "D68" for this value
      The function getName() returns "number of words" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      joule square metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "D73" for this value
      The function getName() returns "joule square metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilogram per mole
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "D74" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilogram per mole" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "D77" for this value
      The function getName() returns "megacoulomb" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      megajoule per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "D78" for this value
      The function getName() returns "megajoule per second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "D80" for this value
      The function getName() returns "microwatt" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "D81" for this value
      The function getName() returns "microtesla" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "D82" for this value
      The function getName() returns "microvolt" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      millinewton metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "D83" for this value
      The function getName() returns "millinewton metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      microwatt per square metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "D85" for this value
      The function getName() returns "microwatt per square metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "D86" for this value
      The function getName() returns "millicoulomb" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      millimole per kilogram
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "D87" for this value
      The function getName() returns "millimole per kilogram" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      millicoulomb per cubic metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "D88" for this value
      The function getName() returns "millicoulomb per cubic metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      millicoulomb per square metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "D89" for this value
      The function getName() returns "millicoulomb per square metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "D91" for this value
      The function getName() returns "rem" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      second per cubic metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "D93" for this value
      The function getName() returns "second per cubic metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      second per cubic metre radian
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "D94" for this value
      The function getName() returns "second per cubic metre radian" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      joule per gram
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "D95" for this value
      The function getName() returns "joule per gram" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "DAA" for this value
      The function getName() returns "decare" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      ten day
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "DAD" for this value
      The function getName() returns "ten day" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "DAY" for this value
      The function getName() returns "day" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      dry pound
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "DB" for this value
      The function getName() returns "dry pound" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "DBM" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Decibel-milliwatts" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Decibel watt
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "DBW" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Decibel watt" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      degree [unit of angle]
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "DD" for this value
      The function getName() returns "degree [unit of angle]" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "DEC" for this value
      The function getName() returns "decade" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "DG" for this value
      The function getName() returns "decigram" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "DJ" for this value
      The function getName() returns "decagram" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "DLT" for this value
      The function getName() returns "decilitre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      cubic decametre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "DMA" for this value
      The function getName() returns "cubic decametre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      square decimetre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "DMK" for this value
      The function getName() returns "square decimetre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      standard kilolitre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "DMO" for this value
      The function getName() returns "standard kilolitre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      cubic decimetre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "DMQ" for this value
      The function getName() returns "cubic decimetre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "DMT" for this value
      The function getName() returns "decimetre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      decinewton metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "DN" for this value
      The function getName() returns "decinewton metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      dozen piece
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "DPC" for this value
      The function getName() returns "dozen piece" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      dozen pair
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "DPR" for this value
      The function getName() returns "dozen pair" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      displacement tonnage
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "DPT" for this value
      The function getName() returns "displacement tonnage" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      dram (US)
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "DRA" for this value
      The function getName() returns "dram (US)" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      dram (UK)
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "DRI" for this value
      The function getName() returns "dram (UK)" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      dozen roll
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "DRL" for this value
      The function getName() returns "dozen roll" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      dry ton
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "DT" for this value
      The function getName() returns "dry ton" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "DTN" for this value
      The function getName() returns "decitonne" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "DWT" for this value
      The function getName() returns "pennyweight" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "DZN" for this value
      The function getName() returns "dozen" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      dozen pack
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "DZP" for this value
      The function getName() returns "dozen pack" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      newton per square centimetre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "E01" for this value
      The function getName() returns "newton per square centimetre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      megawatt hour per hour
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "E07" for this value
      The function getName() returns "megawatt hour per hour" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      megawatt per hertz
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "E08" for this value
      The function getName() returns "megawatt per hertz" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      milliampere hour
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "E09" for this value
      The function getName() returns "milliampere hour" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      degree day
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "E10" for this value
      The function getName() returns "degree day" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "E12" for this value
      The function getName() returns "mille" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilocalorie (international table)
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "E14" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilocalorie (international table)" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilocalorie (thermochemical) per hour
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "E15" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilocalorie (thermochemical) per hour" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      million Btu(IT) per hour
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "E16" for this value
      The function getName() returns "million Btu(IT) per hour" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      tonne per hour
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "E18" for this value
      The function getName() returns "tonne per hour" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "E19" for this value
      The function getName() returns "ping" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      megabit per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "E20" for this value
      The function getName() returns "megabit per second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "E21" for this value
      The function getName() returns "shares" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "E22" for this value
      The function getName() returns "TEU" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "E23" for this value
      The function getName() returns "tyre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      active unit
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "E25" for this value
      The function getName() returns "active unit" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "E27" for this value
      The function getName() returns "dose" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      air dry ton
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "E28" for this value
      The function getName() returns "air dry ton" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "E30" for this value
      The function getName() returns "strand" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      square metre per litre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "E31" for this value
      The function getName() returns "square metre per litre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      litre per hour
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "E32" for this value
      The function getName() returns "litre per hour" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "E34" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gigabyte" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "E35" for this value
      The function getName() returns "terabyte" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "E36" for this value
      The function getName() returns "petabyte" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "E37" for this value
      The function getName() returns "pixel" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "E38" for this value
      The function getName() returns "megapixel" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      dots per inch
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "E39" for this value
      The function getName() returns "dots per inch" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      gross kilogram
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "E4" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gross kilogram" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      part per hundred thousand
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "E40" for this value
      The function getName() returns "part per hundred thousand" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilogram-force per square millimetre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "E41" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilogram-force per square millimetre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilogram-force per square centimetre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "E42" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilogram-force per square centimetre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      joule per square centimetre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "E43" for this value
      The function getName() returns "joule per square centimetre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilogram-force metre per square centimetre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "E44" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilogram-force metre per square centimetre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "E45" for this value
      The function getName() returns "milliohm" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilowatt hour per cubic metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "E46" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilowatt hour per cubic metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilowatt hour per kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "E47" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilowatt hour per kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      service unit
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "E48" for this value
      The function getName() returns "service unit" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      working day
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "E49" for this value
      The function getName() returns "working day" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      accounting unit
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "E50" for this value
      The function getName() returns "accounting unit" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "E51" for this value
      The function getName() returns "job" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "E53" for this value
      The function getName() returns "test" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "E54" for this value
      The function getName() returns "trip" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "E55" for this value
      The function getName() returns "use" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "E56" for this value
      The function getName() returns "well" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "E57" for this value
      The function getName() returns "zone" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      exabit per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "E58" for this value
      The function getName() returns "exabit per second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "E59" for this value
      The function getName() returns "exbibyte" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "E60" for this value
      The function getName() returns "pebibyte" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "E61" for this value
      The function getName() returns "tebibyte" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "E62" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gibibyte" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "E63" for this value
      The function getName() returns "mebibyte" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "E64" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kibibyte" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      exbibit per metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "E65" for this value
      The function getName() returns "exbibit per metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      exbibit per square metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "E66" for this value
      The function getName() returns "exbibit per square metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      exbibit per cubic metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "E67" for this value
      The function getName() returns "exbibit per cubic metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      gigabyte per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "E68" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gigabyte per second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      gibibit per metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "E69" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gibibit per metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      gibibit per square metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "E70" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gibibit per square metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      gibibit per cubic metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "E71" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gibibit per cubic metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kibibit per metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "E72" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kibibit per metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kibibit per square metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "E73" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kibibit per square metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kibibit per cubic metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "E74" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kibibit per cubic metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      mebibit per metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "E75" for this value
      The function getName() returns "mebibit per metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      mebibit per square metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "E76" for this value
      The function getName() returns "mebibit per square metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      mebibit per cubic metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "E77" for this value
      The function getName() returns "mebibit per cubic metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "E78" for this value
      The function getName() returns "petabit" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      petabit per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "E79" for this value
      The function getName() returns "petabit per second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      pebibit per metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "E80" for this value
      The function getName() returns "pebibit per metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      pebibit per square metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "E81" for this value
      The function getName() returns "pebibit per square metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      pebibit per cubic metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "E82" for this value
      The function getName() returns "pebibit per cubic metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "E83" for this value
      The function getName() returns "terabit" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      terabit per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "E84" for this value
      The function getName() returns "terabit per second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      tebibit per metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "E85" for this value
      The function getName() returns "tebibit per metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      tebibit per cubic metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "E86" for this value
      The function getName() returns "tebibit per cubic metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      tebibit per square metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "E87" for this value
      The function getName() returns "tebibit per square metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      bit per metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "E88" for this value
      The function getName() returns "bit per metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      bit per square metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "E89" for this value
      The function getName() returns "bit per square metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      cubic decimetre per hour
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "E92" for this value
      The function getName() returns "cubic decimetre per hour" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilogram per hour
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "E93" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilogram per hour" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilomole per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "E94" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilomole per second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      mole per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "E95" for this value
      The function getName() returns "mole per second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      degree per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "E96" for this value
      The function getName() returns "degree per second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      millimetre per degree Celcius metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "E97" for this value
      The function getName() returns "millimetre per degree Celcius metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      degree Celsius per kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "E98" for this value
      The function getName() returns "degree Celsius per kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      hectopascal per bar
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "E99" for this value
      The function getName() returns "hectopascal per bar" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "EA" for this value
      The function getName() returns "each" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      electronic mail box
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "EB" for this value
      The function getName() returns "electronic mail box" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      equivalent gallon
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "EQ" for this value
      The function getName() returns "equivalent gallon" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      bit per cubic metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "F01" for this value
      The function getName() returns "bit per cubic metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kelvin per kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "F02" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kelvin per kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilopascal per bar
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "F03" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilopascal per bar" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      millibar per bar
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "F04" for this value
      The function getName() returns "millibar per bar" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      megapascal per bar
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "F05" for this value
      The function getName() returns "megapascal per bar" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      poise per bar
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "F06" for this value
      The function getName() returns "poise per bar" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      pascal per bar
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "F07" for this value
      The function getName() returns "pascal per bar" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kelvin per hour
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "F10" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kelvin per hour" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kelvin per minute
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "F11" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kelvin per minute" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kelvin per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "F12" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kelvin per second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "F13" for this value
      The function getName() returns "slug" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      gram per kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "F14" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gram per kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilogram per kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "F15" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilogram per kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      milligram per kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "F16" for this value
      The function getName() returns "milligram per kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilogram square centimetre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "F18" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilogram square centimetre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilogram square millimetre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "F19" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilogram square millimetre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      gram per cubic decimetre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "F23" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gram per cubic decimetre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilogram per kilomol
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "F24" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilogram per kilomol" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      gram per hertz
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "F25" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gram per hertz" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      gram per day
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "F26" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gram per day" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      gram per hour
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "F27" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gram per hour" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      gram per minute
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "F28" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gram per minute" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      gram per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "F29" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gram per second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilogram per day
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "F30" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilogram per day" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilogram per minute
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "F31" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilogram per minute" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      milligram per day
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "F32" for this value
      The function getName() returns "milligram per day" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      milligram per minute
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "F33" for this value
      The function getName() returns "milligram per minute" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      milligram per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "F34" for this value
      The function getName() returns "milligram per second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      gram per day kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "F35" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gram per day kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      gram per hour kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "F36" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gram per hour kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      gram per minute kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "F37" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gram per minute kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      gram per second kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "F38" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gram per second kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilogram per day kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "F39" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilogram per day kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilogram per hour kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "F40" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilogram per hour kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilogram per minute kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "F41" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilogram per minute kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilogram per second kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "F42" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilogram per second kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      milligram per day kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "F43" for this value
      The function getName() returns "milligram per day kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      milligram per hour kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "F44" for this value
      The function getName() returns "milligram per hour kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      milligram per minute kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "F45" for this value
      The function getName() returns "milligram per minute kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      milligram per second kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "F46" for this value
      The function getName() returns "milligram per second kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      newton per millimetre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "F47" for this value
      The function getName() returns "newton per millimetre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      rod [unit of distance]
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "F49" for this value
      The function getName() returns "rod [unit of distance]" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      micrometre per kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "F50" for this value
      The function getName() returns "micrometre per kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      centimetre per kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "F51" for this value
      The function getName() returns "centimetre per kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      metre per kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "F52" for this value
      The function getName() returns "metre per kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      millimetre per kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "F53" for this value
      The function getName() returns "millimetre per kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      milliohm per metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "F54" for this value
      The function getName() returns "milliohm per metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      ohm per mile (statute mile)
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "F55" for this value
      The function getName() returns "ohm per mile (statute mile)" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      ohm per kilometre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "F56" for this value
      The function getName() returns "ohm per kilometre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      milliampere per bar
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "F59" for this value
      The function getName() returns "milliampere per bar" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      degree Celsius per bar
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "F60" for this value
      The function getName() returns "degree Celsius per bar" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kelvin per bar
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "F61" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kelvin per bar" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      gram per day bar
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "F62" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gram per day bar" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      gram per hour bar
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "F63" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gram per hour bar" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      gram per minute bar
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "F64" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gram per minute bar" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      gram per second bar
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "F65" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gram per second bar" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilogram per day bar
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "F66" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilogram per day bar" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilogram per hour bar
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "F67" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilogram per hour bar" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilogram per minute bar
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "F68" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilogram per minute bar" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilogram per second bar
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "F69" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilogram per second bar" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      milligram per day bar
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "F70" for this value
      The function getName() returns "milligram per day bar" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      milligram per hour bar
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "F71" for this value
      The function getName() returns "milligram per hour bar" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      milligram per minute bar
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "F72" for this value
      The function getName() returns "milligram per minute bar" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      milligram per second bar
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "F73" for this value
      The function getName() returns "milligram per second bar" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      gram per bar
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "F74" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gram per bar" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      milligram per bar
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "F75" for this value
      The function getName() returns "milligram per bar" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      milliampere per millimetre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "F76" for this value
      The function getName() returns "milliampere per millimetre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      pascal second per kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "F77" for this value
      The function getName() returns "pascal second per kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      water horse power
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "F80" for this value
      The function getName() returns "water horse power" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      bar per kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "F81" for this value
      The function getName() returns "bar per kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      hectopascal per kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "F82" for this value
      The function getName() returns "hectopascal per kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilopascal per kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "F83" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilopascal per kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      millibar per kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "F84" for this value
      The function getName() returns "millibar per kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      megapascal per kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "F85" for this value
      The function getName() returns "megapascal per kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      poise per kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "F86" for this value
      The function getName() returns "poise per kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      volt per litre minute
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "F87" for this value
      The function getName() returns "volt per litre minute" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      newton centimetre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "F88" for this value
      The function getName() returns "newton centimetre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      newton metre per degree
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "F89" for this value
      The function getName() returns "newton metre per degree" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      newton metre per ampere
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "F90" for this value
      The function getName() returns "newton metre per ampere" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      bar litre per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "F91" for this value
      The function getName() returns "bar litre per second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      bar cubic metre per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "F92" for this value
      The function getName() returns "bar cubic metre per second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      hectopascal litre per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "F93" for this value
      The function getName() returns "hectopascal litre per second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      hectopascal cubic metre per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "F94" for this value
      The function getName() returns "hectopascal cubic metre per second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      millibar litre per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "F95" for this value
      The function getName() returns "millibar litre per second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      millibar cubic metre per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "F96" for this value
      The function getName() returns "millibar cubic metre per second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      megapascal litre per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "F97" for this value
      The function getName() returns "megapascal litre per second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      megapascal cubic metre per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "F98" for this value
      The function getName() returns "megapascal cubic metre per second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      pascal litre per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "F99" for this value
      The function getName() returns "pascal litre per second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      degree Fahrenheit
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "FAH" for this value
      The function getName() returns "degree Fahrenheit" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "FAR" for this value
      The function getName() returns "farad" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      fibre metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "FBM" for this value
      The function getName() returns "fibre metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      hundred cubic metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "FF" for this value
      The function getName() returns "hundred cubic metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "FH" for this value
      The function getName() returns "micromole" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      failures in time
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "FIT" for this value
      The function getName() returns "failures in time" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      flake ton
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "FL" for this value
      The function getName() returns "flake ton" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Formazin nephelometric unit
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "FNU" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Formazin nephelometric unit" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      square foot
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "FTK" for this value
      The function getName() returns "square foot" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      cubic foot
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "FTQ" for this value
      The function getName() returns "cubic foot" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      pascal cubic metre per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G01" for this value
      The function getName() returns "pascal cubic metre per second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      centimetre per bar
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G04" for this value
      The function getName() returns "centimetre per bar" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      metre per bar
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G05" for this value
      The function getName() returns "metre per bar" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      millimetre per bar
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G06" for this value
      The function getName() returns "millimetre per bar" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      square metre per second kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G09" for this value
      The function getName() returns "square metre per second kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      stokes per kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G10" for this value
      The function getName() returns "stokes per kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      gram per cubic centimetre bar
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G11" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gram per cubic centimetre bar" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      gram per cubic decimetre bar
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G12" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gram per cubic decimetre bar" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      gram per litre bar
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G13" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gram per litre bar" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      gram per cubic metre bar
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G14" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gram per cubic metre bar" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      gram per millilitre bar
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G15" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gram per millilitre bar" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilogram per cubic centimetre bar
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G16" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilogram per cubic centimetre bar" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilogram per litre bar
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G17" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilogram per litre bar" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilogram per cubic metre bar
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G18" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilogram per cubic metre bar" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      newton metre per kilogram
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G19" for this value
      The function getName() returns "newton metre per kilogram" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      US gallon per minute
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G2" for this value
      The function getName() returns "US gallon per minute" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      cup [unit of volume]
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G21" for this value
      The function getName() returns "cup [unit of volume]" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G23" for this value
      The function getName() returns "peck" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      tablespoon (US)
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G24" for this value
      The function getName() returns "tablespoon (US)" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      teaspoon (US)
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G25" for this value
      The function getName() returns "teaspoon (US)" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G26" for this value
      The function getName() returns "stere" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      cubic centimetre per kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G27" for this value
      The function getName() returns "cubic centimetre per kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      litre per kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G28" for this value
      The function getName() returns "litre per kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      cubic metre per kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G29" for this value
      The function getName() returns "cubic metre per kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Imperial gallon per minute
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G3" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Imperial gallon per minute" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      millilitre per kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G30" for this value
      The function getName() returns "millilitre per kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilogram per cubic centimetre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G31" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilogram per cubic centimetre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      ounce (avoirdupois) per cubic yard
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G32" for this value
      The function getName() returns "ounce (avoirdupois) per cubic yard" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      gram per cubic centimetre kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G33" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gram per cubic centimetre kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      gram per cubic decimetre kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G34" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gram per cubic decimetre kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      gram per litre kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G35" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gram per litre kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      gram per cubic metre kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G36" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gram per cubic metre kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      gram per millilitre kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G37" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gram per millilitre kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilogram per cubic centimetre kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G38" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilogram per cubic centimetre kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilogram per litre kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G39" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilogram per litre kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilogram per cubic metre kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G40" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilogram per cubic metre kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      square metre per second bar
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G41" for this value
      The function getName() returns "square metre per second bar" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      microsiemens per centimetre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G42" for this value
      The function getName() returns "microsiemens per centimetre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      microsiemens per metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G43" for this value
      The function getName() returns "microsiemens per metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      nanosiemens per centimetre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G44" for this value
      The function getName() returns "nanosiemens per centimetre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      nanosiemens per metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G45" for this value
      The function getName() returns "nanosiemens per metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      stokes per bar
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G46" for this value
      The function getName() returns "stokes per bar" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      cubic centimetre per day
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G47" for this value
      The function getName() returns "cubic centimetre per day" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      cubic centimetre per hour
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G48" for this value
      The function getName() returns "cubic centimetre per hour" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      cubic centimetre per minute
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G49" for this value
      The function getName() returns "cubic centimetre per minute" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      gallon (US) per hour
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G50" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gallon (US) per hour" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      litre per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G51" for this value
      The function getName() returns "litre per second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      cubic metre per day
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G52" for this value
      The function getName() returns "cubic metre per day" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      cubic metre per minute
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G53" for this value
      The function getName() returns "cubic metre per minute" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      millilitre per day
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G54" for this value
      The function getName() returns "millilitre per day" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      millilitre per hour
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G55" for this value
      The function getName() returns "millilitre per hour" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      milliampere per litre minute
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G59" for this value
      The function getName() returns "milliampere per litre minute" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      volt per bar
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G60" for this value
      The function getName() returns "volt per bar" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      cubic centimetre per day kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G61" for this value
      The function getName() returns "cubic centimetre per day kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      cubic centimetre per hour kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G62" for this value
      The function getName() returns "cubic centimetre per hour kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      cubic centimetre per minute kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G63" for this value
      The function getName() returns "cubic centimetre per minute kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      cubic centimetre per second kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G64" for this value
      The function getName() returns "cubic centimetre per second kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      litre per day kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G65" for this value
      The function getName() returns "litre per day kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      litre per hour kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G66" for this value
      The function getName() returns "litre per hour kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      litre per minute kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G67" for this value
      The function getName() returns "litre per minute kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      litre per second kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G68" for this value
      The function getName() returns "litre per second kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      cubic metre per day kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G69" for this value
      The function getName() returns "cubic metre per day kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      cubic metre per hour kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G70" for this value
      The function getName() returns "cubic metre per hour kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      cubic metre per minute kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G71" for this value
      The function getName() returns "cubic metre per minute kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      cubic metre per second kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G72" for this value
      The function getName() returns "cubic metre per second kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      millilitre per day kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G73" for this value
      The function getName() returns "millilitre per day kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      millilitre per hour kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G74" for this value
      The function getName() returns "millilitre per hour kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      millilitre per minute kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G75" for this value
      The function getName() returns "millilitre per minute kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      millilitre per second kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G76" for this value
      The function getName() returns "millilitre per second kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      millimetre to the fourth power
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G77" for this value
      The function getName() returns "millimetre to the fourth power" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      cubic centimetre per day bar
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G78" for this value
      The function getName() returns "cubic centimetre per day bar" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      cubic centimetre per hour bar
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G79" for this value
      The function getName() returns "cubic centimetre per hour bar" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      cubic centimetre per minute bar
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G80" for this value
      The function getName() returns "cubic centimetre per minute bar" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      cubic centimetre per second bar
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G81" for this value
      The function getName() returns "cubic centimetre per second bar" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      litre per day bar
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G82" for this value
      The function getName() returns "litre per day bar" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      litre per hour bar
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G83" for this value
      The function getName() returns "litre per hour bar" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      litre per minute bar
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G84" for this value
      The function getName() returns "litre per minute bar" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      litre per second bar
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G85" for this value
      The function getName() returns "litre per second bar" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      cubic metre per day bar
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G86" for this value
      The function getName() returns "cubic metre per day bar" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      cubic metre per hour bar
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G87" for this value
      The function getName() returns "cubic metre per hour bar" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      cubic metre per minute bar
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G88" for this value
      The function getName() returns "cubic metre per minute bar" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      cubic metre per second bar
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G89" for this value
      The function getName() returns "cubic metre per second bar" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      millilitre per day bar
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G90" for this value
      The function getName() returns "millilitre per day bar" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      millilitre per hour bar
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G91" for this value
      The function getName() returns "millilitre per hour bar" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      millilitre per minute bar
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G92" for this value
      The function getName() returns "millilitre per minute bar" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      millilitre per second bar
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G93" for this value
      The function getName() returns "millilitre per second bar" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      cubic centimetre per bar
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G94" for this value
      The function getName() returns "cubic centimetre per bar" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      litre per bar
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G95" for this value
      The function getName() returns "litre per bar" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      cubic metre per bar
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G96" for this value
      The function getName() returns "cubic metre per bar" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      millilitre per bar
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G97" for this value
      The function getName() returns "millilitre per bar" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      microhenry per kiloohm
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G98" for this value
      The function getName() returns "microhenry per kiloohm" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      microhenry per ohm
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "G99" for this value
      The function getName() returns "microhenry per ohm" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      gallon (US) per day
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "GB" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gallon (US) per day" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "GBQ" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gigabecquerel" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      gram, dry weight
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "GDW" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gram, dry weight" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      pound per gallon (US)
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "GE" for this value
      The function getName() returns "pound per gallon (US)" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      gram per metre (gram per 100 centimetres)
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "GF" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gram per metre (gram per 100 centimetres)" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      gram of fissile isotope
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "GFI" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gram of fissile isotope" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      great gross
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "GGR" for this value
      The function getName() returns "great gross" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      gill (US)
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "GIA" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gill (US)" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      gram, including container
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "GIC" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gram, including container" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      gill (UK)
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "GII" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gill (UK)" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      gram, including inner packaging
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "GIP" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gram, including inner packaging" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      gram per millilitre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "GJ" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gram per millilitre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      gram per litre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "GL" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gram per litre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      dry gallon (US)
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "GLD" for this value
      The function getName() returns "dry gallon (US)" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      gallon (UK)
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "GLI" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gallon (UK)" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      gallon (US)
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "GLL" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gallon (US)" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      gram per square metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "GM" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gram per square metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      milligram per square metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "GO" for this value
      The function getName() returns "milligram per square metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      milligram per cubic metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "GP" for this value
      The function getName() returns "milligram per cubic metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      microgram per cubic metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "GQ" for this value
      The function getName() returns "microgram per cubic metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "GRM" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gram" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "GRN" for this value
      The function getName() returns "grain" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "GRO" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gross" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "GV" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gigajoule" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      gigawatt hour
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "GWH" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gigawatt hour" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      henry per kiloohm
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "H03" for this value
      The function getName() returns "henry per kiloohm" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      henry per ohm
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "H04" for this value
      The function getName() returns "henry per ohm" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      millihenry per kiloohm
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "H05" for this value
      The function getName() returns "millihenry per kiloohm" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      millihenry per ohm
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "H06" for this value
      The function getName() returns "millihenry per ohm" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      pascal second per bar
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "H07" for this value
      The function getName() returns "pascal second per bar" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "H08" for this value
      The function getName() returns "microbecquerel" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      degree Celsius per hour
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "H12" for this value
      The function getName() returns "degree Celsius per hour" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      degree Celsius per minute
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "H13" for this value
      The function getName() returns "degree Celsius per minute" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      degree Celsius per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "H14" for this value
      The function getName() returns "degree Celsius per second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      square centimetre per gram
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "H15" for this value
      The function getName() returns "square centimetre per gram" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      square decametre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "H16" for this value
      The function getName() returns "square decametre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      square hectometre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "H18" for this value
      The function getName() returns "square hectometre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      cubic hectometre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "H19" for this value
      The function getName() returns "cubic hectometre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      cubic kilometre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "H20" for this value
      The function getName() returns "cubic kilometre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "H21" for this value
      The function getName() returns "blank" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      volt per microsecond
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "H24" for this value
      The function getName() returns "volt per microsecond" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      percent per kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "H25" for this value
      The function getName() returns "percent per kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      ohm per metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "H26" for this value
      The function getName() returns "ohm per metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      degree per metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "H27" for this value
      The function getName() returns "degree per metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      microfarad per kilometre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "H28" for this value
      The function getName() returns "microfarad per kilometre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      microgram per litre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "H29" for this value
      The function getName() returns "microgram per litre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      square micrometre (square micron)
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "H30" for this value
      The function getName() returns "square micrometre (square micron)" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      ampere per kilogram
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "H31" for this value
      The function getName() returns "ampere per kilogram" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      ampere squared second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "H32" for this value
      The function getName() returns "ampere squared second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      farad per kilometre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "H33" for this value
      The function getName() returns "farad per kilometre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      hertz metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "H34" for this value
      The function getName() returns "hertz metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kelvin metre per watt
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "H35" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kelvin metre per watt" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      megaohm per kilometre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "H36" for this value
      The function getName() returns "megaohm per kilometre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      megaohm per metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "H37" for this value
      The function getName() returns "megaohm per metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "H38" for this value
      The function getName() returns "megaampere" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      megahertz kilometre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "H39" for this value
      The function getName() returns "megahertz kilometre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      newton per ampere
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "H40" for this value
      The function getName() returns "newton per ampere" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      newton metre watt to the power minus 0,5
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "H41" for this value
      The function getName() returns "newton metre watt to the power minus 0,5" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      pascal per metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "H42" for this value
      The function getName() returns "pascal per metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      siemens per centimetre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "H43" for this value
      The function getName() returns "siemens per centimetre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "H44" for this value
      The function getName() returns "teraohm" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      volt second per metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "H45" for this value
      The function getName() returns "volt second per metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      volt per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "H46" for this value
      The function getName() returns "volt per second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      watt per cubic metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "H47" for this value
      The function getName() returns "watt per cubic metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "H48" for this value
      The function getName() returns "attofarad" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      centimetre per hour
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "H49" for this value
      The function getName() returns "centimetre per hour" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      decibel per kilometre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "H51" for this value
      The function getName() returns "decibel per kilometre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      decibel per metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "H52" for this value
      The function getName() returns "decibel per metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilogram per bar
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "H53" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilogram per bar" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilogram per cubic decimetre kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "H54" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilogram per cubic decimetre kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilogram per cubic decimetre bar
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "H55" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilogram per cubic decimetre bar" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilogram per square metre second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "H56" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilogram per square metre second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      metre per volt second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "H58" for this value
      The function getName() returns "metre per volt second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      square metre per newton
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "H59" for this value
      The function getName() returns "square metre per newton" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      cubic metre per cubic metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "H60" for this value
      The function getName() returns "cubic metre per cubic metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      millisiemens per centimetre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "H61" for this value
      The function getName() returns "millisiemens per centimetre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      millivolt per minute
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "H62" for this value
      The function getName() returns "millivolt per minute" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      milligram per square centimetre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "H63" for this value
      The function getName() returns "milligram per square centimetre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      milligram per gram
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "H64" for this value
      The function getName() returns "milligram per gram" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      millilitre per cubic metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "H65" for this value
      The function getName() returns "millilitre per cubic metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      millimetre per year
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "H66" for this value
      The function getName() returns "millimetre per year" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      millimetre per hour
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "H67" for this value
      The function getName() returns "millimetre per hour" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      millimole per gram
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "H68" for this value
      The function getName() returns "millimole per gram" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      picopascal per kilometre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "H69" for this value
      The function getName() returns "picopascal per kilometre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "H70" for this value
      The function getName() returns "picosecond" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      percent per month
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "H71" for this value
      The function getName() returns "percent per month" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      percent per hectobar
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "H72" for this value
      The function getName() returns "percent per hectobar" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      percent per decakelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "H73" for this value
      The function getName() returns "percent per decakelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      watt per metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "H74" for this value
      The function getName() returns "watt per metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "H75" for this value
      The function getName() returns "decapascal" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      gram per millimetre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "H76" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gram per millimetre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      module width
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "H77" for this value
      The function getName() returns "module width" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      French gauge
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "H79" for this value
      The function getName() returns "French gauge" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      rack unit
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "H80" for this value
      The function getName() returns "rack unit" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      millimetre per minute
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "H81" for this value
      The function getName() returns "millimetre per minute" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      big point
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "H82" for this value
      The function getName() returns "big point" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      litre per kilogram
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "H83" for this value
      The function getName() returns "litre per kilogram" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      gram millimetre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "H84" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gram millimetre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "H87" for this value
      The function getName() returns "piece" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      megaohm kilometre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "H88" for this value
      The function getName() returns "megaohm kilometre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      percent per ohm
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "H89" for this value
      The function getName() returns "percent per ohm" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      percent per degree
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "H90" for this value
      The function getName() returns "percent per degree" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      percent per ten thousand
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "H91" for this value
      The function getName() returns "percent per ten thousand" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      percent per one hundred thousand
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "H92" for this value
      The function getName() returns "percent per one hundred thousand" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      percent per hundred
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "H93" for this value
      The function getName() returns "percent per hundred" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      percent per thousand
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "H94" for this value
      The function getName() returns "percent per thousand" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      percent per volt
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "H95" for this value
      The function getName() returns "percent per volt" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      percent per bar
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "H96" for this value
      The function getName() returns "percent per bar" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      percent per metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "H99" for this value
      The function getName() returns "percent per metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "HA" for this value
      The function getName() returns "hank" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Piece Day
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "HAD" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Piece Day" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "HBA" for this value
      The function getName() returns "hectobar" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      hundred boxes
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "HBX" for this value
      The function getName() returns "hundred boxes" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      hundred count
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "HC" for this value
      The function getName() returns "hundred count" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      hundred kilogram, dry weight
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "HDW" for this value
      The function getName() returns "hundred kilogram, dry weight" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "HEA" for this value
      The function getName() returns "head" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "HGM" for this value
      The function getName() returns "hectogram" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      hundred cubic foot
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "HH" for this value
      The function getName() returns "hundred cubic foot" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      hundred international unit
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "HIU" for this value
      The function getName() returns "hundred international unit" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      hundred kilogram, net mass
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "HKM" for this value
      The function getName() returns "hundred kilogram, net mass" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "HLT" for this value
      The function getName() returns "hectolitre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      mile per hour (statute mile)
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "HM" for this value
      The function getName() returns "mile per hour (statute mile)" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Piece Month
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "HMO" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Piece Month" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      million cubic metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "HMQ" for this value
      The function getName() returns "million cubic metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "HMT" for this value
      The function getName() returns "hectometre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      hectolitre of pure alcohol
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "HPA" for this value
      The function getName() returns "hectolitre of pure alcohol" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "HTZ" for this value
      The function getName() returns "hertz" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "HUR" for this value
      The function getName() returns "hour" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Piece Week
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "HWE" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Piece Week" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "IE" for this value
      The function getName() returns "person" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "INH" for this value
      The function getName() returns "inch" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      square inch
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "INK" for this value
      The function getName() returns "square inch" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      cubic inch
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "INQ" for this value
      The function getName() returns "cubic inch" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      international sugar degree
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "ISD" for this value
      The function getName() returns "international sugar degree" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      international unit per gram
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "IUG" for this value
      The function getName() returns "international unit per gram" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      percent per millimetre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "J10" for this value
      The function getName() returns "percent per millimetre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      per mille per psi
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "J12" for this value
      The function getName() returns "per mille per psi" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      degree API
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "J13" for this value
      The function getName() returns "degree API" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      degree Baume (origin scale)
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "J14" for this value
      The function getName() returns "degree Baume (origin scale)" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      degree Baume (US heavy)
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "J15" for this value
      The function getName() returns "degree Baume (US heavy)" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      degree Baume (US light)
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "J16" for this value
      The function getName() returns "degree Baume (US light)" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      degree Balling
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "J17" for this value
      The function getName() returns "degree Balling" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      degree Brix
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "J18" for this value
      The function getName() returns "degree Brix" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      joule per kilogram
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "J2" for this value
      The function getName() returns "joule per kilogram" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      degree Fahrenheit per kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "J20" for this value
      The function getName() returns "degree Fahrenheit per kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      degree Fahrenheit per bar
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "J21" for this value
      The function getName() returns "degree Fahrenheit per bar" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      degree Fahrenheit per hour
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "J23" for this value
      The function getName() returns "degree Fahrenheit per hour" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      degree Fahrenheit per minute
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "J24" for this value
      The function getName() returns "degree Fahrenheit per minute" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      degree Fahrenheit per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "J25" for this value
      The function getName() returns "degree Fahrenheit per second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      degree Oechsle
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "J27" for this value
      The function getName() returns "degree Oechsle" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      degree Rankine per hour
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "J28" for this value
      The function getName() returns "degree Rankine per hour" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      degree Rankine per minute
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "J29" for this value
      The function getName() returns "degree Rankine per minute" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      degree Rankine per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "J30" for this value
      The function getName() returns "degree Rankine per second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      degree Twaddell
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "J31" for this value
      The function getName() returns "degree Twaddell" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "J32" for this value
      The function getName() returns "micropoise" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      microgram per kilogram
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "J33" for this value
      The function getName() returns "microgram per kilogram" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      microgram per cubic metre kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "J34" for this value
      The function getName() returns "microgram per cubic metre kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      microgram per cubic metre bar
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "J35" for this value
      The function getName() returns "microgram per cubic metre bar" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      microlitre per litre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "J36" for this value
      The function getName() returns "microlitre per litre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "J38" for this value
      The function getName() returns "baud" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      coulomb square metre per kilogram
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "J53" for this value
      The function getName() returns "coulomb square metre per kilogram" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "J54" for this value
      The function getName() returns "megabaud" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      watt second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "J55" for this value
      The function getName() returns "watt second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      bar per bar
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "J56" for this value
      The function getName() returns "bar per bar" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      barrel (UK petroleum)
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "J57" for this value
      The function getName() returns "barrel (UK petroleum)" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      barrel (UK petroleum) per minute
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "J58" for this value
      The function getName() returns "barrel (UK petroleum) per minute" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      barrel (UK petroleum) per day
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "J59" for this value
      The function getName() returns "barrel (UK petroleum) per day" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      barrel (UK petroleum) per hour
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "J60" for this value
      The function getName() returns "barrel (UK petroleum) per hour" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      barrel (UK petroleum) per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "J61" for this value
      The function getName() returns "barrel (UK petroleum) per second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      barrel (US petroleum) per hour
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "J62" for this value
      The function getName() returns "barrel (US petroleum) per hour" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      barrel (US petroleum) per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "J63" for this value
      The function getName() returns "barrel (US petroleum) per second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      bushel (UK) per day
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "J64" for this value
      The function getName() returns "bushel (UK) per day" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      bushel (UK) per hour
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "J65" for this value
      The function getName() returns "bushel (UK) per hour" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      bushel (UK) per minute
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "J66" for this value
      The function getName() returns "bushel (UK) per minute" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      bushel (UK) per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "J67" for this value
      The function getName() returns "bushel (UK) per second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      bushel (US dry) per day
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "J68" for this value
      The function getName() returns "bushel (US dry) per day" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      bushel (US dry) per hour
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "J69" for this value
      The function getName() returns "bushel (US dry) per hour" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      bushel (US dry) per minute
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "J70" for this value
      The function getName() returns "bushel (US dry) per minute" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      bushel (US dry) per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "J71" for this value
      The function getName() returns "bushel (US dry) per second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      centinewton metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "J72" for this value
      The function getName() returns "centinewton metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      centipoise per kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "J73" for this value
      The function getName() returns "centipoise per kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      centipoise per bar
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "J74" for this value
      The function getName() returns "centipoise per bar" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      calorie (mean)
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "J75" for this value
      The function getName() returns "calorie (mean)" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      calorie (international table) per gram degree Celsius
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "J76" for this value
      The function getName() returns "calorie (international table) per gram degree Celsius" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      calorie (thermochemical) per centimetre second degree Celsius
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "J78" for this value
      The function getName() returns "calorie (thermochemical) per centimetre second degree Celsius" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      calorie (thermochemical) per gram degree Celsius
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "J79" for this value
      The function getName() returns "calorie (thermochemical) per gram degree Celsius" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      calorie (thermochemical) per minute
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "J81" for this value
      The function getName() returns "calorie (thermochemical) per minute" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      calorie (thermochemical) per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "J82" for this value
      The function getName() returns "calorie (thermochemical) per second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "J83" for this value
      The function getName() returns "clo" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      centimetre per second kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "J84" for this value
      The function getName() returns "centimetre per second kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      centimetre per second bar
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "J85" for this value
      The function getName() returns "centimetre per second bar" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      cubic centimetre per cubic metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "J87" for this value
      The function getName() returns "cubic centimetre per cubic metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      cubic decimetre per day
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "J90" for this value
      The function getName() returns "cubic decimetre per day" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      cubic decimetre per cubic metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "J91" for this value
      The function getName() returns "cubic decimetre per cubic metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      cubic decimetre per minute
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "J92" for this value
      The function getName() returns "cubic decimetre per minute" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      cubic decimetre per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "J93" for this value
      The function getName() returns "cubic decimetre per second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      ounce (UK fluid) per day
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "J95" for this value
      The function getName() returns "ounce (UK fluid) per day" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      ounce (UK fluid) per hour
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "J96" for this value
      The function getName() returns "ounce (UK fluid) per hour" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      ounce (UK fluid) per minute
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "J97" for this value
      The function getName() returns "ounce (UK fluid) per minute" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      ounce (UK fluid) per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "J98" for this value
      The function getName() returns "ounce (UK fluid) per second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      ounce (US fluid) per day
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "J99" for this value
      The function getName() returns "ounce (US fluid) per day" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      joule per kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "JE" for this value
      The function getName() returns "joule per kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      megajoule per kilogram
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "JK" for this value
      The function getName() returns "megajoule per kilogram" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      megajoule per cubic metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "JM" for this value
      The function getName() returns "megajoule per cubic metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      pipeline joint
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "JNT" for this value
      The function getName() returns "pipeline joint" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "JOU" for this value
      The function getName() returns "joule" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      hundred metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "JPS" for this value
      The function getName() returns "hundred metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      number of jewels
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "JWL" for this value
      The function getName() returns "number of jewels" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilowatt demand
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "K1" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilowatt demand" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      ounce (US fluid) per hour
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "K10" for this value
      The function getName() returns "ounce (US fluid) per hour" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      ounce (US fluid) per minute
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "K11" for this value
      The function getName() returns "ounce (US fluid) per minute" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      ounce (US fluid) per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "K12" for this value
      The function getName() returns "ounce (US fluid) per second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      foot per second psi
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "K19" for this value
      The function getName() returns "foot per second psi" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilovolt ampere reactive demand
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "K2" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilovolt ampere reactive demand" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      gallon (UK) per day
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "K26" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gallon (UK) per day" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      gallon (UK) per hour
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "K27" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gallon (UK) per hour" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      gallon (UK) per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "K28" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gallon (UK) per second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Kilovolt ampere reactive hours
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "K3" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Kilovolt ampere reactive hours" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      gallon (US liquid) per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "K30" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gallon (US liquid) per second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      gram-force per square centimetre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "K31" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gram-force per square centimetre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      gill (UK) per day
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "K32" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gill (UK) per day" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      gill (UK) per hour
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "K33" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gill (UK) per hour" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      gill (UK) per minute
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "K34" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gill (UK) per minute" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      gill (UK) per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "K35" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gill (UK) per second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      gill (US) per day
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "K36" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gill (US) per day" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      gill (US) per hour
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "K37" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gill (US) per hour" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      gill (US) per minute
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "K38" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gill (US) per minute" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      gill (US) per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "K39" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gill (US) per second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      standard acceleration of free fall
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "K40" for this value
      The function getName() returns "standard acceleration of free fall" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      grain per gallon (US)
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "K41" for this value
      The function getName() returns "grain per gallon (US)" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      horsepower (boiler)
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "K42" for this value
      The function getName() returns "horsepower (boiler)" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      horsepower (electric)
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "K43" for this value
      The function getName() returns "horsepower (electric)" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "K50" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilobaud" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilocalorie (mean)
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "K51" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilocalorie (mean)" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilocalorie (international table) per hour metre degree Celsius
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "K52" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilocalorie (international table) per hour metre degree Celsius" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilocalorie (thermochemical)
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "K53" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilocalorie (thermochemical)" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilocalorie (thermochemical) per minute
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "K54" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilocalorie (thermochemical) per minute" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilocalorie (thermochemical) per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "K55" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilocalorie (thermochemical) per second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilomole per hour
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "K58" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilomole per hour" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilomole per cubic metre kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "K59" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilomole per cubic metre kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "K6" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilolitre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilomole per cubic metre bar
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "K60" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilomole per cubic metre bar" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilomole per minute
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "K61" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilomole per minute" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      litre per litre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "K62" for this value
      The function getName() returns "litre per litre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      pound per cubic yard
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "K84" for this value
      The function getName() returns "pound per cubic yard" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      psi litre per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "K88" for this value
      The function getName() returns "psi litre per second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      psi cubic metre per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "K89" for this value
      The function getName() returns "psi cubic metre per second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      psi cubic yard per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "K90" for this value
      The function getName() returns "psi cubic yard per second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      quart (UK liquid) per day
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "K94" for this value
      The function getName() returns "quart (UK liquid) per day" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      quart (UK liquid) per hour
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "K95" for this value
      The function getName() returns "quart (UK liquid) per hour" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      quart (UK liquid) per minute
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "K96" for this value
      The function getName() returns "quart (UK liquid) per minute" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      quart (UK liquid) per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "K97" for this value
      The function getName() returns "quart (UK liquid) per second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      quart (US liquid) per day
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "K98" for this value
      The function getName() returns "quart (US liquid) per day" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      quart (US liquid) per hour
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "K99" for this value
      The function getName() returns "quart (US liquid) per hour" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "KA" for this value
      The function getName() returns "cake" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "KAT" for this value
      The function getName() returns "katal" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "KB" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilocharacter" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "KBA" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilobar" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilogram of choline chloride
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "KCC" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilogram of choline chloride" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilogram drained net weight
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "KDW" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilogram drained net weight" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "KEL" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "KGM" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilogram" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns true for this value
      kilogram per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "KGS" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilogram per second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilogram of hydrogen peroxide
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "KHY" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilogram of hydrogen peroxide" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "KHZ" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilohertz" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilogram per millimetre width
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "KI" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilogram per millimetre width" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilogram, including container
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "KIC" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilogram, including container" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilogram, including inner packaging
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "KIP" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilogram, including inner packaging" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "KJ" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilosegment" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "KJO" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilojoule" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilogram per metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "KL" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilogram per metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      lactic dry material percentage
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "KLK" for this value
      The function getName() returns "lactic dry material percentage" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "KLX" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilolux" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilogram of methylamine
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "KMA" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilogram of methylamine" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilometre per hour
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "KMH" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilometre per hour" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      square kilometre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "KMK" for this value
      The function getName() returns "square kilometre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilogram per cubic metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "KMQ" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilogram per cubic metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "KMT" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilometre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilogram of nitrogen
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "KNI" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilogram of nitrogen" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilonewton per square metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "KNM" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilonewton per square metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilogram named substance
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "KNS" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilogram named substance" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "KNT" for this value
      The function getName() returns "knot" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      milliequivalence caustic potash per gram of product
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "KO" for this value
      The function getName() returns "milliequivalence caustic potash per gram of product" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "KPA" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilopascal" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilogram of potassium hydroxide (caustic potash)
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "KPH" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilogram of potassium hydroxide (caustic potash)" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilogram of potassium oxide
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "KPO" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilogram of potassium oxide" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilogram of phosphorus pentoxide (phosphoric anhydride)
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "KPP" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilogram of phosphorus pentoxide (phosphoric anhydride)" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "KR" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kiloroentgen" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilogram of substance 90 % dry
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "KSD" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilogram of substance 90 % dry" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilogram of sodium hydroxide (caustic soda)
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "KSH" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilogram of sodium hydroxide (caustic soda)" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "KT" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kit" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "KTN" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilotonne" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilogram of uranium
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "KUR" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilogram of uranium" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilovolt - ampere
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "KVA" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilovolt - ampere" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "KVR" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilovar" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "KVT" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilovolt" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilogram per millimetre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "KW" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilogram per millimetre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilowatt hour
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "KWH" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilowatt hour" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Kilowatt hour per normalized cubic metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "KWN" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Kilowatt hour per normalized cubic metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilogram of tungsten trioxide
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "KWO" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilogram of tungsten trioxide" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Kilowatt hour per standard cubic metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "KWS" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Kilowatt hour per standard cubic metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "KWT" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilowatt" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilowatt year
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "KWY" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilowatt year" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      millilitre per kilogram
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "KX" for this value
      The function getName() returns "millilitre per kilogram" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      quart (US liquid) per minute
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "L10" for this value
      The function getName() returns "quart (US liquid) per minute" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      quart (US liquid) per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "L11" for this value
      The function getName() returns "quart (US liquid) per second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      metre per second kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "L12" for this value
      The function getName() returns "metre per second kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      metre per second bar
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "L13" for this value
      The function getName() returns "metre per second bar" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      square metre hour degree Celsius per kilocalorie (international table)
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "L14" for this value
      The function getName() returns "square metre hour degree Celsius per kilocalorie (international table)" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      millipascal second per kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "L15" for this value
      The function getName() returns "millipascal second per kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      millipascal second per bar
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "L16" for this value
      The function getName() returns "millipascal second per bar" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      milligram per cubic metre kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "L17" for this value
      The function getName() returns "milligram per cubic metre kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      milligram per cubic metre bar
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "L18" for this value
      The function getName() returns "milligram per cubic metre bar" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      millilitre per litre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "L19" for this value
      The function getName() returns "millilitre per litre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      litre per minute
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "L2" for this value
      The function getName() returns "litre per minute" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      cubic millimetre per cubic metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "L21" for this value
      The function getName() returns "cubic millimetre per cubic metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      mole per hour
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "L23" for this value
      The function getName() returns "mole per hour" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      mole per kilogram kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "L24" for this value
      The function getName() returns "mole per kilogram kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      mole per kilogram bar
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "L25" for this value
      The function getName() returns "mole per kilogram bar" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      mole per litre kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "L26" for this value
      The function getName() returns "mole per litre kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      mole per litre bar
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "L27" for this value
      The function getName() returns "mole per litre bar" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      mole per cubic metre kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "L28" for this value
      The function getName() returns "mole per cubic metre kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      mole per cubic metre bar
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "L29" for this value
      The function getName() returns "mole per cubic metre bar" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      mole per minute
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "L30" for this value
      The function getName() returns "mole per minute" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      milliroentgen aequivalent men
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "L31" for this value
      The function getName() returns "milliroentgen aequivalent men" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      nanogram per kilogram
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "L32" for this value
      The function getName() returns "nanogram per kilogram" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      picosiemens per metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "L42" for this value
      The function getName() returns "picosiemens per metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      psi per psi
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "L52" for this value
      The function getName() returns "psi per psi" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      tonne per kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "L69" for this value
      The function getName() returns "tonne per kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      tonne per bar
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "L70" for this value
      The function getName() returns "tonne per bar" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      tonne per day
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "L71" for this value
      The function getName() returns "tonne per day" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      tonne per day kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "L72" for this value
      The function getName() returns "tonne per day kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      tonne per day bar
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "L73" for this value
      The function getName() returns "tonne per day bar" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      tonne per hour kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "L74" for this value
      The function getName() returns "tonne per hour kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      tonne per hour bar
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "L75" for this value
      The function getName() returns "tonne per hour bar" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      tonne per cubic metre kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "L76" for this value
      The function getName() returns "tonne per cubic metre kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      tonne per cubic metre bar
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "L77" for this value
      The function getName() returns "tonne per cubic metre bar" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      tonne per minute
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "L78" for this value
      The function getName() returns "tonne per minute" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      tonne per minute kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "L79" for this value
      The function getName() returns "tonne per minute kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      tonne per minute bar
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "L80" for this value
      The function getName() returns "tonne per minute bar" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      tonne per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "L81" for this value
      The function getName() returns "tonne per second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      tonne per second kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "L82" for this value
      The function getName() returns "tonne per second kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      tonne per second bar
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "L83" for this value
      The function getName() returns "tonne per second bar" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      ton (UK shipping)
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "L84" for this value
      The function getName() returns "ton (UK shipping)" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      ton long per day
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "L85" for this value
      The function getName() returns "ton long per day" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      ton (US shipping)
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "L86" for this value
      The function getName() returns "ton (US shipping)" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      ton short per degree Fahrenheit
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "L87" for this value
      The function getName() returns "ton short per degree Fahrenheit" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      ton short per day
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "L88" for this value
      The function getName() returns "ton short per day" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      ton short per hour degree Fahrenheit
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "L89" for this value
      The function getName() returns "ton short per hour degree Fahrenheit" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      ton short per hour psi
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "L90" for this value
      The function getName() returns "ton short per hour psi" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      ton short per psi
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "L91" for this value
      The function getName() returns "ton short per psi" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      ton (UK long) per cubic yard
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "L92" for this value
      The function getName() returns "ton (UK long) per cubic yard" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      ton (US short) per cubic yard
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "L93" for this value
      The function getName() returns "ton (US short) per cubic yard" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      ton-force (US short)
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "L94" for this value
      The function getName() returns "ton-force (US short)" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      common year
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "L95" for this value
      The function getName() returns "common year" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      sidereal year
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "L96" for this value
      The function getName() returns "sidereal year" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      yard per degree Fahrenheit
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "L98" for this value
      The function getName() returns "yard per degree Fahrenheit" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      yard per psi
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "L99" for this value
      The function getName() returns "yard per psi" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      lactose excess percentage
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "LAC" for this value
      The function getName() returns "lactose excess percentage" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "LBR" for this value
      The function getName() returns "pound" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      troy pound (US)
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "LBT" for this value
      The function getName() returns "troy pound (US)" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      litre per day
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "LD" for this value
      The function getName() returns "litre per day" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "LEF" for this value
      The function getName() returns "leaf" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      linear foot
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "LF" for this value
      The function getName() returns "linear foot" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      labour hour
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "LH" for this value
      The function getName() returns "labour hour" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "LK" for this value
      The function getName() returns "link" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      linear metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "LM" for this value
      The function getName() returns "linear metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "LN" for this value
      The function getName() returns "length" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      lot [unit of procurement]
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "LO" for this value
      The function getName() returns "lot [unit of procurement]" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      liquid pound
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "LP" for this value
      The function getName() returns "liquid pound" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      litre of pure alcohol
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "LPA" for this value
      The function getName() returns "litre of pure alcohol" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "LR" for this value
      The function getName() returns "layer" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      lump sum
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "LS" for this value
      The function getName() returns "lump sum" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      ton (UK) or long ton (US)
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "LTN" for this value
      The function getName() returns "ton (UK) or long ton (US)" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "LTR" for this value
      The function getName() returns "litre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns true for this value
      metric ton, lubricating oil
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "LUB" for this value
      The function getName() returns "metric ton, lubricating oil" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "LUM" for this value
      The function getName() returns "lumen" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "LUX" for this value
      The function getName() returns "lux" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      linear yard
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "LY" for this value
      The function getName() returns "linear yard" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      milligram per litre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "M1" for this value
      The function getName() returns "milligram per litre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      cubic yard per degree Fahrenheit
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "M11" for this value
      The function getName() returns "cubic yard per degree Fahrenheit" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      cubic yard per day
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "M12" for this value
      The function getName() returns "cubic yard per day" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      cubic yard per hour
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "M13" for this value
      The function getName() returns "cubic yard per hour" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      cubic yard per psi
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "M14" for this value
      The function getName() returns "cubic yard per psi" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      cubic yard per minute
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "M15" for this value
      The function getName() returns "cubic yard per minute" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      cubic yard per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "M16" for this value
      The function getName() returns "cubic yard per second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilohertz metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "M17" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilohertz metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      gigahertz metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "M18" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gigahertz metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "M19" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Beaufort" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      millilitre per square centimetre minute
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "M22" for this value
      The function getName() returns "millilitre per square centimetre minute" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      newton per centimetre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "M23" for this value
      The function getName() returns "newton per centimetre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      ohm kilometre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "M24" for this value
      The function getName() returns "ohm kilometre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      percent per degree Celsius
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "M25" for this value
      The function getName() returns "percent per degree Celsius" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      gigaohm per metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "M26" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gigaohm per metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      megahertz metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "M27" for this value
      The function getName() returns "megahertz metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilogram per kilogram
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "M29" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilogram per kilogram" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilogram per kilometre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "M31" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilogram per kilometre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      pascal second per litre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "M32" for this value
      The function getName() returns "pascal second per litre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      millimole per litre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "M33" for this value
      The function getName() returns "millimole per litre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      newton metre per square metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "M34" for this value
      The function getName() returns "newton metre per square metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      millivolt - ampere
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "M35" for this value
      The function getName() returns "millivolt - ampere" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      30-day month
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "M36" for this value
      The function getName() returns "30-day month" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "M37" for this value
      The function getName() returns "actual/360" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilometre per second squared
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "M38" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilometre per second squared" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      centimetre per second squared
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "M39" for this value
      The function getName() returns "centimetre per second squared" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      monetary value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "M4" for this value
      The function getName() returns "monetary value" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      yard per second squared
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "M40" for this value
      The function getName() returns "yard per second squared" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      millimetre per second squared
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "M41" for this value
      The function getName() returns "millimetre per second squared" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      mile (statute mile) per second squared
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "M42" for this value
      The function getName() returns "mile (statute mile) per second squared" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "M43" for this value
      The function getName() returns "mil" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "M44" for this value
      The function getName() returns "revolution" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      degree [unit of angle] per second squared
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "M45" for this value
      The function getName() returns "degree [unit of angle] per second squared" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      revolution per minute
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "M46" for this value
      The function getName() returns "revolution per minute " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      circular mil
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "M47" for this value
      The function getName() returns "circular mil " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "M5" for this value
      The function getName() returns "microcurie" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "M50" for this value
      The function getName() returns "furlong" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      metre per pascal
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "M53" for this value
      The function getName() returns "metre per pascal" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      metre per radiant
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "M55" for this value
      The function getName() returns "metre per radiant" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "M56" for this value
      The function getName() returns "shake" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      mile per minute
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "M57" for this value
      The function getName() returns "mile per minute " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      mile per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "M58" for this value
      The function getName() returns "mile per second " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      metre per second pascal
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "M59" for this value
      The function getName() returns "metre per second pascal" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      metre per hour
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "M60" for this value
      The function getName() returns "metre per hour" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilometre per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "M62" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilometre per second " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      yard per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "M64" for this value
      The function getName() returns "yard per second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      yard per minute
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "M65" for this value
      The function getName() returns "yard per minute" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      yard per hour
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "M66" for this value
      The function getName() returns "yard per hour" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      acre-foot (based on U.S.
      cord (128 ft3)
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "M68" for this value
      The function getName() returns "cord (128 ft3)" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      cubic mile (UK statute)
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "M69" for this value
      The function getName() returns "cubic mile (UK statute)" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      ton, register
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "M70" for this value
      The function getName() returns "ton, register " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      cubic metre per pascal
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "M71" for this value
      The function getName() returns "cubic metre per pascal" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "M72" for this value
      The function getName() returns "bel" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilogram per cubic metre pascal
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "M73" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilogram per cubic metre pascal" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilogram per pascal
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "M74" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilogram per pascal" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "M75" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilopound-force" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "M76" for this value
      The function getName() returns "poundal" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilogram metre per second squared
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "M77" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilogram metre per second squared" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "M78" for this value
      The function getName() returns "pond" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      stokes per pascal
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "M80" for this value
      The function getName() returns "stokes per pascal" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      square centimetre per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "M81" for this value
      The function getName() returns "square centimetre per second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      square metre per second pascal
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "M82" for this value
      The function getName() returns "square metre per second pascal" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "M83" for this value
      The function getName() returns "denier " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      pound per yard
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "M84" for this value
      The function getName() returns "pound per yard " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      ton, assay
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "M85" for this value
      The function getName() returns "ton, assay" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "M86" for this value
      The function getName() returns "pfund" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilogram per second pascal
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "M87" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilogram per second pascal" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      tonne per month
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "M88" for this value
      The function getName() returns "tonne per month" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      tonne per year
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "M89" for this value
      The function getName() returns "tonne per year" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilopound per hour
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "M90" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilopound per hour" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      pound per pound
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "M91" for this value
      The function getName() returns "pound per pound" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      newton metre per radian
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "M93" for this value
      The function getName() returns "newton metre per radian" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilogram metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "M94" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilogram metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      dyne metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "M97" for this value
      The function getName() returns "dyne metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilogram centimetre per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "M98" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilogram centimetre per second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      gram centimetre per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "M99" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gram centimetre per second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      megavolt ampere reactive hour
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "MAH" for this value
      The function getName() returns "megavolt ampere reactive hour" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "MAL" for this value
      The function getName() returns "megalitre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "MAM" for this value
      The function getName() returns "megametre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "MAR" for this value
      The function getName() returns "megavar" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "MAW" for this value
      The function getName() returns "megawatt" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      thousand standard brick equivalent
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "MBE" for this value
      The function getName() returns "thousand standard brick equivalent" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "MBR" for this value
      The function getName() returns "millibar" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "MC" for this value
      The function getName() returns "microgram" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "MCU" for this value
      The function getName() returns "millicurie" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      air dry metric ton
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "MD" for this value
      The function getName() returns "air dry metric ton" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "MGM" for this value
      The function getName() returns "milligram" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "MHZ" for this value
      The function getName() returns "megahertz" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      square mile (statute mile)
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "MIK" for this value
      The function getName() returns "square mile (statute mile)" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "MIL" for this value
      The function getName() returns "thousand" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      minute [unit of time]
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "MIN" for this value
      The function getName() returns "minute [unit of time]" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "MIO" for this value
      The function getName() returns "million" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      million international unit
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "MIU" for this value
      The function getName() returns "million international unit" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Square Metre Day
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "MKD" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Square Metre Day" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Square Metre Month
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "MKM" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Square Metre Month" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Square Metre Week
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "MKW" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Square Metre Week" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "MLD" for this value
      The function getName() returns "milliard" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "MLT" for this value
      The function getName() returns "millilitre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      square millimetre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "MMK" for this value
      The function getName() returns "square millimetre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      cubic millimetre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "MMQ" for this value
      The function getName() returns "cubic millimetre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "MMT" for this value
      The function getName() returns "millimetre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilogram, dry weight
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "MND" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilogram, dry weight" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Mega Joule per Normalised cubic Metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "MNJ" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Mega Joule per Normalised cubic Metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "MON" for this value
      The function getName() returns "month" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "MPA" for this value
      The function getName() returns "megapascal" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Cubic Metre Day
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "MQD" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Cubic Metre Day" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      cubic metre per hour
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "MQH" for this value
      The function getName() returns "cubic metre per hour" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Cubic Metre Month
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "MQM" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Cubic Metre Month" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      cubic metre per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "MQS" for this value
      The function getName() returns "cubic metre per second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Cubic Metre Week
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "MQW" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Cubic Metre Week" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Metre Day
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "MRD" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Metre Day" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Metre Month
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "MRM" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Metre Month" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Metre Week
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "MRW" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Metre Week" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      metre per second squared
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "MSK" for this value
      The function getName() returns "metre per second squared" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      square metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "MTK" for this value
      The function getName() returns "square metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      cubic metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "MTQ" for this value
      The function getName() returns "cubic metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns true for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "MTR" for this value
      The function getName() returns "metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns true for this value
      metre per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "MTS" for this value
      The function getName() returns "metre per second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "MTZ" for this value
      The function getName() returns "milihertz" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      megavolt - ampere
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "MVA" for this value
      The function getName() returns "megavolt - ampere" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      megawatt hour (1000 kW.h)
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "MWH" for this value
      The function getName() returns "megawatt hour (1000 kW.h)" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      pen calorie
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "N1" for this value
      The function getName() returns "pen calorie" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "N12" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Pferdestaerke" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      centimetre of mercury (0 ºC)
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "N13" for this value
      The function getName() returns "centimetre of mercury (0 ºC)" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      centimetre of water (4 ºC)
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "N14" for this value
      The function getName() returns "centimetre of water (4 ºC)" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      conventional metre of water
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "N23" for this value
      The function getName() returns "conventional metre of water" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      gram per square millimetre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "N24" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gram per square millimetre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      pound per square yard
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "N25" for this value
      The function getName() returns "pound per square yard" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      cubic decimetre per kilogram
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "N28" for this value
      The function getName() returns "cubic decimetre per kilogram" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      print point
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "N3" for this value
      The function getName() returns "print point" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilonewton per metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "N31" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilonewton per metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      pound-force per yard
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "N33" for this value
      The function getName() returns "pound-force per yard" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      poise per pascal
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "N35" for this value
      The function getName() returns "poise per pascal" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      newton second per square metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "N36" for this value
      The function getName() returns "newton second per square metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilogram per metre second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "N37" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilogram per metre second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilogram per metre minute
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "N38" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilogram per metre minute" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilogram per metre day
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "N39" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilogram per metre day" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilogram per metre hour
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "N40" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilogram per metre hour" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      gram per centimetre second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "N41" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gram per centimetre second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      cubic metre per second pascal
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "N45" for this value
      The function getName() returns "cubic metre per second pascal" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      watt per square centimetre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "N48" for this value
      The function getName() returns "watt per square centimetre " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilocalorie (international table) per gram kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "N65" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilocalorie (international table) per gram kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      British thermal unit (39 ºF)
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "N66" for this value
      The function getName() returns "British thermal unit (39 ºF) " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      British thermal unit (59 ºF)
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "N67" for this value
      The function getName() returns "British thermal unit (59 ºF)" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      British thermal unit (60 ºF)
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "N68" for this value
      The function getName() returns "British thermal unit (60 ºF) " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      calorie (20 ºC)
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "N69" for this value
      The function getName() returns "calorie (20 ºC) " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      quad (1015 BtuIT)
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "N70" for this value
      The function getName() returns "quad (1015 BtuIT)" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      therm (EC)
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "N71" for this value
      The function getName() returns "therm (EC)" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      therm (U.S.)
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "N72" for this value
      The function getName() returns "therm (U.S.)" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilowatt per square metre kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "N78" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilowatt per square metre kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kelvin per pascal
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "N79" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kelvin per pascal" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      watt per metre degree Celsius
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "N80" for this value
      The function getName() returns "watt per metre degree Celsius" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilowatt per metre kelvin
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "N81" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilowatt per metre kelvin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilowatt per metre degree Celsius
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "N82" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilowatt per metre degree Celsius" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      metre per degree Celcius metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "N83" for this value
      The function getName() returns "metre per degree Celcius metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "N90" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilofarad" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "N92" for this value
      The function getName() returns "picosiemens" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      ampere per pascal
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "N93" for this value
      The function getName() returns "ampere per pascal" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "N94" for this value
      The function getName() returns "franklin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      ampere minute
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "N95" for this value
      The function getName() returns "ampere minute" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "N96" for this value
      The function getName() returns "biot" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "N97" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gilbert" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      volt per pascal
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "N98" for this value
      The function getName() returns "volt per pascal" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "N99" for this value
      The function getName() returns "picovolt" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      milligram per kilogram
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "NA" for this value
      The function getName() returns "milligram per kilogram" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "NAR" for this value
      The function getName() returns "article" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      number of cells
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "NCL" for this value
      The function getName() returns "number of cells" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "NEW" for this value
      The function getName() returns "newton" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "NF" for this value
      The function getName() returns "message" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "NIL" for this value
      The function getName() returns "nil" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      number of international units
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "NIU" for this value
      The function getName() returns "number of international units" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "NL" for this value
      The function getName() returns "load" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Normalised cubic metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "NM3" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Normalised cubic metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      nautical mile
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "NMI" for this value
      The function getName() returns "nautical mile" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      number of packs
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "NMP" for this value
      The function getName() returns "number of packs" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "10" for this value
      The function getName() returns "group" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "11" for this value
      The function getName() returns "outfit" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "13" for this value
      The function getName() returns "ration" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "14" for this value
      The function getName() returns "shot" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      stick, military
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "15" for this value
      The function getName() returns "stick, military" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      twenty foot container
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "20" for this value
      The function getName() returns "twenty foot container" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      forty foot container
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "21" for this value
      The function getName() returns "forty foot container" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      decilitre per gram
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "22" for this value
      The function getName() returns "decilitre per gram" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      gram per cubic centimetre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "23" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gram per cubic centimetre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      gram per square centimetre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "25" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gram per square centimetre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilogram per square metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "28" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilogram per square metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilopascal square metre per gram
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "33" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilopascal square metre per gram" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilopascal per millimetre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "34" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilopascal per millimetre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      millilitre per square centimetre second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "35" for this value
      The function getName() returns "millilitre per square centimetre second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      millilitre per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "40" for this value
      The function getName() returns "millilitre per second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      millilitre per minute
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "41" for this value
      The function getName() returns "millilitre per minute" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "56" for this value
      The function getName() returns "sitas" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "57" for this value
      The function getName() returns "mesh" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      net kilogram
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "58" for this value
      The function getName() returns "net kilogram" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      part per million
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "59" for this value
      The function getName() returns "part per million" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      percent weight
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "60" for this value
      The function getName() returns "percent weight" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      part per billion (US)
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "61" for this value
      The function getName() returns "part per billion (US)" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "74" for this value
      The function getName() returns "millipascal" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "77" for this value
      The function getName() returns "milli-inch" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "81" for this value
      The function getName() returns "henry" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "89" for this value
      The function getName() returns "poise" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "91" for this value
      The function getName() returns "stokes" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      number of parts
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "NPT" for this value
      The function getName() returns "number of parts" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      net ton
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "NT" for this value
      The function getName() returns "net ton" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Nephelometric turbidity unit
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "NTU" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Nephelometric turbidity unit" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      newton metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "NU" for this value
      The function getName() returns "newton metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      part per thousand
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "NX" for this value
      The function getName() returns "part per thousand" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "OA" for this value
      The function getName() returns "panel" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      ozone depletion equivalent
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "ODE" for this value
      The function getName() returns "ozone depletion equivalent" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      ODS Grams
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "ODG" for this value
      The function getName() returns "ODS Grams" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      ODS Kilograms
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "ODK" for this value
      The function getName() returns "ODS Kilograms" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      ODS Milligrams
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "ODM" for this value
      The function getName() returns "ODS Milligrams" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "OHM" for this value
      The function getName() returns "ohm" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      ounce per square yard
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "ON" for this value
      The function getName() returns "ounce per square yard" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      ounce (avoirdupois)
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "ONZ" for this value
      The function getName() returns "ounce (avoirdupois)" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      oscillations per minute
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "OPM" for this value
      The function getName() returns "oscillations per minute" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      overtime hour
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "OT" for this value
      The function getName() returns "overtime hour" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      fluid ounce (US)
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "OZA" for this value
      The function getName() returns "fluid ounce (US)" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      fluid ounce (UK)
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "OZI" for this value
      The function getName() returns "fluid ounce (UK)" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "P1" for this value
      The function getName() returns "percent" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      coulomb per metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "P10" for this value
      The function getName() returns "coulomb per metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "P11" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kiloweber" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "P12" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gamma" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "P13" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilotesla" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      joule per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "P14" for this value
      The function getName() returns "joule per second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      joule per minute
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "P15" for this value
      The function getName() returns "joule per minute" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      joule per hour
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "P16" for this value
      The function getName() returns "joule per hour" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      joule per day
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "P17" for this value
      The function getName() returns "joule per day" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilojoule per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "P18" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilojoule per second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilojoule per minute
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "P19" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilojoule per minute" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilojoule per hour
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "P20" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilojoule per hour" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilojoule per day
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "P21" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilojoule per day" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "P22" for this value
      The function getName() returns "nanoohm" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "P24" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilohenry" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      lumen per square foot
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "P25" for this value
      The function getName() returns "lumen per square foot " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "P26" for this value
      The function getName() returns "phot" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "P30" for this value
      The function getName() returns "lambert" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "P31" for this value
      The function getName() returns "stilb" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      candela per square foot
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "P32" for this value
      The function getName() returns "candela per square foot" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "P33" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilocandela" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "P34" for this value
      The function getName() returns "millicandela" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "P35" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Hefner-Kerze" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      international candle
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "P36" for this value
      The function getName() returns "international candle " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      calorie (thermochemical) per square centimetre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "P39" for this value
      The function getName() returns "calorie (thermochemical) per square centimetre " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "P40" for this value
      The function getName() returns "langley" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      decade (logarithmic)
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "P41" for this value
      The function getName() returns "decade (logarithmic)" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      pascal squared second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "P42" for this value
      The function getName() returns "pascal squared second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      bel per metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "P43" for this value
      The function getName() returns "bel per metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      pound mole
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "P44" for this value
      The function getName() returns "pound mole" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      pound mole per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "P45" for this value
      The function getName() returns "pound mole per second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      pound mole per minute
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "P46" for this value
      The function getName() returns "pound mole per minute" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilomole per kilogram
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "P47" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilomole per kilogram" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      pound mole per pound
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "P48" for this value
      The function getName() returns "pound mole per pound" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      newton square metre per ampere
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "P49" for this value
      The function getName() returns "newton square metre per ampere" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      five pack
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "P5" for this value
      The function getName() returns "five pack" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      weber metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "P50" for this value
      The function getName() returns "weber metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      mol per kilogram pascal
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "P51" for this value
      The function getName() returns "mol per kilogram pascal" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      mol per cubic metre pascal
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "P52" for this value
      The function getName() returns "mol per cubic metre pascal" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      unit pole
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "P53" for this value
      The function getName() returns "unit pole " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      milligray per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "P54" for this value
      The function getName() returns "milligray per second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      microgray per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "P55" for this value
      The function getName() returns "microgray per second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      nanogray per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "P56" for this value
      The function getName() returns "nanogray per second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      gray per minute
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "P57" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gray per minute" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      milligray per minute
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "P58" for this value
      The function getName() returns "milligray per minute" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      microgray per minute
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "P59" for this value
      The function getName() returns "microgray per minute" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      nanogray per minute
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "P60" for this value
      The function getName() returns "nanogray per minute" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      gray per hour
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "P61" for this value
      The function getName() returns "gray per hour" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      milligray per hour
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "P62" for this value
      The function getName() returns "milligray per hour" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      microgray per hour
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "P63" for this value
      The function getName() returns "microgray per hour" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      nanogray per hour
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "P64" for this value
      The function getName() returns "nanogray per hour" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      sievert per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "P65" for this value
      The function getName() returns "sievert per second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      millisievert per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "P66" for this value
      The function getName() returns "millisievert per second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      microsievert per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "P67" for this value
      The function getName() returns "microsievert per second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      nanosievert per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "P68" for this value
      The function getName() returns "nanosievert per second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      rem per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "P69" for this value
      The function getName() returns "rem per second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      sievert per hour
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "P70" for this value
      The function getName() returns "sievert per hour" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      millisievert per hour
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "P71" for this value
      The function getName() returns "millisievert per hour" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      microsievert per hour
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "P72" for this value
      The function getName() returns "microsievert per hour" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      nanosievert per hour
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "P73" for this value
      The function getName() returns "nanosievert per hour" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      sievert per minute
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "P74" for this value
      The function getName() returns "sievert per minute" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      millisievert per minute
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "P75" for this value
      The function getName() returns "millisievert per minute" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      microsievert per minute
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "P76" for this value
      The function getName() returns "microsievert per minute" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      nanosievert per minute
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "P77" for this value
      The function getName() returns "nanosievert per minute" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      pascal square metre per kilogram
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "P79" for this value
      The function getName() returns "pascal square metre per kilogram" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      millipascal per metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "P80" for this value
      The function getName() returns "millipascal per metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilopascal per metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "P81" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilopascal per metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      hectopascal per metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "P82" for this value
      The function getName() returns "hectopascal per metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      standard atmosphere per metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "P83" for this value
      The function getName() returns "standard atmosphere per metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      technical atmosphere per metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "P84" for this value
      The function getName() returns "technical atmosphere per metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      torr per metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "P85" for this value
      The function getName() returns "torr per metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      cubic metre per second square metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "P87" for this value
      The function getName() returns "cubic metre per second square metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "P88" for this value
      The function getName() returns "rhe" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      perm (0 ºC)
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "P91" for this value
      The function getName() returns "perm (0 ºC) " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      perm (23 ºC)
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "P92" for this value
      The function getName() returns "perm (23 ºC) " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      byte per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "P93" for this value
      The function getName() returns "byte per second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilobyte per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "P94" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilobyte per second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      megabyte per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "P95" for this value
      The function getName() returns "megabyte per second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      pascal to the power sum of stoichiometric numbers
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "P98" for this value
      The function getName() returns "pascal to the power sum of stoichiometric numbers" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      mole per cubiv metre to the power sum of stoichiometric numbers
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "P99" for this value
      The function getName() returns "mole per cubiv metre to the power sum of stoichiometric numbers" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "PAL" for this value
      The function getName() returns "pascal" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "PD" for this value
      The function getName() returns "pad" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      proof litre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "PFL" for this value
      The function getName() returns "proof litre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      proof gallon
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "PGL" for this value
      The function getName() returns "proof gallon" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "PI" for this value
      The function getName() returns "pitch" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      degree Plato
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "PLA" for this value
      The function getName() returns "degree Plato" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      page per inch
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "PQ" for this value
      The function getName() returns "page per inch" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "PR" for this value
      The function getName() returns "pair" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      dry pint (US)
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "PTD" for this value
      The function getName() returns "dry pint (US)" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      pint (UK)
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "PTI" for this value
      The function getName() returns "pint (UK)" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      liquid pint (US)
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "PTL" for this value
      The function getName() returns "liquid pint (US)" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "PTN" for this value
      The function getName() returns "portion" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      joule per tesla
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "Q10" for this value
      The function getName() returns "joule per tesla" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "Q11" for this value
      The function getName() returns "erlang" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "Q12" for this value
      The function getName() returns "octet" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      octet per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "Q13" for this value
      The function getName() returns "octet per second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "Q14" for this value
      The function getName() returns "shannon" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "Q15" for this value
      The function getName() returns "hartley" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      natural unit of information
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "Q16" for this value
      The function getName() returns "natural unit of information" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      shannon per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "Q17" for this value
      The function getName() returns "shannon per second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      hartley per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "Q18" for this value
      The function getName() returns "hartley per second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      natural unit of information per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "Q19" for this value
      The function getName() returns "natural unit of information per second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      second per kilogramm
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "Q20" for this value
      The function getName() returns "second per kilogramm" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      watt square metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "Q21" for this value
      The function getName() returns "watt square metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      second per radian cubic metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "Q22" for this value
      The function getName() returns "second per radian cubic metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      weber to the power minus one
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "Q23" for this value
      The function getName() returns "weber to the power minus one" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "Q25" for this value
      The function getName() returns "dioptre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      one per one
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "Q26" for this value
      The function getName() returns "one per one" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      newton metre per metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "Q27" for this value
      The function getName() returns "newton metre per metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilogram per square metre pascal second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "Q28" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilogram per square metre pascal second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      microgram per hectogram
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "Q29" for this value
      The function getName() returns "microgram per hectogram" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "Q3" for this value
      The function getName() returns "meal" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      pH (potential of Hydrogen)
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "Q30" for this value
      The function getName() returns "pH (potential of Hydrogen)" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilojoule per gram
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "Q31" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilojoule per gram" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "Q32" for this value
      The function getName() returns "femtolitre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "Q33" for this value
      The function getName() returns "picolitre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "Q34" for this value
      The function getName() returns "nanolitre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      megawatts per minute
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "Q35" for this value
      The function getName() returns "megawatts per minute" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      square metre per cubic metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "Q36" for this value
      The function getName() returns "square metre per cubic metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Standard cubic metre per day
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "Q37" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Standard cubic metre per day" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Standard cubic metre per hour
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "Q38" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Standard cubic metre per hour" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Normalized cubic metre per day
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "Q39" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Normalized cubic metre per day" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Normalized cubic metre per hour
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "Q40" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Normalized cubic metre per hour" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Joule per normalised cubic metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "Q41" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Joule per normalised cubic metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Joule per standard cubic metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "Q42" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Joule per standard cubic metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      page - facsimile
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "QA" for this value
      The function getName() returns "page - facsimile" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Quarter (of a year)
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "QAN" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Quarter (of a year)" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      page - hardcopy
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "QB" for this value
      The function getName() returns "page - hardcopy" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "QR" for this value
      The function getName() returns "quire" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      dry quart (US)
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "QTD" for this value
      The function getName() returns "dry quart (US)" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      quart (UK)
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "QTI" for this value
      The function getName() returns "quart (UK)" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      liquid quart (US)
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "QTL" for this value
      The function getName() returns "liquid quart (US)" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      quarter (UK)
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "QTR" for this value
      The function getName() returns "quarter (UK)" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "R1" for this value
      The function getName() returns "pica" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      thousand cubic metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "R9" for this value
      The function getName() returns "thousand cubic metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      running or operating hour
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "RH" for this value
      The function getName() returns "running or operating hour" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "RM" for this value
      The function getName() returns "ream" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "ROM" for this value
      The function getName() returns "room" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      pound per ream
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "RP" for this value
      The function getName() returns "pound per ream" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      revolutions per minute
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "RPM" for this value
      The function getName() returns "revolutions per minute" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      revolutions per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "RPS" for this value
      The function getName() returns "revolutions per second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      revenue ton mile
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "RT" for this value
      The function getName() returns "revenue ton mile" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      square metre per second
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "S4" for this value
      The function getName() returns "square metre per second" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Half year (6 months)
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "SAN" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Half year (6 months)" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "SCO" for this value
      The function getName() returns "score" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "SCR" for this value
      The function getName() returns "scruple" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      second [unit of time]
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "SEC" for this value
      The function getName() returns "second [unit of time]" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "SET" for this value
      The function getName() returns "set" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "SG" for this value
      The function getName() returns "segment" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "SIE" for this value
      The function getName() returns "siemens" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Standard cubic metre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "SM3" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Standard cubic metre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      mile (statute mile)
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "SMI" for this value
      The function getName() returns "mile (statute mile)" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "SQ" for this value
      The function getName() returns "square" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      square, roofing
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "SQR" for this value
      The function getName() returns "square, roofing" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "SR" for this value
      The function getName() returns "strip" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "STC" for this value
      The function getName() returns "stick" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      stone (UK)
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "STI" for this value
      The function getName() returns "stone (UK)" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      stick, cigarette
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "STK" for this value
      The function getName() returns "stick, cigarette" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      standard litre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "STL" for this value
      The function getName() returns "standard litre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      ton (US) or short ton (UK/US)
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "STN" for this value
      The function getName() returns "ton (US) or short ton (UK/US)" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "STW" for this value
      The function getName() returns "straw" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "SW" for this value
      The function getName() returns "skein" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "SX" for this value
      The function getName() returns "shipment" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "SYR" for this value
      The function getName() returns "syringe" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      telecommunication line in service
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "T0" for this value
      The function getName() returns "telecommunication line in service" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      thousand piece
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "T3" for this value
      The function getName() returns "thousand piece" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kiloampere hour (thousand ampere hour)
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "TAH" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kiloampere hour (thousand ampere hour)" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      total acid number
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "TAN" for this value
      The function getName() returns "total acid number" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      metric ton, including container
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "TIC" for this value
      The function getName() returns "metric ton, including container" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      metric ton, including inner packaging
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "TIP" for this value
      The function getName() returns "metric ton, including inner packaging" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      tonne kilometre
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "TKM" for this value
      The function getName() returns "tonne kilometre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      kilogram of imported meat, less offal
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "TMS" for this value
      The function getName() returns "kilogram of imported meat, less offal" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      tonne (metric ton)
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "TNE" for this value
      The function getName() returns "tonne (metric ton)" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns true for this value
      ten pack
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "TP" for this value
      The function getName() returns "ten pack" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      ten pair
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "TPR" for this value
      The function getName() returns "ten pair" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      thousand cubic metre per day
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "TQD" for this value
      The function getName() returns "thousand cubic metre per day" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      trillion (EUR)
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "TRL" for this value
      The function getName() returns "trillion (EUR)" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      ten set
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "TST" for this value
      The function getName() returns "ten set" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      ten thousand sticks
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "TTS" for this value
      The function getName() returns "ten thousand sticks" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "U1" for this value
      The function getName() returns "treatment" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "U2" for this value
      The function getName() returns "tablet" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      telecommunication line in service average
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "UB" for this value
      The function getName() returns "telecommunication line in service average" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      telecommunication port
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "UC" for this value
      The function getName() returns "telecommunication port" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      volt - ampere per kilogram
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "VA" for this value
      The function getName() returns "volt - ampere per kilogram" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "VLT" for this value
      The function getName() returns "volt" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      percent volume
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "VP" for this value
      The function getName() returns "percent volume" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      wet kilo
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "W2" for this value
      The function getName() returns "wet kilo" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      watt per kilogram
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "WA" for this value
      The function getName() returns "watt per kilogram" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      wet pound
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "WB" for this value
      The function getName() returns "wet pound" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "WCD" for this value
      The function getName() returns "cord" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      wet ton
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "WE" for this value
      The function getName() returns "wet ton" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "WEB" for this value
      The function getName() returns "weber" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "WEE" for this value
      The function getName() returns "week" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      wine gallon
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "WG" for this value
      The function getName() returns "wine gallon" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      watt hour
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "WHR" for this value
      The function getName() returns "watt hour" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      working month
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "WM" for this value
      The function getName() returns "working month" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "WSD" for this value
      The function getName() returns "standard" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "WTT" for this value
      The function getName() returns "watt" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Gunter's chain
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "X1" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Gunter's chain" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Drum, steel
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "X1A" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Drum, steel" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Drum, aluminium
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "X1B" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Drum, aluminium" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Drum, plywood
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "X1D" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Drum, plywood" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Container, flexible
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "X1F" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Container, flexible" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Drum, fibre
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "X1G" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Drum, fibre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Drum, wooden
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "X1W" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Drum, wooden" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Barrel, wooden
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "X2C" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Barrel, wooden" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Jerrican, steel
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "X3A" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Jerrican, steel" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Jerrican, plastic
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "X3H" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Jerrican, plastic" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Bag, super bulk
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "X43" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Bag, super bulk" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Bag, polybag
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "X44" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Bag, polybag" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Box, steel
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "X4A" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Box, steel" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Box, aluminium
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "X4B" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Box, aluminium" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Box, natural wood
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "X4C" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Box, natural wood" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Box, plywood
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "X4D" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Box, plywood" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Box, reconstituted wood
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "X4F" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Box, reconstituted wood" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Box, fibreboard
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "X4G" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Box, fibreboard" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Box, plastic
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "X4H" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Box, plastic" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Bag, woven plastic
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "X5H" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Bag, woven plastic" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Bag, textile
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "X5L" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Bag, textile " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Bag, paper
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "X5M" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Bag, paper " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Composite packaging, plastic receptacle
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "X6H" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Composite packaging, plastic receptacle" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Composite packaging, glass receptacle
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "X6P" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Composite packaging, glass receptacle" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Case, car
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "X7A" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Case, car" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Case, wooden
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "X7B" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Case, wooden" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Pallet, wooden
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "X8A" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Pallet, wooden" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Crate, wooden
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "X8B" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Crate, wooden" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Bundle, wooden
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "X8C" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Bundle, wooden" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Intermediate bulk container, rigid plastic
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XAA" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Intermediate bulk container, rigid plastic" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Receptacle, fibre
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XAB" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Receptacle, fibre " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Receptacle, paper
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XAC" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Receptacle, paper " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Receptacle, wooden
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XAD" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Receptacle, wooden " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XAE" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Aerosol" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Pallet, modular, collars 80cms * 60cms
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XAF" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Pallet, modular, collars 80cms * 60cms " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Pallet, shrinkwrapped
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XAG" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Pallet, shrinkwrapped " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Pallet, 100cms * 110cms
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XAH" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Pallet, 100cms * 110cms " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XAI" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Clamshell" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XAJ" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Cone" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XAL" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Ball" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Ampoule, non-protected
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XAM" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Ampoule, non-protected " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Ampoule, protected
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XAP" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Ampoule, protected " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XAT" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Atomizer " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XAV" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Capsule" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XB4" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Belt" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XBA" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Barrel " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XBB" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Bobbin " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Bottlecrate / bottlerack
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XBC" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Bottlecrate / bottlerack " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XBD" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Board" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XBE" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Bundle " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Balloon, non-protected
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XBF" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Balloon, non-protected " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XBG" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Bag" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XBH" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Bunch" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XBI" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Bin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XBJ" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Bucket " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XBK" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Basket " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Bale, compressed
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XBL" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Bale, compressed " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XBM" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Basin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Bale, non-compressed
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XBN" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Bale, non-compressed " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Bottle, non-protected, cylindrical
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XBO" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Bottle, non-protected, cylindrical " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Balloon, protected
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XBP" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Balloon, protected " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Bottle, protected cylindrical
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XBQ" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Bottle, protected cylindrical" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XBR" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Bar" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Bottle, non-protected, bulbous
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XBS" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Bottle, non-protected, bulbous " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XBT" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Bolt " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XBU" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Butt " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Bottle, protected bulbous
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XBV" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Bottle, protected bulbous" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Box, for liquids
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XBW" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Box, for liquids" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XBX" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Box" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Board, in bundle/bunch/truss
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XBY" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Board, in bundle/bunch/truss " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Bars, in bundle/bunch/truss
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XBZ" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Bars, in bundle/bunch/truss" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Can, rectangular
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XCA" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Can, rectangular " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Crate, beer
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XCB" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Crate, beer" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XCC" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Churn" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Can, with handle and spout
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XCD" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Can, with handle and spout " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XCE" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Creel" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XCF" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Coffer " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XCG" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Cage " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XCH" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Chest" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XCI" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Canister " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XCJ" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Coffin " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XCK" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Cask " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XCL" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Coil " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XCM" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Card" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Container, not otherwise specified as transport equipment
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XCN" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Container, not otherwise specified as transport equipment" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Carboy, non-protected
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XCO" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Carboy, non-protected" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Carboy, protected
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XCP" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Carboy, protected" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XCQ" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Cartridge" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XCR" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Crate" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XCS" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Case " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XCT" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Carton " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XCU" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Cup" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XCV" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Cover" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Cage, roll
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XCW" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Cage, roll " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Can, cylindrical
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XCX" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Can, cylindrical " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XCY" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Cylinder " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XCZ" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Canvas " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Crate, multiple layer, plastic
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XDA" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Crate, multiple layer, plastic " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Crate, multiple layer, wooden
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XDB" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Crate, multiple layer, wooden" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Crate, multiple layer, cardboard
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XDC" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Crate, multiple layer, cardboard " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Cage, Commonwealth Handling Equipment Pool (CHEP)
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XDG" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Cage, Commonwealth Handling Equipment Pool (CHEP)" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Box, Commonwealth Handling Equipment Pool (CHEP), Eurobox
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XDH" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Box, Commonwealth Handling Equipment Pool (CHEP), Eurobox" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Drum, iron
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XDI" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Drum, iron " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Demijohn, non-protected
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XDJ" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Demijohn, non-protected" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Crate, bulk, cardboard
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XDK" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Crate, bulk, cardboard " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Crate, bulk, plastic
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XDL" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Crate, bulk, plastic " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Crate, bulk, wooden
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XDM" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Crate, bulk, wooden" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XDN" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Dispenser" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Demijohn, protected
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XDP" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Demijohn, protected" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XDR" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Drum " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Tray, one layer no cover, plastic
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XDS" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Tray, one layer no cover, plastic" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Tray, one layer no cover, wooden
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XDT" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Tray, one layer no cover, wooden " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Tray, one layer no cover, polystyrene
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XDU" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Tray, one layer no cover, polystyrene" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Tray, one layer no cover, cardboard
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XDV" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Tray, one layer no cover, cardboard" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Tray, two layers no cover, plastic tray
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XDW" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Tray, two layers no cover, plastic tray" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Tray, two layers no cover, wooden
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XDX" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Tray, two layers no cover, wooden" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Tray, two layers no cover, cardboard
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XDY" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Tray, two layers no cover, cardboard " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Bag, plastic
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XEC" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Bag, plastic " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Case, with pallet base
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XED" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Case, with pallet base " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Case, with pallet base, wooden
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XEE" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Case, with pallet base, wooden " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Case, with pallet base, cardboard
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XEF" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Case, with pallet base, cardboard" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Case, with pallet base, plastic
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XEG" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Case, with pallet base, plastic" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Case, with pallet base, metal
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XEH" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Case, with pallet base, metal" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Case, isothermic
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XEI" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Case, isothermic " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XEN" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Envelope " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XFB" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Flexibag" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Crate, fruit
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XFC" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Crate, fruit " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Crate, framed
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XFD" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Crate, framed" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XFE" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Flexitank" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XFI" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Firkin " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XFL" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Flask" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XFO" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Footlocker " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XFP" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Filmpack " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XFR" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Frame" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XFT" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Foodtainer" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Cart, flatbed
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XFW" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Cart, flatbed" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Bag, flexible container
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XFX" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Bag, flexible container" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Bottle, gas
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XGB" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Bottle, gas" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XGI" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Girder " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Container, gallon
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XGL" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Container, gallon" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Receptacle, glass
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XGR" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Receptacle, glass " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Tray, containing horizontally stacked flat items
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XGU" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Tray, containing horizontally stacked flat items" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Bag, gunny
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XGY" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Bag, gunny" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Girders, in bundle/bunch/truss
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XGZ" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Girders, in bundle/bunch/truss " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Basket, with handle, plastic
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XHA" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Basket, with handle, plastic " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Basket, with handle, wooden
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XHB" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Basket, with handle, wooden" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Basket, with handle, cardboard
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XHC" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Basket, with handle, cardboard " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XHG" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Hogshead " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XHN" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Hanger" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XHR" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Hamper " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Package, display, wooden
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XIA" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Package, display, wooden " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Package, display, cardboard
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XIB" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Package, display, cardboard" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Package, display, plastic
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XIC" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Package, display, plastic" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Package, display, metal
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XID" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Package, display, metal" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Package, show
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XIE" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Package, show" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Package, flow
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XIF" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Package, flow " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Package, paper wrapped
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XIG" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Package, paper wrapped" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Drum, plastic
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XIH" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Drum, plastic" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Package, cardboard, with bottle grip-holes
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XIK" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Package, cardboard, with bottle grip-holes " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Tray, rigid, lidded stackable (CEN TS 14482:2002)
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XIL" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Tray, rigid, lidded stackable (CEN TS 14482:2002)" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XIN" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Ingot" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Ingots, in bundle/bunch/truss
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XIZ" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Ingots, in bundle/bunch/truss" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Bag, jumbo
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XJB" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Bag, jumbo" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Jerrican, rectangular
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XJC" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Jerrican, rectangular" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XJG" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Jug" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XJR" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Jar" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XJT" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Jutebag" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Jerrican, cylindrical
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XJY" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Jerrican, cylindrical" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XKG" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Keg" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XKI" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Kit" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XLE" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Luggage" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XLG" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Log" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XLT" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Lot" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XLU" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Lug" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XLV" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Liftvan" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Logs, in bundle/bunch/truss
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XLZ" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Logs, in bundle/bunch/truss" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Crate, metal
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XMA" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Crate, metal" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Bag, multiply
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XMB" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Bag, multiply" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Crate, milk
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XMC" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Crate, milk" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Container, metal
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XME" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Container, metal" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Receptacle, metal
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XMR" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Receptacle, metal " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Sack, multi-wall
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XMS" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Sack, multi-wall " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XMT" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Mat" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Receptacle, plastic wrapped
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XMW" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Receptacle, plastic wrapped " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XMX" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Matchbox " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Not available
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XNA" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Not available" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Unpacked or unpackaged
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XNE" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Unpacked or unpackaged " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Unpacked or unpackaged, single unit
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XNF" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Unpacked or unpackaged, single unit" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Unpacked or unpackaged, multiple units
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XNG" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Unpacked or unpackaged, multiple units" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XNS" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Nest " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XNT" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Net" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Net, tube, plastic
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XNU" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Net, tube, plastic " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Net, tube, textile
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XNV" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Net, tube, textile " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Two sided cage on wheels with fixing strap
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XO1" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Two sided cage on wheels with fixing strap" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XO2" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Trolley" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Oneway pallet ISO 0 - 1/2 EURO Pallet
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XO3" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Oneway pallet ISO 0 - 1/2 EURO Pallet" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Oneway pallet ISO 1 - 1/1 EURO Pallet
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XO4" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Oneway pallet ISO 1 - 1/1 EURO Pallet" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Oneway pallet ISO 2 - 2/1 EURO Pallet
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XO5" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Oneway pallet ISO 2 - 2/1 EURO Pallet" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Pallet with exceptional dimensions
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XO6" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Pallet with exceptional dimensions" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Wooden pallet 40 cm x 80 cm
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XO7" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Wooden pallet 40 cm x 80 cm" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Plastic pallet SRS 60 cm x 80 cm
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XO8" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Plastic pallet SRS 60 cm x 80 cm" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Plastic pallet SRS 80 cm x 120 cm
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XO9" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Plastic pallet SRS 80 cm x 120 cm" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Pallet, CHEP 40 cm x 60 cm
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XOA" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Pallet, CHEP 40 cm x 60 cm" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Pallet, CHEP 80 cm x 120 cm
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XOB" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Pallet, CHEP 80 cm x 120 cm" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Pallet, CHEP 100 cm x 120 cm
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XOC" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Pallet, CHEP 100 cm x 120 cm" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Pallet, AS 4068-1993
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XOD" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Pallet, AS 4068-1993" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Pallet, ISO T11
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XOE" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Pallet, ISO T11" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Platform, unspecified weight or dimension
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XOF" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Platform, unspecified weight or dimension" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Pallet ISO 0 - 1/2 EURO Pallet
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XOG" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Pallet ISO 0 - 1/2 EURO Pallet" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Pallet ISO 1 - 1/1 EURO Pallet
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XOH" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Pallet ISO 1 - 1/1 EURO Pallet" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Pallet ISO 2 – 2/1 EURO Pallet
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XOI" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Pallet ISO 2 – 2/1 EURO Pallet" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      1/4 EURO Pallet
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XOJ" for this value
      The function getName() returns "1/4 EURO Pallet" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XOK" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Block" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      1/8 EURO Pallet
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XOL" for this value
      The function getName() returns "1/8 EURO Pallet" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Synthetic pallet ISO 1
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XOM" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Synthetic pallet ISO 1" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Synthetic pallet ISO 2
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XON" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Synthetic pallet ISO 2" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Wholesaler pallet
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XOP" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Wholesaler pallet" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Pallet 80 X 100 cm
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XOQ" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Pallet 80 X 100 cm" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Pallet 60 X 100 cm
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XOR" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Pallet 60 X 100 cm" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Oneway pallet
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XOS" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Oneway pallet" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XOT" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Octabin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Container, outer
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XOU" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Container, outer" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Returnable pallet
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XOV" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Returnable pallet" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Large bag, pallet sized
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XOW" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Large bag, pallet sized" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      A wheeled pallet with raised rim (81 x 67 x 135)
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XOX" for this value
      The function getName() returns "A wheeled pallet with raised rim (81 x 67 x 135)" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      A Wheeled pallet with raised rim (81 x 72 x 135)
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XOY" for this value
      The function getName() returns "A Wheeled pallet with raised rim (81 x 72 x 135)" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Wheeled pallet with raised rim ( 81 x 60 x 16)
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XOZ" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Wheeled pallet with raised rim ( 81 x 60 x 16)" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      CHEP pallet 60 cm x 80 cm
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XP1" for this value
      The function getName() returns "CHEP pallet 60 cm x 80 cm " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XP2" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Pan" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      LPR pallet 60 cm x 80 cm
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XP3" for this value
      The function getName() returns "LPR pallet 60 cm x 80 cm" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      LPR pallet 80 cm x 120 cm
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XP4" for this value
      The function getName() returns "LPR pallet 80 cm x 120 cm" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XPA" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Packet " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Pallet, box Combined open-ended box and pallet
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XPB" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Pallet, box Combined open-ended box and pallet" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XPC" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Parcel " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Pallet, modular, collars 80cms * 100cms
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XPD" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Pallet, modular, collars 80cms * 100cms " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Pallet, modular, collars 80cms * 120cms
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XPE" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Pallet, modular, collars 80cms * 120cms " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XPF" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Pen " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XPG" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Plate" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XPH" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Pitcher" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XPI" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Pipe " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XPJ" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Punnet" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XPK" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Package" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XPL" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Pail " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XPN" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Plank" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XPO" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Pouch" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XPP" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Piece" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Receptacle, plastic
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XPR" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Receptacle, plastic " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XPT" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Pot" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XPU" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Tray " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Pipes, in bundle/bunch/truss
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XPV" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Pipes, in bundle/bunch/truss " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XPX" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Pallet " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Plates, in bundle/bunch/truss
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XPY" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Plates, in bundle/bunch/truss" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Planks, in bundle/bunch/truss
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XPZ" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Planks, in bundle/bunch/truss" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Drum, steel, non-removable head
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XQA" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Drum, steel, non-removable head" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Drum, steel, removable head
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XQB" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Drum, steel, removable head" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Drum, aluminium, non-removable head
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XQC" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Drum, aluminium, non-removable head" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Drum, aluminium, removable head
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XQD" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Drum, aluminium, removable head" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Drum, plastic, non-removable head
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XQF" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Drum, plastic, non-removable head" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Drum, plastic, removable head
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XQG" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Drum, plastic, removable head" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Barrel, wooden, bung type
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XQH" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Barrel, wooden, bung type" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Barrel, wooden, removable head
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XQJ" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Barrel, wooden, removable head " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Jerrican, steel, non-removable head
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XQK" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Jerrican, steel, non-removable head" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Jerrican, steel, removable head
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XQL" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Jerrican, steel, removable head" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Jerrican, plastic, non-removable head
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XQM" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Jerrican, plastic, non-removable head" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Jerrican, plastic, removable head
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XQN" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Jerrican, plastic, removable head" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Box, wooden, natural wood, ordinary
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XQP" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Box, wooden, natural wood, ordinary" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Box, wooden, natural wood, with sift proof walls
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XQQ" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Box, wooden, natural wood, with sift proof walls" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Box, plastic, expanded
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XQR" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Box, plastic, expanded " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Box, plastic, solid
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XQS" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Box, plastic, solid" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XRD" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Rod" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XRG" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Ring " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Rack, clothing hanger
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XRJ" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Rack, clothing hanger" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XRK" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Rack " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XRL" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Reel " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XRO" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Roll " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XRT" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Rednet " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Rods, in bundle/bunch/truss
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XRZ" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Rods, in bundle/bunch/truss" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XSA" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Sack " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XSB" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Slab" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Crate, shallow
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XSC" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Crate, shallow " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XSD" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Spindle" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XSE" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Sea-chest" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XSH" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Sachet " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XSI" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Skid " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Case, skeleton
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XSK" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Case, skeleton " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XSL" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Slipsheet " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XSM" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Sheetmetal " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XSO" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Spool " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Sheet, plastic wrapping
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XSP" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Sheet, plastic wrapping" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Case, steel
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XSS" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Case, steel" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XST" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Sheet" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XSU" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Suitcase " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Envelope, steel
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XSV" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Envelope, steel" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XSW" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Shrinkwrapped " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XSX" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Set" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XSY" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Sleeve" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Sheets, in bundle/bunch/truss
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XSZ" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Sheets, in bundle/bunch/truss" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XT1" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Tablet" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XTB" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Tub" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XTC" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Tea-chest" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Tube, collapsible
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XTD" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Tube, collapsible" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XTE" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Tyre" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Tank container, generic
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XTG" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Tank container, generic" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XTI" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Tierce" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Tank, rectangular
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XTK" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Tank, rectangular" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Tub, with lid
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XTL" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Tub, with lid" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XTN" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Tin" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XTO" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Tun" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XTR" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Trunk" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XTS" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Truss" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Bag, tote
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XTT" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Bag, tote" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XTU" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Tube " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Tube, with nozzle
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XTV" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Tube, with nozzle " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Pallet, triwall
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XTW" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Pallet, triwall" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Tank, cylindrical
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XTY" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Tank, cylindrical" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Tubes, in bundle/bunch/truss
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XTZ" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Tubes, in bundle/bunch/truss " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XUC" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Uncaged " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XUN" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Unit" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XVA" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Vat" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Bulk, gas (at 1031 mbar and 15°C)
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XVG" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Bulk, gas (at 1031 mbar and 15°C)" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XVI" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Vial " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XVK" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Vanpack " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Bulk, liquid
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XVL" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Bulk, liquid " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XVN" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Vehicle" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Bulk, solid, large particles (“nodules”)
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XVO" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Bulk, solid, large particles (“nodules”) " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XVP" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Vacuum-packed" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Bulk, liquefied gas (at abnormal temperature/pressure)
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XVQ" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Bulk, liquefied gas (at abnormal temperature/pressure) " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Bulk, solid, granular particles (“grains”)
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XVR" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Bulk, solid, granular particles (“grains”) " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Bulk, scrap metal
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XVS" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Bulk, scrap metal" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Bulk, solid, fine particles (“powders”)
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XVY" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Bulk, solid, fine particles (“powders”)" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Intermediate bulk container
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XWA" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Intermediate bulk container" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XWB" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Wickerbottle " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Intermediate bulk container, steel
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XWC" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Intermediate bulk container, steel " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Intermediate bulk container, aluminium
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XWD" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Intermediate bulk container, aluminium " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Intermediate bulk container, metal
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XWF" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Intermediate bulk container, metal " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Intermediate bulk container, steel, pressurised > 10 kpa
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XWG" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Intermediate bulk container, steel, pressurised > 10 kpa" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Intermediate bulk container, aluminium, pressurised > 10 kpa
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XWH" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Intermediate bulk container, aluminium, pressurised > 10 kpa" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Intermediate bulk container, metal, pressure 10 kpa
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XWJ" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Intermediate bulk container, metal, pressure 10 kpa " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Intermediate bulk container, steel, liquid
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XWK" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Intermediate bulk container, steel, liquid " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Intermediate bulk container, aluminium, liquid
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XWL" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Intermediate bulk container, aluminium, liquid " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Intermediate bulk container, metal, liquid
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XWM" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Intermediate bulk container, metal, liquid " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Intermediate bulk container, woven plastic, without coat/liner
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XWN" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Intermediate bulk container, woven plastic, without coat/liner " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Intermediate bulk container, woven plastic, coated
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XWP" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Intermediate bulk container, woven plastic, coated " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Intermediate bulk container, woven plastic, with liner
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XWQ" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Intermediate bulk container, woven plastic, with liner " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Intermediate bulk container, woven plastic, coated and liner
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XWR" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Intermediate bulk container, woven plastic, coated and liner " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Intermediate bulk container, plastic film
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XWS" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Intermediate bulk container, plastic film" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Intermediate bulk container, textile with out coat/liner
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XWT" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Intermediate bulk container, textile with out coat/liner " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Intermediate bulk container, natural wood, with inner liner
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XWU" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Intermediate bulk container, natural wood, with inner liner" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Intermediate bulk container, textile, coated
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XWV" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Intermediate bulk container, textile, coated " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Intermediate bulk container, textile, with liner
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XWW" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Intermediate bulk container, textile, with liner " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Intermediate bulk container, textile, coated and liner
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XWX" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Intermediate bulk container, textile, coated and liner " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Intermediate bulk container, plywood, with inner liner
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XWY" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Intermediate bulk container, plywood, with inner liner " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Intermediate bulk container, reconstituted wood, with inner liner
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XWZ" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Intermediate bulk container, reconstituted wood, with inner liner" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Bag, woven plastic, without inner coat/liner
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XXA" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Bag, woven plastic, without inner coat/liner " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Bag, woven plastic, sift proof
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XXB" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Bag, woven plastic, sift proof " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Bag, woven plastic, water resistant
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XXC" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Bag, woven plastic, water resistant" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Bag, plastics film
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XXD" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Bag, plastics film " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Bag, textile, without inner coat/liner
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XXF" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Bag, textile, without inner coat/liner " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Bag, textile, sift proof
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XXG" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Bag, textile, sift proof " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Bag, textile, water resistant
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XXH" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Bag, textile, water resistant" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Bag, paper, multi-wall
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XXJ" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Bag, paper, multi-wall " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Bag, paper, multi-wall, water resistant
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XXK" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Bag, paper, multi-wall, water resistant" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Composite packaging, plastic receptacle in steel drum
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XYA" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Composite packaging, plastic receptacle in steel drum" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Composite packaging, plastic receptacle in steel crate box
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XYB" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Composite packaging, plastic receptacle in steel crate box" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Composite packaging, plastic receptacle in aluminium drum
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XYC" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Composite packaging, plastic receptacle in aluminium drum" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Composite packaging, plastic receptacle in aluminium crate
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XYD" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Composite packaging, plastic receptacle in aluminium crate" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Composite packaging, plastic receptacle in wooden box
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XYF" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Composite packaging, plastic receptacle in wooden box" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Composite packaging, plastic receptacle in plywood drum
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XYG" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Composite packaging, plastic receptacle in plywood drum" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Composite packaging, plastic receptacle in plywood box
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XYH" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Composite packaging, plastic receptacle in plywood box " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Composite packaging, plastic receptacle in fibre drum
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XYJ" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Composite packaging, plastic receptacle in fibre drum" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Composite packaging, plastic receptacle in fibreboard box
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XYK" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Composite packaging, plastic receptacle in fibreboard box" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Composite packaging, plastic receptacle in plastic drum
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XYL" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Composite packaging, plastic receptacle in plastic drum" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Composite packaging, plastic receptacle in solid plastic box
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XYM" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Composite packaging, plastic receptacle in solid plastic box" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Composite packaging, glass receptacle in steel drum
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XYN" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Composite packaging, glass receptacle in steel drum" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Composite packaging, glass receptacle in steel crate box
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XYP" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Composite packaging, glass receptacle in steel crate box" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Composite packaging, glass receptacle in aluminium drum
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XYQ" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Composite packaging, glass receptacle in aluminium drum" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Composite packaging, glass receptacle in aluminium crate
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XYR" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Composite packaging, glass receptacle in aluminium crate" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Composite packaging, glass receptacle in wooden box
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XYS" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Composite packaging, glass receptacle in wooden box" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Composite packaging, glass receptacle in plywood drum
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XYT" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Composite packaging, glass receptacle in plywood drum" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Composite packaging, glass receptacle in wickerwork hamper
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XYV" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Composite packaging, glass receptacle in wickerwork hamper" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Composite packaging, glass receptacle in fibre drum
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XYW" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Composite packaging, glass receptacle in fibre drum" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Composite packaging, glass receptacle in fibreboard box
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XYX" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Composite packaging, glass receptacle in fibreboard box " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Composite packaging, glass receptacle in expandable plastic pack
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XYY" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Composite packaging, glass receptacle in expandable plastic pack" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Composite packaging, glass receptacle in solid plastic pack
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XYZ" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Composite packaging, glass receptacle in solid plastic pack" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Intermediate bulk container, paper, multi-wall
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XZA" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Intermediate bulk container, paper, multi-wall " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Bag, large
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XZB" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Bag, large " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Intermediate bulk container, paper, multi-wall, water resistant
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XZC" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Intermediate bulk container, paper, multi-wall, water resistant" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Intermediate bulk container, rigid plastic, with structural equipment, solids
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XZD" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Intermediate bulk container, rigid plastic, with structural equipment, solids" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Intermediate bulk container, rigid plastic, freestanding, solids
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XZF" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Intermediate bulk container, rigid plastic, freestanding, solids" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Intermediate bulk container, rigid plastic, with structural equipment, pressurised
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XZG" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Intermediate bulk container, rigid plastic, with structural equipment, pressurised" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Intermediate bulk container, rigid plastic, freestanding, pressurised
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XZH" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Intermediate bulk container, rigid plastic, freestanding, pressurised" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Intermediate bulk container, rigid plastic, with structural equipment, liquids
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XZJ" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Intermediate bulk container, rigid plastic, with structural equipment, liquids " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Intermediate bulk container, rigid plastic, freestanding, liquids
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XZK" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Intermediate bulk container, rigid plastic, freestanding, liquids" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Intermediate bulk container, composite, rigid plastic, solids
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XZL" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Intermediate bulk container, composite, rigid plastic, solids" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Intermediate bulk container, composite, flexible plastic, solids
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XZM" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Intermediate bulk container, composite, flexible plastic, solids" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Intermediate bulk container, composite, rigid plastic, pressurised
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XZN" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Intermediate bulk container, composite, rigid plastic, pressurised " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Intermediate bulk container, composite, flexible plastic, pressurised
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XZP" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Intermediate bulk container, composite, flexible plastic, pressurised" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Intermediate bulk container, composite, rigid plastic, liquids
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XZQ" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Intermediate bulk container, composite, rigid plastic, liquids" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Intermediate bulk container, composite, flexible plastic, liquids
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XZR" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Intermediate bulk container, composite, flexible plastic, liquids " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Intermediate bulk container, composite
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XZS" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Intermediate bulk container, composite" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Intermediate bulk container, fibreboard
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XZT" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Intermediate bulk container, fibreboard" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Intermediate bulk container, flexible
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XZU" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Intermediate bulk container, flexible" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Intermediate bulk container, metal, other than steel
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XZV" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Intermediate bulk container, metal, other than steel" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Intermediate bulk container, natural wood
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XZW" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Intermediate bulk container, natural wood" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Intermediate bulk container, plywood
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XZX" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Intermediate bulk container, plywood" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Intermediate bulk container, reconstituted wood
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XZY" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Intermediate bulk container, reconstituted wood" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      Mutually defined
      The function getSource() returns "rec21" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "XZZ" for this value
      The function getName() returns "Mutually defined " for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      square yard
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "YDK" for this value
      The function getName() returns "square yard" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      cubic yard
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "YDQ" for this value
      The function getName() returns "cubic yard" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "YRD" for this value
      The function getName() returns "yard" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      hanging container
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "Z11" for this value
      The function getName() returns "hanging container" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "Z9" for this value
      The function getName() returns "nanomole" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "ZP" for this value
      The function getName() returns "page" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value
      mutually defined
      The function getSource() returns "rec20" for this value
      The function getCode() returns "ZZ" for this value
      The function getName() returns "mutually defined" for this value
      The function isRecommended() returns false for this value