
Configure the PDF output.


   fontDirectory STRING,
   antialiasFonts BOOLEAN,
   antialiasShapes BOOLEAN,
   monochrome BOOLEAN,
   fromPage INTEGER,
   toPage INTEGER)
  1. fontDirectory - Absolute path to the directory containing the font files
  2. antialiasFonts - Configures whether fonts should be rendered using antialiasing. The default value is false.
  3. antialiasShapes - Configures whether shapes should be rendered using antialiasing. The default value is false.
  4. monochrome - Configures whether color values should be converted to monochrome output. The default value is false.
  5. fromPage - Selects the lower bound of the range of pages to include in the PDF document. The default value is 1.
  6. toPage - Selects the upper bound of the range of pages to include in the PDF document. By default all pages are included.


Function to configure the PDF output.

This function is applicable when PDF output has been selected by a call to the function fgl_report_selectDevice. All arguments to this function are optional (indicated by passing a null value). If the PDF document should be written to a file, the general function fgl_report_setOutputFileName and fgl_report_selectPreview are available for this purpose.

For a generic example of Genero code using a reporting function, see Using report output functions. This example may not use the specific function discussed in this topic, however it provides details on where you would place this (and other) report output functions.