
Get part of the AUI tree of the tested application.


   partSelector STRING)
   RETURNS xml.DomDocument
  1. partSelector is the name of the AUI part to retrieve.


This function returns part of the AUI tree as an XML document.

The part selector can be:

For example:

# Current Window/Form AUI tree, use ggc.AUI_CURRENT_SELECTOR constant.
LET doc = ggc.getAuiTreePart(ggc.WindowSelector(ggc.AUI_CURRENT_SELECTOR))
LET doc = ggc.getAuiTreePart(ggc.FormSelector(ggc.AUI_CURRENT_SELECTOR))

# Form from another window by name
LET doc = ggc.getAuiTreePart(SFMT("%1/%2", ggc.WindowSelector("w2"), ggc.FormSelector("form")))

# Current form from another window
# Here 2 selectors are combined, first the Window, then the form, separated by a /
LET doc = ggc.getAuiTreePart(SFMT("%1/%2", ggc.WindowSelector("w2"), ggc.FormSelector(ggc.AUI_CURRENT_SELECTOR)))