Column definitions

The columns of a TABLE container are defined with item tags in the LAYOUT section, and their corresponding form field definition in the ATTRIBUTES section.

Each item tag used in the data line definition of a TABLE container must have a corresponding element in the ATTRIBUTES section, to define decoration and functional attributes of the column.

As we do not want to display all columns of the SQL table directly in the TABLE container, we define some form fields as PHANTOM. These fields will be used in the screen array and program variable, but they will not be part of the list view in the layout section:
 31 EDIT f1=customer.cust_num;
 32 EDIT f2=customer.cust_name;
 33 PHANTOM customer.addr;
 34 EDIT;
 35 EDIT f4=customer.state;
 36 EDIT f5=customer.zipcode;
 37 PHANTOM customer.contact_name;
 40 EDIT f7=FORMONLY.cr_contact_name;
 41 EDIT f8=FORMONLY.cr_phone;
 42 END
  • Lines 31, 32, 34, 35 and 36 define EDIT form fields that correspond to the item tags used in the TABLE container.
  • Lines 33, 37 and 38 define PHANTOM fields, that will be part of the data record list, but are not used on the list view of the layout section.
  • Lines 39, 40 and 41 define form fields used in the GRID container. These are not part of the TABLE container and will be managed specifically by the program code.

Form fields used in a table container must be grouped in a Screen Array.