License types

Different types of license are needed for executing Genero applications (runtime license) and compiling source files (development license).

You need a development license in a development environment to compile your source files. The development license also allows developers to run applications. For production environments, you need runtime licenses for users accessing applications you deploy on production sites.
Note: Depending on your requirements, you may also need runtime licenses for QA testers, document writers, and other internal staff that need to run applications.

License types by product

Genero BDL (desktop or web) has two types of license:
  • You need a development license in a development environment. A development license is needed to compile your Genero Business Development Language (BDL) source (4gl) files.
  • You need runtime licenses on production sites.
Genero Mobile has two types of license:
  • You need a development license in a development environment.
    Note: You do not need a separate Genero Mobile development license if you have a Genero BDL development license under maintenance. Otherwise, a license is required.
    The development license is free for personal use and suitable for applications whose p-code is under 64 KB. You can monitor the size of your apps using the --program-size and --module-size options of the fglrun command. For more information see Find your mobile app p-code size in the Install and License your Genero Products guide.
    For applications whose p-code exceeds 64 KB and/or to receive different levels of support, developer subscription plans are offered. See the Genero Mobile web site for details on the different plans.
    When licensing Genero Mobile, your Genero Business Development Language (BDL) license must be for a Genero Mobile installation. If you receive an error message:
    ERROR(-6024) : Modules compiled with Genero Mobile require a Genero Mobile license at runtime.
    This means that the Genero BDL license you have is not valid for Genero Mobile. Please contact your local sales office for further information.
  • You need a runtime license for each app deployed to a mobile device. Please contact your local sales office for details.
Genero Report Writer has two types of license:
  • You need a development license in a development environment. A development license is needed to compile your source files.
  • You need runtime licenses on production sites.
Note: For Genero Report Engine licensing: if your Genero BDL installation has a valid maintenance key, you do not need to install a license for the Genero Report Engine. Otherwise, a license is required.

Evaluation licenses

Evaluation licenses are issued to users trialing the software, for example, as part of the Genero Evaluation Program (GEP). These are fully-functional licenses allowing use of the Genero family of products (compiler, database, Studio, and runtime environments) to a specified number of users. The license are time limited for a period (typically 90 days) and can only be activated (registered) once.

Backup licenses

A backup license is a duplicate license installed on a "mirror" machine for secure installations requiring fault-tolerant or fail-over configurations. The backup license is a mirror of the active server license and must have an equal number of users and be of the same version.