Install Genero Report Designer

These topics relate to the installation of the Genero Report Designer.

The installation and licensing of Genero products requires you to read and accept the End User License Agreement, which can be found on the Four Js website at

Installation can vary depending on the host operating system. Ensure you follow the installation instructions for your host operating system.

These instructions are for the installation of the standalone Genero Report Designer.

Genero Report Designer is also included as part of Genero Studio. If you have installed Genero Studio, you do not need to install the standalone Genero Report Designer.

System requirements

For details about system requirements, refer to the Supported platforms and databases document (available on the Download page of the Four Js Web site) or contact your support center.

Install GRD on UNIX platforms

Follow these steps to install Genero Report Designer on GNU/Linux® and UNIX®.

The installation and licensing of Genero products requires you to read and accept the End User License Agreement, which can be found on the Four Js website at

Before installation on Linux systems, verify libxcb is installed.

  1. Type the following command to start the installation:

    $ sh


    $ sh

  2. Follow the instructions provided on the screen.

When installation is complete, see the Genero Report Designer User Guide for configuration information and instructions.

Install Genero Report Designer on UNIX platforms in silent mode

Install Genero Report Designer silently on GNU/Linux and UNIX platforms.

To start the installation, type the following:

./ -a -q --no-desktop -t install_dir

For example:

./ -a -q --no-desktop -t $PWD/fjs-grd-3.20.06


Table 1 shows the most common options relating to installation.

Table 1. UNIX install options
Install option Description
-a or --accept Bypass the display and the prompt for acceptance of the license agreement. Using the -a option indicates that you have read and accepted the End User License Agreement, located on the Four Js website at
-h or --help Display help about all possible options.
-q or --quiet Silent mode with no UI. If -q is not specified, the interactive installer is used.

-f backup|overwrite|remove or

--force backup|overwrite|remove

Specify what happens if the installation directory already exists:
  • backup: Back up the installation directory.
  • overwrite: Overwrite installation file.
  • remove: Delete installation directory before installing.

-t install_dir or

--target install_dir

Install the product in the specified target directory. If -t is not specified, the default installation is used.
--no-desktop Desktop bindings are not installed, which means:
  • Desktop and system menu icons are not created.
  • File types are not automatically associated with the product.

Install GRD on Windows

Follow these steps to install Genero Report Designer on Windows®.

The installation and licensing of Genero products requires you to read and accept the End User License Agreement, which can be found on the Four Js website at

  1. Execute the package name to start the Setup Wizard.




  2. Complete the instructions provided online.
    The installation completes and the install wizard closes.

When installation is complete, see the Genero Report Designer User Guide for configuration information and instructions.

Install GRD on Windows in silent mode

Install Genero Report Designer on Windows platforms using the MSI installer.

The installation and licensing of Genero products requires you to read and accept the End User License Agreement, which can be found on the Four Js website at

The msiexec utility provides the means to install, modify, and perform operations on Windows Installer from the command line. The /qn option allows you to install in silent mode. The msiexec utility expects an msi file. To be compliant with Microsoft® User Access Control (UAC) requirements, the msi file is embedded inside an exe file. To extract the msi file from the exe file, use the /x option:

c:\fjs-grd-version-build-osident.exe /x

For example:

c:\fjs-grd-3.20.05-build168744-w64v140.exe /x

A msi file is created in the same directory and with the same name as the exe file.


Table 2 shows the most common options for msiexec relating to installation and un-installation.

Table 2. msiexec install and uninstall options
msiexec option Description
/qn Silent mode with no UI. If /qn is not specified, the graphical installer is used.
/i package-name.msi Install the specified msi package.
/x package-name.msi Uninstall the specified msi package.
/log logfile Write processing info to the specified log file.
/l*vx logfile Provide verbose (detailed) logs in the specified log file.

Enter msiexec from the command prompt to view the complete list of available options.


You can pass arguments to the msiexec installer on the command line.

Table 3. Arguments for the msiexec installer
Argument Description
PRODUCTDIR=your_grddir_path The path where GRD will be installed. It is an alias of the GRDDIR variable.
GRDDIR=your_grddir_path The path where GRD will be installed. It is an alias of the PRODUCTDIR variable.
STARTMENUFOLDER=your_startmenufolder_path Customize the location for the shortcuts in the startmenu. For example, "fjs\grd".
  • ALL (default): Install GRD (mandatory) and .grd file association
  • GRD: Install GRD only
FORCEREMOVEPRODUCTDIR=YES On uninstall, force the removal of the PRODUCTDIR directory, even if it is not empty. For any value other than YES, keep the files in the PRODUCTDIR location. Default value: "".
Note: Quotes are only required around the argument value when a space character is in the value string.