Configure the License Manager

To configure the Four Js License Manager (FLM), edit the $FLMDIR/etc/lmprofile file.

Configuration entries are in the format name-of-resource="value"

Note: The configuration entry was deprecated in version 5.12.08. If a configuration entry is set for, it is silently ignored.
  1. To set the value for the FLM server resource, add the line in the following format with the name of the server:
    For example, if your DNS or your hosts file is correctly configured, you can safely use localhost:
    Note: Working with Docker on macOS™:

    If you are hosting FLM and docker containers on the same host, it is recommended to configure a mapping to the localhost using a special DNS name which will resolve to the internal IP address used by the host; regardless of changes in the network. See Configure license with FLM for docker on macOS host.

  2. Add or update values for the resources shown in Table 1 as required:
    Table 1. License Manager Configuration Resources
    Resource Name Default Value Description
    flm.server none Name of the machine that hosts FLM. Set this value to the machine name or IP address where FLM is installed.
    Warning: Although no default is provided, this parameter is mandatory.
    flm.service 6399 Service or port number for the communication between the license controller and FLM.
    flm.check 100 Number of connections between checks of the registered users list for a host machine. The control of active users is important, as it will synchronize real users on the network with the registered users list managed by FLM.

    The check is used to recover licenses from users that are no longer active (in case of VM crash, the associated license may not be recovered).

    To disable this control, set the parameter to -1.
    Warning: If you disable this control, some registered users will never be unregistered by the FLM unless you run the command flmprg -u <license_number>. See Force a Check of the Registered Users List (flmprg).
    flm.license.shared 1 Indicates whether the users are shared between licenses. If you have licenses for the same product, type, and extension, the total number of users will be cumulative. If this resource is set to 0, this will not be done.
    flm.cnxlog.enabled 0 Set this entry to 1 to activate the FLM connection log. Support may request that you enable this option and send the generated log files to aide in analyzing licensing issues.
    The log files are created in FLMDIR. The files are named using the pattern flm-YYYYMMDD-id.log, where:
    • YYYY = current year
    • MM = current month
    • DD = day of month
    • id = counter value. The counter value is incremented each time the FLM is started.