Configure the license controller

Before the Four Js License Manager (FLM) can manage a Genero product license, you need to configure the product's DVM configuration file locally with FLM server details and the product's license key and number.

  • Genero Enterprise and Genero Mobile products are configured by setting values in the FGLPROFILE file.
  • Genero Report Engine (GRE) is configured by setting values in the GREPROFILE file.
Important: Licensing for Genero Report Writer for Java, C# and PHP must be managed locally as it can not be managed by the License Manager.
  1. To set the value for the FLM server, add the line in the following format with the name of server:
    For example:
  2. To set the value for the license number, add the line in the following format:
  3. To set the value for the license key, add the line in the following format:
  4. Add or update values for the resources shown in Table 1 as required:
    Table 1. DVM - configuration resources for License Server
    Resource Default Value Description
    flm.server none Name of the machine that holds the license service program. This value should be the same as the entry in Four Js License Manager configuration file, FLMDIR/etc/lmprofile.
    Warning: Although no default is provided, this parameter is mandatory.
    flm.license.number none Value of your current license number. You must set this value to use Four Js License Manager.

    (For example: XXX#XXXXXXXX)

    flm.license.key none Value of your current license key. You must set this value to use Four Js License Manager.

    (For example: YYYYYYYYYYYY)

    flm.service 6399 Service or port number for the communication between the local license controller and Four Js License Manager. This value should be the same as in the Four Js License Manager configuration file, $FLMDIR/etc/lmprofile. See Configure the License Manager.
    flm.check 10 Number of iterations between two controls of the user list. Default is 10. ps -ae Specifies the command that gives a process list for a machine. This value is used to synchronize the real user list on the current machine with the registered users list on Four Js License Manager.
    Warning: This entry is not used on most platforms as the default value ps -ae is replaced by a call to an API. Do not set this resource unless the internal implementation relying on the OS-specific API call fails.