Install and License your Genero Products

The installation instructions for all of the packages provided by the Genero Enterprise suite.

This manual provides installation instructions for the products that comprise the Genero Enterprise suite:
  • Genero BDL with Web Services (BDL)
  • Genero Application Server (GAS)
  • Genero Studio (GST)
  • Genero Suite Server (Genero Studio Server plus all components)
  • Genero Desktop Client (GDC)
  • Genero Mobile for Androidâ„¢ (GMA)
  • Genero Mobile for iOS (GMI)
  • Genero Ghost Client (GGC)
  • Genero Report Engine (GRE)
This manual covers the installation and licensing of the product. Configuration of a product is covered in product-specific administrator and user manuals.

Genero Installation Basics

Product-specific Installation Guides

Licensing your products

Note: For a general overview and introduction to licensing Genero products, see Genero Licensing manual.