Install Four Js License Manager

To centralize licensing, install the Four Js License Manager. Four Js License Manager is a separate product, to be installed in a dedicated directory with its own configuration file.

Installation can vary depending on the host operating system. Ensure you follow the installation instructions for your host operating system.

System requirements

For details about system requirements, refer to the Supported platforms and databases document (available on the Download page of the Four Js Web site) or contact your support center.

Upgrade the FLM without re-applying licenses

When you upgrade the Four Js license manager, you do not need to reinstall your existing licenses.

  1. Make a backup copy of your FLM configuration file, FLMDIR/etc/lmprofile
  2. Start the command line interface.
    1. Open a command prompt.
      • On Windows®, open the License Manager Workplace window from the Start menu.
      • On Linux®, open a command prompt. "sudo" may be required.
    2. Type flmprg -s

      The FLM service is stopped.

  3. Install the new FLM package in the same directory as the existing installation.

    Take the option to overwrite the existing files.

  4. Replace the configuration file at FLMDIR/etc/lmprofile with the backup copy created in Step 1.

    Overwrite the existing file.

  5. Remove every file and directory in the FLMDIR/lock/ path.
  6. Start your new FLM
    flmprg -r

It is also recommended to upgrade the license controllers for your Genero Business Development Language (fglWrt) or Genero Report Writer (greWrt) installations at this time. See Patching a license controller.

Patching a license controller

If you need to update the license controller in order to make an older version of Dynamic Virtual Machine (DVM) compliant with the License Manager, follow the procedure described.

To update the license controller to the latest version, you download the version for your product that is appropriate for your operating system from the Four Js web site.
Table 1. Genero Products and License Controllers
Genero product Licence controller
Genero Enterprise Four Js License Controller for BDL (fglwrt)
Genero Report Engine Four Js License Controller for GRE (greWrt)
  1. Open your browser and navigate to the Four Js web site
  2. Navigate to the Download > Products page.
  3. Under the License manager packages heading, locate the version of the license controller that is appropriate for your operating system under the Platform heading, and click on the link under Version to start the download.
  4. When the download completes, uncompress the archive in your FGL installation directory

    The license controller is now updated.

    If a license controller version is not available for your operating system and/or for assistance with a downloaded version, contact your Four Js support center for help.

Identify DVM version

If you need to check if your Dynamic Virtual Machine (DVM) versions is compatible with the Four J's License Manager, run one of the commands described here.

To display the version number of a DVM, execute one of the following commands:
  • fpi
  • For older DVM versions, execute the command:
    fglrun -V
  • Or
    fglnodb -V

Four Js License Manager packages

The Four Js License Manager (FLM) software is a self-extractable installation program.

On UNIX™, the installation program is a shell script. On Windows, the installation file is an executable (exe) file.

A Four Js or Genero software package follows a specific naming convention:



  • product is the product identifier ("flm" for Four J's License Manager).
  • version is the software release number.
  • build is the software build number.
  • osident is the operating system identifier.
  • extension is the file extension: sh or run on UNIX platforms, exe on Windows platforms, and dmg or run on macOS™ platforms.

Launching the installation

Four Js License Manager can be installed on Windows, UNIX, or macOS platforms.

Warning: Be sure you are installing the correct binary files for your operating system. To do so, examine the installation package name, which includes the operating system brand name. For more information on the installation package name, refer to Four J's License Manager packages.

Install on UNIX platforms

To display the installation options, run the installation command with the help (-h) option:
sh -h
  1. Choose a directory where Four J's License Manager will be installed, such as /opt/fourjs/flm.
  2. Log in as a user with permission to write to the chosen directory.
  3. Copy the self-extractable file into a temporary directory.
  4. Run the self-extractable shell script with the -i option:
    sh -i
  5. Follow the instructions displayed on your screen.

When installation is complete, see License Manager configuration for configuration information and instructions.

Install on Windows platforms

  1. Choose a directory where Four J's License Manager will be installed, such as c:\fjs\flm.
  2. Log in as a user with permission to write to the chosen directory.
  3. Copy the self-extractable file into a temporary directory.




  4. Double-click the file to launch it, or right-click on the file name and select Run as administrator.
  5. Follow the instructions displayed by the installation wizard.
    As part of the wizard, you are asked whether to install as a service. If you elect to install as a service, it is installed and set to Manual start. To have the service restart automatically on reboot, you must edit the Startup Type and change to Automatic or Automatic Delayed.

When installation is complete, see License Manager configuration for configuration information and instructions.

Installing the service (Windows only)

The installation wizard gives you the option of installing the Four Js License Manager as a service.

If you elected NOT to install as a service during the initial installation, you can execute the following command (from the License Manager Workplace Window) to install it as a service:
flmprg --service-install
If you attempt to start the service from the command line and the service is not yet installed, it will first install the service, and then start the service.
flmprg --service-start

Install FLM on macOS

Before you begin

You need a macOS and an user account which has administrator access level.

Download the installation package for the macOS .

About this task

Follow these instructions to install the Four Js License Manager (FLM) on macOS.

  1. Determine the directory where you will install the product.
    The wizard will eventually suggest /opt/fourjs/flm. If you plan to use this default, ensure you have write permission to this directory.
  2. Log in as a user with permission to write to the directory in which you plan to install this product.
  3. Copy the self-extractable file into a temporary directory.
  4. From a command prompt, run the self-extractable shell script with the -i option:
    sh -i
    Note: The "x" entries in the file name example above must use the actual numbers of the downloaded file!
  5. Follow the instructions displayed.
    Tip: After you have read the licensing agreement, press "q" to return to the instructions and prompts.

When installation is complete, see License Manager configuration for configuration information and instructions.

Setting the environment

Before starting the Four J's License Manager, the FLMDIR and PATH environment variables must be set.

A script for setting the environment is created during the installation phase. Located in the Four J's License Manager installation directory (FLMDIR), this file is named envflm on UNIX platforms and envflm.bat on Windows platforms. By running this script file, the following actions are performed:

on UNIX (using sh as shell script):

export FLMDIR 
export PATH

on Windows:

set FLMDIR=c:\fjs\flm 
set PATH=%PATH%;%FLMDIR%\bin

Starting Four Js License Manager

To start the License Manager service, execute the following command:

flmprg -r

On Linux/UNIX, the License Manager runs as a daemon. On Windows®, it runs as a service.

You can also use the following command on Windows:
flmprg --service-start
Important: You must run the command as administrator, it is not enough to simply have administrator permissions.
Important: For security reasons, it is strongly recommended that the daemon be run as a non-privileged user (not root) on Linux/UNIX systems. Also to avoid running into issues with directory permissions, it is recommended that the non-privileged user should also add the licenses.

Stopping license manager

To stop the License Manager service, execute the following command:

flmprg -s

Alternatively, on Windows, you can also issue the following command:

flmprg --service-stop
Important: You must run the command as administrator, it is not enough to simply have administrator permissions.