Once a WEBCOMPONENT field is defined in the form file with the COMPONENTTYPE attribute pointing to an HTML content file, it can be used as a regular edit field in program dialogs. The data of the gICAPI web component is transmitted with the field value, and usually needs to be serialized and deserialized (typically in JSON), when the data is not a simple scalar value.
When the web component field value is changed in the program, the onData() method of the gICAPI object is fired, and you can parse the serialized string in your JavaScript.
In order to detect web component value changes in the program, you need to combine the gICAPI.setData() and gICAPI.Action() methods, to transmit the value and to fire an action, that will be handled by an ON ACTION block.
IMPORT util ... DEFINE mywc STRING DEFINE data_array DYNAMIC ARRAY OF RECORD ... ... ... INPUT BY NAME mywc, ... ATTRIBUTES(WITHOUT DEFAULTS, UNBUFFERED) ... ON ACTION set_wc_values -- Bound to form button LET mywc = util.JSON.stringify( data_array ) ON ACTION wc_data_changed -- Triggered by gICAPI.Action() CALL util.JSON.parse( mywc, data_array ) ...
gICAPI.onProperty = function(propertySet) { var ps = eval('(' + propertySet + ')'); document.getElementById("title").innerHTML = ps.title; }
The web component can be manipulated with specific front calls. The web component-specific front calls are provided in the "webcomponent" front call module.
The call front call that can be used for general purposes. It takes as parameters the name of the form field, a JavaScript function to call, and optional parameters as required. The JavaScript function must be implemented in the HTML content of the gICAPI web component field. The front call returns the result of the JavaScript function.
DEFINE title STRING CALL ui.Interface.frontCall("webcomponent", "call", ["formonly.mychart", "eval", "document.title"], [title] )
The getTitle function is another useful webcomponent front call that can get the title of the HTML document of the web component:
DEFINE info STRING CALL ui.Interface.frontCall("webcomponent", "getTitle", ["formonly.url_field"], [info] )
Some providers return key information in the title of the HTML document.