Creates a new SAX document handler object for the given .4gl module.
om.SaxDocumentHandler.createForName( module STRING ) RETURNING result om.SaxDocumentHandler
The om.SaxDocumentHandler.createForName() method creates a om.SaxDocumentHandler instance and binds the .4gl module passed as argument to the object.
To hold the reference to a SAX document handler object, define a variable with the type om.SaxDocumentHandler type.
The .4gl module must be available as a compiled 42m file, loadable according to environment settings (FGLLDPATH).
The .4gl module must implement the following functions to process the SAX filter events:
Function | Description |
startDocument() |
Called once at the beginning of the document processing. |
endDocument() |
Called once at the end of the document processing. |
startElement( tagname STRING, attrs om.SaxAttributes )
Called when an XML element is reached. Use the om.SaxAttributes methods to handle the attributes of the processed element. |
endElement( tagname STRING )
Called when the end of an XML element is reached. |
processingInstruction( piname STRING, data STRING )
Called when a processing instruction is reached. |
characters( data STRING )
Called when a text node is reached. |
skippedEntity( name STRING )
Called when an unknown entity node is reached (like &xxx; for example). |
DEFINE f om.SaxDocumentHandler LET f = om.SaxDocumentHandler.createForName("mysaxmod")