GBC 4.01.09 new features and upgrade notes

A summary of new features and changes in functionality introduced with Genero Browser Client (GBC) 4.01.09. Note the changes you may need to make when moving to this version of the GBC.


This version of GBC is desupported, use a more recent version of the product.


This page covers only those new features introduced with the Genero Browser Client version specified in the page title. Check prior new features pages if you migrate from an earlier version.

For a detailed list of GBC 4.01.09 changes, please refer to the list of fixes on our issue tracker.

Previous new features page: GBC 4.01.08 new features and upgrade notes

Retry HTTP request

The GBC has a retry mechanism to resend requests that fail due to network or HTTP error.

New theme variables control how the retry-on-error mechanism works:
$theme-network-retry-on-error A list of HTTP status codes.
$theme-network-retry-timeout Timeout (in seconds) after which an HTTP request is resent.

For more information on using retry-on-error in GBC, see HTTP retries.

New location for GBC version information

Starting with GBC 4.01.09, the information about the GBC (build and version number) is to be found in the Settings dialog, accessible by selecting the Settings icon in the chromebar. The About (or Information) dialog has been removed.

For more information, see Application page for GBC.