GBC 4.01.01 new features

A summary of new features and changes in functionality introduced with Genero Browser Client (GBC) 4.01.01.


This page covers only those new features introduced with the Genero Browser Client version specified in the page title. Check prior new features pages if you migrate from an earlier version.

For a detailed list of GBC 4.01.01 changes, please refer to the list of fixes on our issue tracker.

Previous new features page: GBC 4.01.00 new features.


A new "Hide all columns (except first)" option is available in the Tables menu.

STRETCHMIN attribute

STRETCHMIN attribute is supported for grid elements (not for containers). This attribute is taken into account only if STRETCH=X is also defined on the layout or on the widget. This attribute overrides the minimum widget size definition, but the layout must continue to respect alignments.

The following widgets accept the STRETCHMIN attribute: ButtonEdit, Checkbox, ComboBox, DateEdit, DateTimeEdit Edit, Label, ProgressBar, RadioGroup, Slider, SpinEdit, TextEdit, TimeEdit.

For more information, refer to the Genero Business Development Language User Guide.

Material Design Icons

The MDI icons library has been upgraded to the latest version, which includes more icons. See the icon list available in this version: @mdi/font/6.6.96.

For an example of using MDI icons in GBC, see Change icons.


Before building the GBC, upgrade your dependencies by running npm install in your GBC project.

Theme variables for webkit scrollbar

Theme variables are available for the webkit scrollbar:

theme-webkit-scrollbars-global-enable Enables webkit rendering for scrollbars. The default value is false.
theme-webkit-scrollbars-size Size of the theme webkit scrollbars. The default value is 8px.
theme-webkit-scrollbars-color Color of the theme webkit scrollbars. The default value is theme-primary-background-color.

Mixin for webkit scrollbar

A new mixin is available to apply the webkit scrollbar:


This mixin can be used in the <div> section of any .scss file in your customization. It will be scoped to the <div> only. For example, to set the thumb to 25px red and the background to green for the .nice-scrollbar style:

  @include webkit-scrollbar(25px, red, green); 

Deprecated theme variables

These theme variables are now deprecated:

mt-responsive-sidebar-always-visible-min-width The visibility of the sidebar is defined by the Genero presentation style attribute applicationListVisible.
mt-responsive-sidebar-default-width The size of the sidebar is defined by the theme-sidebar-default-width and theme-sidebar-max-width theme variables.
mt-responsive-screen-width-breakpoint Responsive breakpoints are defined by the responsive-small-width and responsive-medium-width theme variables.

For more information about theme variables, see Theme variables reference.