GBC 4.01.00 new features

A summary of new features and changes in functionality introduced with Genero Browser Client (GBC) 4.01.00.


This page covers only those new features introduced with the Genero Browser Client version specified in the page title. Check prior new features pages if you migrate from an earlier version.

For a detailed list of GBC 4.01.00 changes, please refer to the list of fixes on our issue tracker.

Previous new features page: GBC 4.00.04 new features.

GBC 4.01 requires FGLGWS 4.01 + GAS 4.01

The compatibility of the GBC with FGLGWS and GAS is impacted by this release. GBC 4.01 requires FGLGWS 4.01 + GAS 4.01. For more information, see Genero compatibility for the GBC.

New Node.js® requirement

To stay on track with Node.js® release and GBC dependencies updates, the minimum Node.js® version requirement is now Node.js® 16.

To update the procedure, use nvm:
nvm install 16
nvm use 16
rm -r node_modules  # clean old installed version of GBC dependencies
npm run install-gbc # install gbc build tool for this node version
npm install
gbc build # or any gbc command as before the upgrade

Ensure your environment settings are correct and use the appropriate node version.

Support for RowBound actions on desktop

This feature is available for Tables and Stretchable ScrollGrids.

By default, rowBound buttons are not displayed on each row. If a mouse pointer is available on the device, rowBound menu is visible when the mouse hovers over the row. On a touch device, rowBound menu is visible when the user is selecting a new row.

Theme variables can be used to change this behavior:

gbc-TableWidget-rowBound-onEachRow The rowBound menu is displayed on each table row. The default value is false.
gbc-ScrollGridWidget-rowBound-onEachRow The rowBound menu is displayed on each scrollGrid row. The default value is true.

Sidebar theme variables

Theme variables are available for the left sidebar:

theme-sidebar-color The text color of the Applist items and icons. The default value is theme-primary-color.
theme-sidebar-background-color The background color of the Applist. The default value is palette-secondary-700.
theme-sidebar-default-width The default display size of the sidebar in pixels. The default value is 56px.
theme-sidebar-max-width The expanded size of the sidebar in pixels. The default value is 156px.
gbc-TopMenuWidget-sidebar-background-color The background color of the topmenu items. Other colors from the sidebar topmenu are derivated from this one. The default value is $mt-grey-300.

For more information about theme variables, see Theme variables reference.