GBC 4.00.03 new features

A summary of new features and changes in functionality introduced with Genero Browser Client (GBC) 4.00.03.


This page covers only those new features introduced with the Genero Browser Client version specified in the page title. Check prior new features pages if you migrate from an earlier version.

For a detailed list of changes, refer to:

Previous new features page: GBC 1.00.61 new features.

Messages and error messages

Messages and error messages can be dismissed by swiping them away or tapping anywhere on the message box (not only on the cross icon, as in previous versions).

UR enterbackground and enterforeground

GBC Universal Rendering with GMA now supports enterbackground and enterforeground actions.

Deprecated items removed

All ApplicationHostMenu widgets have been removed, having been replaced by ChromeBar. For more information, see Application page.

The theme-legacy-topbar theme variable has been removed.

Clipboard Service

The ClipboardService.js service has been created to handle data being copied and pasted.

WidgetBase.js has two new methods for handling copied/pasted text data, before transfering it to the clipboard:

Method Description
manageClipboardPaste Manages the clipboard when pasting data to the widget
manageClipboardCopy Manages data to be copied to the clipboard

For example, you could use these methods to format a copied list before pasting it as a table.


  • You need a secure context (localhost, https, or UR).
  • You must use a recent browser supported by GBC 4.00.

Support for new or updated Genero form item attributes

The GBC supports these new or updated Genero form item attributes.
Form item attribute name Description
AUTOHIDE Hide inactive form items.
FLIPPED Flip table columns into rows.
NOSWIPE Deny swipe gestures on a form item.
SPLIT Force a horizontal box to show only one child container.
STRETCH Define whether a form item can grow.
STRETCHCOLUMNS Make all table or tree columns stretchable.
STRETCHMAX Define a maximum stretching width.
STRETCHMIN Define a minimum stretching width.

See the Genero Business Development Language User Guide for more details on these Genero form item attributes.

Support for new or updated Genero presentation style attributes

The GBC supports these new or updated Genero presentation style attributes.

Genero presentation style attribute name Description
navigationArrows Control left and right navigation arrows.
navigationDots Control the navigation dots.
Table.alternateRows Control background color rendering of odd/even rows.
Table.rowHover Control background rendering of a row on mouse hover.
Table.showGrid Show vertical and/or horizontal grid lines.
Window.toolBarPosition Define the position of the toolbar.
ToolBar.aspect Define the aspect of the toolbar, by specifying the visibility or relative position of the icon and text of a toolbar item.
ToolBar.itemsAlignment Align toolbar items.
ToolBar.size Specify an abstract size for the toolbar.
Folder.lateRendering Control the rendering mode of folder tabs.

See the Genero Business Development Language User Guide for more details on these Genero presentation style attributes.

New Genero TOPMENU and TOOLBAR placeholders

Placeholders are new items in Topmenus or Toolbars that can hold all remaining actions with any actionview.


Default GBC theme

The default values for many theme variables and CSS styles have changed, causing some subtle differences in the look-and-feel of the default GBC.

Additional new features

  • New responsive tables by default
  • Swipe functionality on folders
  • Splitting feature on HBOX
  • Stretch capabilities for Label, Checkbox, and RadioGroup widgets
  • GUI snapshot action on pressing the ALT+F12 keyboard combination
  • Enhanced combobox keyboard navigation
  • Build tool review (for more details, use gbc --help)