APPLICATION (for embedded apps)

This APPLICATION element defines a configuration for a Genero web application embedded in a third-party application portal.


<APPLICATION [Id=app-name]>
  1. The app-name identifies the application.

Child elements

The APPLICATION element may contain the following elements:

  1. Zero or one PATH (under EXECUTION) element.
  2. Zero or one MODULE element.
  3. Zero or one PARAMETERS element.


You use this element to configure a Genero web application that will be embedded in a third-party application portal and rendered by the portal.

Example external web application configuration file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <APPLICATION Parent="defaultgwc" SinglePageApplications="TRUE"
           <APPLICATION Id="sib1">
           <APPLICATION Id="sib2">
     <AUTO_LOGOUT Using="cpn.wa.autologout"/>
       <TIMEOUT> Using="cpn.wa.timeout"</TIMEOUT>

Parent elements