EXECUTION (for application)

This EXECUTION element sets the runtime environment for an application by specifying parameters for executing it.


<EXECUTION [ Using=component-id ] 
    [ AllowUrlParameters={"TRUE"|"FALSE"} ] 
    [ AllowUnsafeSession={"TRUE"|"FALSE"} ]
    [ CloseAllOnMainExit={"TRUE"|"FALSE"} ] > 
  1. The Using attribute references an execution component, component-id, to inherit its parameters.
  2. The AllowUrlParameters attribute defines whether parameters set in the application URL at the command line should be ignored ("FALSE", default value) or provided to the DVM ("TRUE").
  3. The AllowUnsafeSession attribute defines whether safe session management is active ("FALSE", default value) or deactivated ("TRUE"). Safe session management is a transparent session check based on session cookies, to secure the application session tracking. You should deactivate (set to "TRUE") only if you encounter issues when migrating to version 2.50.20 or greater.
  4. The CloseAllOnMainExit attribute specifies that all child applications started by a main application are gracefully closed on exit.

Child elements


Element order. If child elements are present, they must be set in the order listed or as shown.

All child elements are optional and are passed as parameters to the REST service if present.

When working with a Single Sign-on (SSO) solution, child elements of the DELEGATE element are specific to the identity provider (IdP). You will need to add the appropriate tags to work with your IdP. These tags are documented by your IdP.

The EXECUTION element may contain the following child elements:

  1. Zero to many ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE elements.
  2. Zero or one PATH element.
  3. Zero or one DVM element.
  4. Zero or one MODULE element.
  5. Zero or one PARAMETERS element.
  6. Zero or one APPLICATIONS element.
  7. Zero or one ACCESS_CONTROL element.
  8. Zero or one DELEGATE element.
  9. Zero or one WEB_COMPONENT_DIRECTORY element.


You use this element to set the runtime environment for an application by specifying parameters for executing it. Execution settings may be defined by referencing a WEB_APPLICATION_EXECUTION_COMPONENT element in its Using attribute, and/or by setting individual execution elements specific to the application.

When settings are inherited, settings you define locally within the EXECUTION element override the component settings.

Usage examples

<EXECUTION Using="cpn.wa.execution.local" />
<EXECUTION Using="cpn.wa.execution.local">
<EXECUTION AllowUrlParameters="TRUE"  >

Parent elements

This element is a child of the APPLICATION element.