This element acts as a parent container for all Genero Application Server configuration elements.


   [<LOG>...</LOG> ] [...]
   [<MONITOR>...</MONITOR>] [...]
  1. Each element is discussed in its own section of this manual.

Child elements

  • One RESOURCE_LIST element, containing a list of resources.
  • One COMPONENT_LIST element, containing a list of components.
  • One INTERFACE_TO_CONNECTOR element, specifying the interface between the Genero Application Server (GAS) and the GAS Connector.
  • One INTERFACE_TO_DVM element, specifying the interface to the Dynamic Virtual Machine.
  • Zero or more LOG elements, specifying the type of information that is logged and where it is logged to.
  • Zero or one MONITOR element, specifies from which machines the monitor URL is accessible.
  • Zero or one APPLICATION_LIST element, containing a list of applications.
  • Zero or one SERVICE_LIST element, containing a list of web services.


This element forms a parent container for all Genero Application Server configuration elements found in the as.xcf.

Example usage





Parent elements

This element is a child of the CONFIGURATION element.