GAS 2.30 new features

A summary of new features and changes in functionality introduced with Genero Application Server (GAS) 2.30.


This version of GAS is desupported, use a more recent version of the product.

Important: This page covers only those new features introduced with the Genero Application Server version specified in the page title. Check prior new features pages if you migrate from an earlier version. Make sure to also read the upgrade guide corresponding to this Genero version.

Corresponding upgrade guide: GAS 2.30 upgrade guide.

Table 1. New architecture
Overview Reference

GAS 2.30 introduces dispatchers and proxies for more reliability, better performances and better integration in web servers.

See Overview and Dispatcher
Java Application Server integration: The GAS server can be fully integrated into any J2EE Servlet container using the GWC dispatcher j2eedispatch.

The supporting topic has been removed, as dispatcher j2eedispatch is no longer used. Please see Java Servlet Installation and Web Server Configuration topics in the Genero Application Server 2.30 User Guide.

New monitoring information: The monitor has been revised to display information that is relevant to the new architecture. In addition to application-specific information, there are also statistics shown for the dispatchers and proxies. See Monitoring.

New LOG system: The log format and categories have been adapted to the new architecture with log files created for each dispatcher, proxy, and DVM started.

See LOG.

The Web services pool management has been enhanced to explicitly limit the number of DVMs that can be started for a specific Web service. The Timeout configuration has changed to prevent the GWS proxy and DVMs from running indefinitely if the GAS dispatcher or the web server crashes.

See Services Pool (GWS Only)
Table 2. GWC themes
Overview Reference

GWC for Silverlight is based on Microsoft™ Silverlight technology. It is a fully-implemented Genero front-end, like the Genero Desktop Client, with the ability to be customized, like GWC for AJAX.

The supporting topic has been removed, as the Silverlight theme is deprecated. Please see the Genero Application Server 2.30 User Guide.

GWC for iPhone® provides a dedicated Genero Web Client template and set of snippets to render Genero applications as close as possible to native iPhone applications.

The supporting topic has been removed, as the iPhone theme is deprecated. Please see the Genero Application Server 2.30 User Guide
GWC for AJAX provides support for iPhone and iPad® web browsers. With Safari® on iPhone providing the interface for all web content on iPhone, most of the feature set of a desktop browser is made available to mobile users. When it comes to displaying GWC applications on the iPhone or iPod® Touch, the AJAX mode is fully functional with Safari® on iPhone. The supporting topic has been removed, as the AJAX theme is deprecated. Please see the Genero Application Server 2.30 User Guide.
Table 3. Miscellaneous
Overview Reference
GWC for AJAX and GWC for Silverlight support drag-and-drop. The supporting topics have been removed, as the AJAX and Silverlight themes are deprecated. Please see the Genero Application Server 2.30 User Guide.

GAS provides a URI to launch GDC applications without having to configure a shortcut in the GDC monitor. Shortcuts can be exported as .gdc. GAS delivers these shortcuts through a URI for any application.

  • On Mac, you need to manually add the .gdc association for Safari® or save the .gdc and double click to launch the application
  • Currently, any access to /da/r url is handled by DUA_GDC map, no matter which OutputMap argument is set in the url
See URI Examples
The ACCESS_CONTROL element specifies which IP addresses are allowed to execute an application or web service. By default, all IP addresses are allowed. See ACCESS_CONTROL.
The new resource configuration.filepath provides the absolute path to the GAS configuration file. See Common predefined resources.
New topics have been introduced to the documentation about each of the following themes (snippet sets):
  • AJAX theme
  • Silverlight theme
  • Basic theme
  • iPhone theme
The supporting topics have been removed, as the AJAX, Silverlight, Basic and iPhone themes are deprecated. Please see the Genero Application Server 2.30 User Guide.
New topics have been introduced to the documentation about ISAPI, FastCGI, and JAVA GAS dispatcher configuration, installation and integration to their dedicated Web servers. New topic added explaining GDC to GWC migration. See
  • The topic on IIS automatic configuration has been removed, as it is no longer part of the installation process. Please see the Install with Microsoft Installer topic in Genero Application Server 2.30 User Guide
  • FastCGI Installation
  • The supporting topic has been removed, as dispatcher j2eedispatch is no longer used. Please see Java Servlet Installation and Web Server Configuration topics in the Genero Application Server 2.30 User Guide.

  • The supporting topics, as the GWC HTMLv1 theme is deprecated. Please see the GDC to GWC migration topic in the Genero Application Server 2.30 User Guide.