URI Examples

Several URI examples with ways to help you launch applications.

Web application URI syntax

A web application URI entered in your browser's address bar takes the form of the following syntax:
  1. host is the name or IP address of the Application Server.
  2. port is the port number on which the Application Server listens.
  3. connector.uri is added when applications are accessed through a web server (IIS, Apache, and so on). The $(connector.uri) is provided by the GAS. Typically, it has the value "gas". Applications running on standalone GAS (httpdispatch) have no connector.uri in the URL.
    Important: The standalone GAS is for development only; provided to simplify your development setup and configuration. For deployment and production systems, you must include a Web server.
  4. scope is the client protocol, for example, ua (uaproxy) for applications.
  5. action is the action requested of the Application Server. For example, r is used for a start-up request and changes depending on the action requested of the server as the application runs.
  6. app-name is the name of the application.

Web application URI syntax with query string

If the AllowUrlParameters attribute in the EXECUTION (for an application) is set to TRUE, parameters can be passed as arguments in the application URL. A web application URI with arguments takes the form of the following syntax:
  1. host is the name or IP address of the Application Server.
  2. port is the port number on which the Application Server listens.
  3. connector.uri is added when applications are accessed through a web server (IIS, Apache, and so on). The $(connector.uri) is provided by the GAS. Typically, it has the value "gas". Applications running on standalone GAS (httpdispatch) have no connector.uri in the URL.
    Important: The standalone GAS is for development only; provided to simplify your development setup and configuration. For deployment and production systems, you must include a Web server.
  4. scope is the client protocol, for example, ua (uaproxy) for applications.
  5. action is the action requested of the Application Server. For example, r is used for a start-up request and changes depending on the action requested of the server as the application runs.
  6. app-name is the name of the application.
  7. arg-name=arg-value is a query string in the key/value pair format. There can be one or more query strings in the URL. A question mark (?) follows the application name before the first query string. Each key/value pair thereafter is separated by an ampersand (&).

For an example using arguments in the app URL, see Running applications with GBC customization set in URL query string.


Running applications with direct connection to standalone GAS

  • This example launches the "myApp" web application on the "localhost" Application Server, listening to port 6394:
  • If the startup URL lists additional path members, they are allowed but ignored:
    In this example, the "myApp" web application is launched, and /foo/bar is ignored.

    When the proxy is started, the FGL_VMPROXY_START_URL environment variable is set to the URL used to start the application. In our example, this includes the additional path members /foo/bar, making the full path available for use by the application.

  • If the application is in the default group (_default), you can use the same URL or you can include the group name:

    The use of the _default group name is optional.

Running applications through web server

This example launches the "myApp" application through the "webserver" web Server. The connector.uri is added to the URL to indicate to the web server (IIS, Apache, and so on) that the application is running on the GAS, and that the request must be forwarded to a dispatcher (isapidispatch or fastcgidispatch).
The $(connector.uri) is provided by the GAS. Typically, it has the value "gas".
Launching applications

Running web applications

This URL example launches the "myApp" application:

Running desktop applications from URL with da protocol

Using a URL with da protocol launches an application via the Genero Desktop Client (GDC) monitor:
A .gdc shortcut is downloaded to your downloads directory. Doubleclick on the gdc shortcut to run the application. Alternatively, if your browser supports it, you can configure file association in the browser to open the .gdc shortcut with the GDC monitor and run the application directly. For more information on setting file association, see the browser's documentation.
Note: Prerequisites:
  1. Genero Desktop Client is installed.
  2. Application extension associations for gdc are set for your machine.

Running applications with arguments set in the URL

In this example, the "myApp" application is launched by the "webserver" web server after passing in the two parameters (arguments) specified:

If the DVM already has parameters set in the application configuration file, the parameters in the URL are added to the end of parameter list.

For examples using arguments in the app URL, see Running applications with GBC customization set in URL query string .

Running applications with GBC customization set in URL query string

To specify the GBC customization to use, add a query string component – represented by a key-value pair – to the application URL using the gbc query string key.
You can see:
  • A question mark (?) follows the application name.
  • gbc is the required query string key.
    Note: In the Genero web client prior to version 3.00, the parameter gwc-js was used. From version 3.10, it is renamed gbc. Use of gwc-js is deprecated but remains for compatibility.
  • The my-custom-gbc is the query string value. This value is either the name of a text file referencing the customization directory name, or the actual name of the customization directory in paths defined by the GBC_LOOKUP_PATH element.
Important: The gbc value provided in the query string takes precedence over the configuration for the GBC element in the application configuration file (xcf).

Running web applications in debug mode using the URL query string

To enable debug mode for a web application running in the GBC, add the debugMode=1 query string parameter to the application URL. For example: http://localhost:6394/ua/r/HelloWorld?debugMode=1

Add the query string parameter debugMode=0 to the URL to execute the application without debug mode. This can be useful when the GAS runs in development mode (with the --development flag), but you do not want the app running in debug mode.

Web services

SOAP web services URI Syntax

A SOAP web services URI entered in your browser's address bar takes the form of the following syntax:
  1. host is the name or IP address of the Application Server.
  2. port is the port number on which the Application Server listens.
  3. connector.uri is added when applications are accessed through a web server (IIS, Apache, and so on). The $(connector.uri) is provided by the GAS. Typically, it has the value "gas". Applications running on standalone GAS (httpdispatch) have no connector.uri in the URL.
    Important: The standalone GAS is for development only; provided to simplify your development setup and configuration. For deployment and production systems, you must include a Web server.
  4. scope is the client protocol ws (gwsproxy) for web services
  5. action is the action requested of the Application Server. For example, r is used for a start-up request and changes depending on the action requested of the server as the application runs.
  6. group-name is the name of the group. If the web service belongs to the default group on the GAS, this is optional. If the web service is part of a group that is not the default, you must provide the group name.
  7. service-name is the name of the web service.

Running SOAP Web service applications

  • To get the WSDL for a specified service:
  • To access the Web service:
  • If the Web service uses a group:
  • Access through a Web server:

REST web services URI syntax

A REST web services URI entered in your browser's address bar takes the form of the following syntax:
  1. host is the name or IP address of the Application Server.
  2. port is the port number on which the Application Server listens.
  3. connector.uri is added when applications are accessed through a web server (IIS, Apache, and so on). The $(connector.uri) is provided by the GAS. Typically, it has the value "gas". Applications running on standalone GAS (httpdispatch) have no connector.uri in the URL.
    Important: The standalone GAS is for development only; provided to simplify your development setup and configuration. For deployment and production systems, you must include a Web server.
  4. scope is the client protocol ws (gwsproxy) for web services
  5. action is the action requested of the Application Server. For example, r is used for a start-up request and changes depending on the action requested of the server as the application runs.
  6. group-name is the name of the group. If the web service belongs to the default group on the GAS, this is optional. If the web service is part of a group that is not the default, you must provide the group name.
  7. xcf-file is the name of the web service configuration file.
  8. service-name is the name of the web service.
  9. endpoint-path contains path segments pointing to a resource.

Running REST web service applications

  • To get the OpenAPI specification file for a specified service:
  • To access a Web service resource:
  • Access through a Web server: