Configure service to start when GAS starts

You can configure your web service to start when the dispatcher starts.

The example application configuration file illustrates how to configure a service to start when the GAS starts. The POOL element is configured to manage the service as follows:
  • By setting the START element value to 1, the service will start automatically when the dispatcher starts.
  • By setting the MIN_AVAILABLE element value to 0, the GAS will stop the DVM if idle for a given period of time; otherwise, the DVM will continue to run until you stop the GAS.

For more information on how the GAS manages the POOL, go to Services Pool (GWS Only).

The path to the module points to the directory where the service xcf is; therefore, the URL to access the service will depend on its location:
  • Typically, if you deploy your service on the GAS, the xcf will be in the default appdata directory for services, and the URL to access the service will be:


  • If your xcf is somewhere else, you must configure the GROUP resource in the GAS configuration file (as.xcf), and then the URL to access the service must include the group id:


    For different examples of accessing web services, go to URI examples, and for more information on creating groups, go to Create an application group.
Setting the ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE for debugging is optional.

Example: Start service when GAS dispatcher starts

<APPLICATION Parent="ws.default">