Configuration file elements An alphabetical listing of the elements used across the Genero Application Server configuration files. ACCESS_CONTROLThe ACCESS_CONTROL element specifies access from a list of IP allowed to access applications or services. ADDRESSThe ADDRESS element specifies the machine where the Dynamic Virtual Machine (DVM) runs. ADDRESS (LISTEN)The ADDRESS element specifies the IP address of the machine where the dispatcher listens.ALLOW_FROMThe ALLOW_FROM element specifies rules for access to GAS applications or services from specific hosts. APPLICATION (for an application)This APPLICATION element defines an application within the Genero Application Server configuration file or in an external application configuration file.APPLICATION (for HTTP)This element contains a list of those HEADER elements defining the communication carried on the HTTP protocol between Web applications and the client.APPLICATION (for a service)This APPLICATION element defines a service within the Genero Application Server configuration file or in an external application configuration file.APPLICATION_LISTThe APPLICATION_LIST element provides a list of default groups and abstract application configurations. APPLICATION_SERVERThis element acts as a parent container for all Genero Application Server configuration elements.AUTO_LOGOUTThe AUTO_LOGOUT element defines the auto-logout mechanism to be used for an application. AUTO_LOGOUT_COMPONENTThe AUTO_LOGOUT_COMPONENT element creates a component, which defines a mechanism for triggering and handling auto-logout events. CACHE_CONTROL_MAX_AGEThe CACHE_CONTROL_MAX_AGE element specifies a setting for a HTTP Cache-Control header when a file is cacheable. CATEGORIES_FILTERThe CATEGORIES_FILTER element specifies which categories of log messages will be written to the log.COMPONENT_LISTThe COMPONENT_LIST element provides a set of preset configurations such as runtime environment, time outs, auto logout, etc., that can be used by applications that share common configurations.COMMAND (for auto logout)This is an element of AUTO_LOGOUT that provides a mechanism for the Genero Application Server to override an application's auto logout. CONFIGURATIONThe CONFIGURATION element is the starting point for the Genero Application Server configuration.DELEGATEThe DELEGATE element specifies the Genero REST service in charge of handling requests for access to applications. DELEGATE_OPTIONS (for a service)The DELEGATE_OPTIONS element specifies options for a service using delegation. DESCRIPTIONThe DESCRIPTION element allows a short and a long description to be associated with an application definition.DOCUMENT_ROOTThe DOCUMENT_ROOT element specifies root directories that determine file system paths for serving files to applications. DVM_AVAILABLEThe DVM_AVAILABLE element specifies a timeout (in seconds) that the Genero Application Server allows for the DVM to start. DVMThis element specifies the name of the Dynamic Virtual Machine. END_URLThis element specifies a URL that the user agent redirects to at end of the Web application.ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLEThe ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE element provides the value to be set for an environment variable.EXECUTION (for an application)This EXECUTION element sets the runtime environment for an application by specifying parameters for executing it. EXECUTION (for a service)This EXECUTION element sets the runtime environment for a Web service application by specifying parameters for its execution. FORMATThe FORMAT element specifies the line output of a log message.GBCThe GBC element specifies a customization directory for the Genero Browser Client (GBC) front-end.GBC_LOOKUP_PATHThe GBC_LOOKUP_PATH element specifies the location of installed Genero Browser Client (GBC) front-ends.GDC_SHORTCUTThe GDC_SHORTCUT element specifies a path with a shortcut to the Genero Desktop Client (GDC).GROUP (for an application)This GROUP element allows you to specify a directory where external application configuration files are located.GROUP (for a service)This GROUP element allows you to specify a directory where external Web service application configuration files are located.HEADERThe HEADER element defines the request and response type communication carried on the HTTP protocol between Web applications, Web services and the client.HTTPThe HTTP element contains elements defining the communication carried on the HTTP protocol between Web applications and the client. INTERFACE_TO_CONNECTORThe INTERFACE_TO_CONNECTOR element specifies the connection between the GAS and the GAS Connector located with the Web server.INTERFACE_TO_DVMThe INTERFACE_TO_DVM element specifies the address of the host where the GAS dispatcher runs.KEEP_ALIVEThe KEEP_ALIVE element specifies how long (in seconds) the proxy waits before shutting down when no longer serving requests.LISTENThe LISTEN element specifies the IP address of the machine the dispatcher listens on. LOGThe LOG element specifies details of the log files the Genero Application Server creates. LONGThe LONG element contains the long description to be associated with an application definition.MAX_AVAILABLEThe MAX_AVAILABLE element specifies the maximum number of available DVMs to be attached to a Web service.MAX_REQUESTS_PER_DVMThe MAX_REQUESTS_PER_DVM element specifies the maximum number of requests a DVM can handle before being stopped by the pool manager.MONITORThe MONITOR element specifies the hosts allowed to access the monitor page of the GAS.MIN_AVAILABLEThe MIN_AVAILABLE element specifies the minimum number of available DVMs to be attached to a Web Service.MODULEThe MODULE element specifies the application module name.OUTPUT (under LOG)The OUTPUT element specifies where the log messages are sent or written.PARAMETERThe PARAMETER element specifies a parameter to provide on the DVM command line.PARAMETERSThe PARAMETERS element acts as a parent container for parameters provided on the DVM command line.PATH (under EXECUTION)The PATH element specifies the current working directory for the application module.PLATFORM_INDEPENDENTThe PLATFORM_INDEPENDENT element contains a list of platform-independent resources, available for both Linux®/UNIX™ and Windows® platforms.POOLThe POOL element sets the limitations regarding the number of Virtual Machines (DVMs) that are attached to a Web service.PROMPT (for auto logout)The PROMPT element provides a feature that allows a user to resume an application after an auto logout event. PROXY (for an application)This PROXY element specifies the proxy you want to use for an application or a set of applications. PROXY (for a service)This PROXY element specifies the proxy to use for Web services. PUBLIC_IMAGEPATHThe PUBLIC_IMAGEPATH element defines the public resources directory used by applications. RAW_DATAThe RAW_DATA element limits the size of a single log message.REPORT_REMOTE_URL_PREFIXSpecifies the URL prefix of the server where the Genero Report Engine (GRE) is running.REPORT_VIEWER_DIRECTORYThe REPORT_VIEWER_DIRECTORY element specifies the directory used by the Genero Web Report Viewer.REQUEST_RESULT (for an application)This REQUEST_RESULT element specifies the number of seconds the GAS waits for the DVM to respond to pending transactions.REQUEST_RESULT (for a service)This REQUEST_RESULT element specifies the number of seconds the GAS waits for the DVM to respond to pending transactions.RESOURCEThis RESOURCE element defines general GAS settings that can be used in the definition of applications and components, and in external application configuration files.RESOURCE (for a service)This RESOURCE element defines a resource for a Web services application.RESOURCE (for an application)This RESOURCE element defines a resource for an application.RESOURCE_LISTThis element contains all RESOURCE elements, organized by operating system.ROOT_URL_PREFIXThe ROOT_URL_PREFIX element specifies the URL to access the Web server when a reverse proxy server is used between the client and the GAS.SERVICE_APPLICATION_EXECUTION_COMPONENTThe SERVICE_APPLICATION_EXECUTION_COMPONENT sets the runtime environment for Web services, defining execution rules and setting the execution environment.SERVICE_APPLICATION_TIMEOUT_COMPONENTThe SERVICE_APPLICATION_TIMEOUT_COMPONENT element creates a set of timeout values to be used when configuring a Web service.SERVICE (for HTTP)This element contains a list of those HEADER elements defining the communication carried on the HTTP protocol between Web services and the client.SERVICE_LISTThe SERVICE_LIST element provides a list of groups and Web services applications defined within the Genero Application Server configuration file.SESSION_DIRECTORYThe SESSION_DIRECTORY element specifies where to store the session files of applications and services started by the GAS. SESSION_COOKIEThe SESSION_COOKIE element specifies that cookies the GAS uses to validate the session are created with the secure flag. SHORTThe SHORT element contains the short description to be associated with an application definition.SOCKET_FAMILYThe SOCKET_FAMILY element specifies whether domain sockets or TCP sockets are to be used on Linux®/UNIX™ systems. SOCKET_PATHThe SOCKET_PATH element defines the directory where Linux®/UNIX™ domain sockets will be created and stored.STARTThe START element specifies the number of DVMs to start for Web services.TCP_ADMIN_PORTThe TCP_ADMIN_PORT element specifies the port the Genero Application Server uses for administration tasks.TCP_BASE_PORTThe TCP_BASE_PORT element specifies the base value of the port the Genero Application Server is listening.TCP_PORT_OFFSETThe TCP_PORT_OFFSET element specifies the offset value of the port the GAS is listening.TEMPORARY_DIRECTORYThe TEMPORARY_DIRECTORY element specifies where to store files transferred between the front-end and the application server host.TIMEOUT (for an application)This element set timeouts for process requests and the start of the DVM.TIMEOUT (for a service)This element sets timeouts for process requests and the start of the DVM. TIMEOUT (for auto logout)This TIMEOUT element sets a timeout to handle auto logout. UA_OUTPUTThe UA_OUTPUT element specifies the configuration parameters for an application delivered by the UA proxy.UA_OUTPUT_COMPONENTThe UA_OUTPUT_COMPONENT element sets configuration for UA_OUTPUT that define settings for an application delivered by the UA proxy. UNXThis element contains a collection of UNIX-specific RESOURCE elements.USER_AGENTThe USER_AGENT element sets a timeout to handle the user agent connection. WEB_APPLICATION_EXECUTION_COMPONENTThe WEB_APPLICATION_EXECUTION_COMPONENT element sets the runtime environment for applications, defining execution rules and setting the execution environment. WEB_APPLICATION_TIMEOUT_COMPONENTThe WEB_APPLICATION_TIMEOUT_COMPONENT element defines a set of timeout values to be used when configuring a Web application. WEB_COMPONENT_DIRECTORYThe WEB_COMPONENT_DIRECTORY element specifies the path where Web components for an application are located.WNTThis element contains a collection of Windows®-specific RESOURCE elements.