The INTERFACE_TO_CONNECTOR element specifies the connection between the GAS and the GAS Connector located with the Web server.


   [<HTTP> ... </HTTP>]


Child elements

The INTERFACE_TO_CONNECTOR element may contain the following child elements.

  1. Zero or more ROOT_URL_PREFIX element.
  2. Zero or one LISTEN element.
  3. Zero or one TCP_ADMIN_PORT element.
  4. One TCP_BASE_PORT element.
  5. One TCP_PORT_OFFSET element.
  6. One DOCUMENT_ROOT element.
  7. One GBC_LOOKUP_PATH element.
  9. One SESSION_DIRECTORY element.
  11. Zero or one REPORT_REMOTE_URL_PREFIX element.
  12. One SOCKET_FAMILY element.
  13. One SOCKET_PATH element.
  14. Zero or one HTTP element.


You use the INTERFACE_TO_CONNECTOR element to define various configurations for the Genero Application Server, such as the port it listens to for incoming requests. This configuration applies for all GAS connectors including the standalone GAS (httpdispatch).

You can have several instances of the GAS running concurrently on the same host, but you need to make sure that each has a separate GAS configuration file with different connection configurations including port offsets. Once started, each application server listens at the offset specified.

Important: If you create multiple GAS configuration files, ensure that the port values are unique for each application server started. If two GAS configuration files both specify the same TCP_BASE_PORT and TCP_BASE_OFFSET, a port conflict exists. The second application server will not start; an error message displays (Application Server startup........[fail]) and the message "Address already in use" is written to the log file.

Usage example



In this example, the application server is listening on port 6394 (TCP_BASE_PORT + TCP_PORT_OFFSET), the application server Web site root is specified as the resource $(res.path.docroot).

Parent elements

This element is a child of the APPLICATION_SERVER element.