Test customization using the demo

Configure the demo application to use your customized Genero Web Client for JavaScript (GWC-JS) project.

Tip: This procedure references a specific demo app. For instructions on configuring for your custom application, see Apply customization to an application.
Before you begin
  • You created a customization project. The project sits in a project directory project_dir.
  • You created a symbolic link in FGLASDIR/web to point to the directory project_dir/dist/web. See Configure your environment.
  1. Create an application configuration file, for example cust_demo.xcf. Use a text editor, or if you are using Studio, go to:

    File   > New > Web/AS > Application Configuration (.xcf)

    1. For the PATH element, provide the $(res.path.fgldir.demo) resource.
    2. For the MODULE element, provide demo.42r as the module to launch the demo application.
    3. For the GWC-JS element, provide the name of the symbolic link to your project directory.
      Note: In this example,gwc-dev is a symbolic link from FGLASDIR/web to your project_dir/dist/web directory.
    <APPLICATION Parent="defaultgwc" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" 
  2. Save the configuration file (e.g. cust_demo.xcf) in your $(res.appdata.path)/app directory.
  3. View the demo application in your browser. You can do this by starting the standalone dispatcher from the command line using httpdispatch and then opening the application by entering the URL. In this example, the URL is looking for a configuration file named cust_demo:


    If the application fails to load, see Troubleshooting customization configuration issues.

Customize the user interface's theme style

In the following steps you apply some customization to the user interface by modifying styles in the theme.scss.json file.

  1. Open your project_dir/customization/customization_project/theme.scss.json file in a text editor.
  2. Change the primary color palette from blue to, for example, your corporate colors or a color of your choosing. Edit the values for the gbc-primary variables.
      "gbc-primary-color"                    : "$mt-blue-700",
      "gbc-primary-medium-color"             : "$mt-blue-500",
      "gbc-primary-light-color"              : "$mt-blue-100",
    In this example, the default primary-colors are changed to amber and white.
      "gbc-primary-color"                    : "$mt-amber-900",
      "gbc-primary-medium-color"             : "$mt-amber-500",
      "gbc-primary-light-color"              : "$mt-white",

    For more information see theme.scss.json file.

  3. Save your changes.
  4. Rebuild using grunt.
  5. Test your customization by viewing the demo application in your browser:


    Tip: You may need to use CTRL + F5 to clear the browser cache before you see your changes.
    You see the effect of the changes to the three gbc-primary color variables when applied to elements of the UI:
    • application header and footer: gbc-primary-light-color
    • toolbar/title panel: gbc-primary-medium-color
    • side bar panel: gbc-primary-color

    Screenshot of Genero Web Client for JavaScript (GWC-JS) with customized theme for the primary color palette

    Figure 1. Customized Primary Color Palette

What to do next

See the How Do I … ? topics on customization that provide procedures such as adding your company's logo and/or changing the favicon, etc.