theme.scss.json file

The theme.scss.json file contains a list of theme settings. Changing a theme setting is an easy way to modify the appearance of the user interface.

Important: Changes made to theme.scss.json require a rebuild of the customization project before changes take effect. Run grunt to rebuild your project.


Understanding this customization requires some knowledge of JSON file syntax. The syntax of each theme setting consists of a variable_name, followed by a colon (:) and then the variable_value. Variable names and values are in double quotes. Theme styles are separated by commas.
"variable_name"   :   "variable_value",
  • The variable_name is a unique identifier used throughout the Genero Web Client for JavaScript (GWC-JS) project to set theme styles, for example the UI window's primary color is referenced by the variable gbc-primary-background-color. These variables are standard theme variables and should not be subject to change.
  • The variable_value can be a color, a number, or a variable, depending on the style. If the value is defined by a variable, for example $vname, “vname” is an existing variable name in the GWC-JS project.

Color variables naming convention

Variables that define colors follow this naming convention:


Example of customized theme styles

The theme.scss.json file contains the list of styles as shown in the example. See the table Table 1 for a description of the variables.

  "gbc-font-size-ratio"    : "0.9",
  "gbc-margin-ratio"       : "0.6",
  "gbc-field-height-ratio" : "0.7",
  "gbc-radiobutton-size"   : "14px",
  "gbc-checkbox-size"      : "14px",

  "gbc-primary-background-color"         : "$mt-grey-50",
  "gbc-secondary-background-color"       : "$mt-white",
  "gbc-field-background-color"           : "$mt-white",
  "gbc-field-disabled-background"        : "rgba(0,0,0,0.04)",
  "gbc-primary-color"                    : "$mt-blue-700",
  "gbc-primary-medium-color"             : "$mt-blue-500",
  "gbc-primary-light-color"              : "$mt-blue-100",
  "gbc-secondary-color"                  : "$mt-grey-600",
  "gbc-disabled-color"                   : "$mt-grey-400",
  "gbc-separator-color"                  : "$mt-grey-400",
  "gbc-header-color"                     : "$mt-grey-100",
  "gbc-message-color"                    : "$mt-grey-800",
  "gbc-error-color"                      : "$mt-red-800",
  "gbc-sidebar-always-visible-min-width" : "1400px",
  "gbc-sidebar-default-width"            : "300px",
  "gbc-animation-duration"               : "0.7s"
Table 1. theme.scss.json
Variable name Description
gbc-font-size-ratio The font size adjustment ratio in relation to Droid Sans font family sizes. For example, if the browser's available font for the <body> element is Times (12px), size of letters are adjusted by multiplying gbc-font-size-ratio by font size. In our example, they display at 10.8 pixels high, (0.9 × 12).
gbc-margin-ratio Ratio applied to the space between fields (padding) calculated in relation to the width of the fields' container.
gbc-field-height-ratio Ratio applied to the field height calculated in relation to the height of the fields' container.
gbc-radiobutton-size Size of the radio button in pixels.
gbc-checkbox-size Size of the checkbox in pixels.
gbc-primary-background-color Window primary background color.
gbc-secondary-background-color Window/containers (group, drop-down menu) secondary color.
gbc-field-background-color Widget background (bg) color.
gbc-field-disabled-background Widget disabled background color.
gbc-primary-color Button/widget color gradient for dark intensity.
gbc-primary-medium-color Button/widget color gradient for normal intensity.
gbc-primary-light-color Button/widget color gradient for light intensity.
gbc-secondary-color Widget (RADIOGROUP, CHECKBOX) border color.
gbc-disabled-color Widget disabled color.
gbc-separator-color Toolbar separator color.
gbc-header-color Table header background color.
gbc-message-color Message background color.
gbc-error-color Error message background color.
gbc-sidebar-always-visible-min-width Browser window width size (in pixels) for the side bar to appear. Use this setting to hide the side bar. See Display or hide the side bar.
gbc-sidebar-default-width Default size of side bar in pixels.
gbc-animation-duration Animation duration (in seconds), such as the speed of Product identification window pop-down appearance.
Tip: You can reference a color variable setting from a .scss file by prefacing the color variable name with $. For example:
color: $gbc-primary-medium-color;
See Widget scss file.