Prepare your customization project for production

Prepare a compiled version of your Genero Web Client for JavaScript (GWC-JS) customization project for a production environment.

When you are ready to distribute your customized GWC-JS client to a production environment, set the value for compile mode to prod.
  1. Open the project_dir/custom.json file using a text editor.
  2. Set the value for mode to prod.
      "compile": {
        "mode": "prod",
        "customization": "customization/default"
    Note: Compilation modes are set to "cdev” for development, and "prod" for production.
    "customization" can point to any customization directory.
  3. Save your changes.
  4. Rebuild using grunt.
What to do next

Make a copy of project_dir/dist/web directory for your production server.