Add footer text

Add footer text to the MainContainerWidget of your Genero Web Client for JavaScript (GWC-JS) project user interface.

  1. Copy the sampleItem.js file found in project_dir/customization/template directory to your project_dir/customization/custom_project_dir/js/ directory, and rename it MyFooterBarWidget.js.
  2. Open MyFooterBarWidget.js with a text editor.
    Replace the references to sampleItem with the new widget name where found: Save your changes.
    // declare the dependency to inheritedWidget (here WidgetBase) module
    modulum('MyFooterBarWidget', ['WidgetBase', 'WidgetFactory'],
      function(context, cls) {
        cls.MyFooterBarWidget = context.oo.Class(cls.WidgetBase, function($super) {
          return {
            __name: "MyFooterBarWidget"
            /* your custom code */
  3. Inside a div element add your footer text. Save your changes:
         This is the Footer text
  4. Open your project_dir/customization/custom_project_dir/MyMainContainerWidget.js file. The footer bar widget is added. Check that the main container class has code that adds the footer bar class as a child of the main container widget.
    "use strict";
    modulum('MyMainContainerWidget', ['WidgetGroupBase', 'WidgetFactory'],
            constructor: function() {
              var headerBar = new cls.MyHeaderBarWidget();
              var footerBar = new cls.MyFooterBarWidget();
        cls.WidgetFactory.register('MainContainer', cls.MyMainContainerWidget);
    In the highlighted code in the JavaScript example, you can see:
  5. In your project_dir/customization/custom_project_dir/scss/customization.scss file add a reference to the MyMainContainerWidget.scss. In this example we import the MyMainContainerWidget style.
    @import "MyMainContainerWidget";
  6. Rebuild using grunt.
What to do next

View the changes by opening the GAS demos application in your browser. You can do this by configuring the demos application for your project, see Test customization using the demo.

The GWC-JS footer text is now changed.